August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year, primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility. PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)


Generic 3D Topology Viewer

A 3D version of TopologyViewer plus hierarchy topology support, pygame based display of graph topologies. Rendering and physics laws can be customised for specific applications.

Example Usage

A simple console driven topology viewer:

Pipeline( ConsoleReader(),

Then at runtime try typing these commands to change the topology in real time:

>>> ADD NODE 1 "1st node" (0,0,-10) teapot
>>> ADD NODE 2 "2nd node" randompos sphere
>>> ADD NODE 3 "3rd node" randompos -
>>> ADD NODE 1:1 "1st child node of the 1st node" " ( 0 , 0 , -10 ) " -
>>> ADD NODE 1:2 "2nd child node of the 1st node" randompos -
>>> ADD LINK 1 2
>>> ADD LINK 3 2
>>> DEL LINK 1 2
>>> ADD LINK 1:1 1:2
>>> DEL NODE 1

User Interface

TopologyViewer3D manifests as a pygame OpenGL display surface. As it is sent topology information, nodes and links between them will appear.

You can click a node with the mouse to select it. Depending on the application, this may display additional data or, if integrated into another app, have some other effect.

Click and drag with the left mouse button to move nodes around. Note that a simple physics model or repulsion and attraction forces is always active. This causes nodes to move around to help make it visually clearer, however you may still need to drag nodes about to tidy it up.

For hierarchy topology, double-click a particle (or select one then press return key) to show its child topology; right-click (or press backspace key) to show last level's topology.

Operations supported:

  • esc --- quit

  • a --- viewer position moves left

  • d --- viewer position moves right

  • w --- viewer position moves up

  • s --- viewer position moves down

  • pgup --- viewer position moves forward (zoom in)

  • pgdn --- viewer position moves backward (zoom out)

  • left --- rotate selected particles to left around y axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • right --- rotate selected particles to right around y axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • up --- rotate selected particles to up around x axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • down --- rotate selected particles to down around x axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • < --- rotate selected particles anticlock-wise around z axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • > --- rotate selected particles clock-wise around z axis (all particles if none of them is selected)

  • return --- show next level's topology of the selected particle when only one particle is selected

  • backspace --- show last level's topology

  • Mouse click --- click particle to select one, click empty area to deselect all

  • Mouse drag --- move particles

  • Mouse double-click --- show next level's topology of the particle clicked

  • Mouse right-click --- show last level's topology

  • shift --- multi Select Mode; shift+click for multiple selection/ deselection

  • ctrl --- rotation Mode; when ctrl is pressed, mouse motion will rotate the selected particle

    (all particles if none of them is selected)

How does it work?

TopologyViewer3D is a Kamaeila component which renders Topology on a pygame OpenGL display surface.

A 3D topology (graph) of nodes and links between them is rendered to the surface.

You can specify an initial topology by providing a list of instantiated particles and another list of pairs of those particles to show how they are linked.

TopologyViewer3D responds to commands arriving at its "inbox" inbox instructing it on how to change the topology. A command is a list/tuple.

Commands recognised are:

[ "ADD", "NODE", <id>, <name>, <posSpec>, <particle type> ]

Add a node, using:

  • id -- a unique ID used to refer to the particle in other topology commands. Cannot be None.

    For hierarchy topology, the id is joined by its parent id with ":" to represent the hierarchy structure. E.g., suppose the topology has 3 levels. The id of a particle in the 1st level is 1Node; it has a child particle whose id is 2Node; 2Node also has a child particle whose id is 3Node; then their ids are represented as 1Node 1Node:2Node 1Node:2Node:3Node

  • name -- string name label for the particle

  • posSpec -- string describing initial (x,y,z) (see _generateXY); spaces are allowed

    within the tuple, but quotation is needed in this case. E.g., " ( 0 , 0 , -10 ) "

  • particleType -- particle type (default provided is "-", unless custom types are provided - see below)

    currently supported: "-" same as cuboid, cuboid, sphere and teapot Note: it would be much slower than cuboid if either sphere or teapot is used.

[ "DEL", "NODE", <id> ]
Remove a node (also removes all links to and from it)
[ "ADD", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ]
Add a link, directional from fromID to toID
[ "DEL", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ]
Remove a link, directional from fromID to toID
[ "DEL", "ALL" ]
Clears all nodes and links
[ "GET", "ALL" ]
Outputs the current topology as a list of commands, just like those used to build it. The list begins with a 'DEL ALL'.
[ "UPDATE_NAME", "NODE", <id>, <new name> ]
If the node does not already exist, this does NOT cause it to be created.
[ "GET_NAME", "NODE", <id> ]
Returns UPDATE_NAME NODE message for the specified node

Commands are processed immediately, in the order in which they arrive. You therefore cannot refer to a node or linkage that has not yet been created, or that has already been destroyed.

If a stream of commands arrives in quick succession, rendering and physics will be temporarily stopped, so commands can be processed more quickly. This is necessary because when there is a large number of particles, physics and rendering starts to take a long time, and will therefore bottleneck the handling of commands.

However, there is a 1 second timeout, so at least one update of the visual output is guaranteed per second.

TopologyViewer sends any output to its "outbox" outbox in the same list/tuple format as used for commands sent to its "inbox" inbox. The following may be output:

[ "SELECT", "NODE", <id> ]
Notification that a given node has been selected.
[ "SELECT", "NODE", None ]
Notificaion that no node is now selected.
[ "TOPOLOGY", <topology command list> ]
List of commands needed to build the topology, as it currently stands. The list will start with a ("DEL","ALL") command. This is sent in response to receiving a ("GET","ALL") command.

Error and tip information is printed out directly when applied.

For hierarchy topology, the id of particles should be joined by its parent id with ":" to represent the hierarchy structure. See "ADD NODE" command above for more information.


If a shutdownMicroprocess message is received on this component's "control" inbox, it will pass it on out of its "signal" outbox and immediately terminate.

NOTE: Termination is currently rather cludgy - it raises an exception which will cause the rest of a kamaelia system to halt. Do not rely on this behaviour as it will be changed to provide cleaner termination at some point.

Customising the 3D topology viewer

You can customise:

  • the 'types' of particles (nodes)
  • visual appearance of particles (nodes) and the links between them;
  • the physics laws used to assist with layout

Use the particleTypes argument of the initialiser to specify classes that should be instantiated to render each type of particle (nodes). particleTypes should be a dictionary mapping names for particle types to the respective classes, for example:

{ "major" : BigParticle,  "minor"  : SmallParticle  }

See below for information on how to write your own particle classes.

Layout of the nodes on the surface is assisted by a physics model, provided by an instance of the Kamaelia.Support.Particles.ParticleSystem class. Freeze them if you want to make some particles not subject to the law (particle.freeze()).

Customise the laws used for each particle type by providing a Kamaelia.Phyics.Simple.MultipleLaws object at initialisation.

Writing your own particle class

should inherit from Kamaelia.PhysicsGraph3D.Particles3D.Particle3D and implement the following method (for rendering purposes):

draw OpenGL particles and links in this method.

TODO: Reduce CPU usage, improve responsive speed

References: 1. Kamaelia.Visualisation.PhysicsGraph.TopologyViewer 2. Kamaelia.UI.OpenGL.OpenGLComponent 3. Kamaelia.UI.OpenGL.MatchedTranslationInteractor


class TopologyViewer3D(Axon.Component.component)

TopologyViewer3D(...) -> new TopologyViewer3D component.

A component that takes incoming topology (change) data and displays it live using pygame OpenGL. A simple physics model assists with visual layout. Particle types, appearance and physics interactions can be customised.

Keyword arguments (in order):

  • screensize -- (width,height) of the display area (default = (800,600))
  • fullscreen -- True to start up in fullscreen mode (default = False)
  • caption -- Caption for the pygame window (default = "3D Topology Viewer")
  • particleTypes -- dict("type" -> klass) mapping types of particle to classes used to render them (default = {"-":CuboidParticle3D})
  • initialTopology -- (nodes,bonds) where bonds=list((src,dst)) starting state for the topology (default=([],[]))
  • laws -- Physics laws to apply between particles (default = SimpleLaws(bondlength=2))
  • simCyclesPerRedraw -- number of physics sim cycles to run between each redraw (default=1)
  • border -- Minimum distance from edge of display area that new particles appear (default=0)


  • control : Shutdown signalling
  • callback : for the response after a displayrequest
  • inbox : Topology (change) data describing an Axon system
  • events : Place where we recieve events from the outside world


  • outbox : Notification and topology output
  • signal : Control signalling
  • display_signal : Requests to Pygame Display service

Methods defined here


You should be using the inbox/outbox interface, not these methods (except construction). This documentation is designed as a roadmap as to their functionalilty for maintainers and new component developers.

__init__(self[, screensize][, fullscreen][, caption][, particleTypes][, initialTopology][, laws][, simCyclesPerRedraw][, border])

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

_generatePos(self, posSpec)

generateXY(posSpec) -> (x,y,z) or raises ValueError

posSpec == "randompos" or "auto" -> random (x,y,z) within the surface (specified border distance in from the edege) posSpec == "(XXX,YYY,ZZZ)" -> specified x,y,z (positive or negative integers) spaces are allowed within the tuple, but quotation is needed in this case. E.g., " ( 0 , 0 , -10 ) "

addListenEvents(self, events)

Sends listening request for pygame events to the display service. The events parameter is expected to be a list of pygame event constants.

addParticle(self, *particles)

Add particles to the system

breakBond(self, source, dest)

Break a bond from source to destination particle, specified by IDs


Deselect all particles.

doCommand(self, msg)

Proceses a topology command tuple: [ "ADD", "NODE", <id>, <name>, <positionSpec>, <particle type> ] [ "DEL", "NODE", <id> ] [ "ADD", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ] [ "DEL", "LINK", <id from>, <id to> ] [ "DEL", "ALL" ] [ "GET", "ALL" ]


Dummy method reserved for future use

Invoke draw() and save its commands to a newly generated displaylist.

The displaylist name is then sent to the display service via a "DISPLAYLIST_UPDATE" request.

drawParticles(self, *particles)

Sends particles drawing opengl command to the display service.

getParticleLabel(self, node_id)

getParticleLabel(node_id) -> particle's name

Returns the name/label of the specified particle.


getTopology() -> list of command tuples that would build the current topology

gotoDisplayLevel(self, dlevel)

Switch to another display level.


Handle events.

handleKeyEvents(self, event)

Handle keyboard events.

handleMouseEvents(self, event)

Handle mouse events.




Main loop.

makeBond(self, source, dest)

Make a bond from source to destination particle, specified by IDs

quit(self[, msg])

Cause termination.

removeListenEvents(self, events)

Sends stop listening request for pygame events to the display service. The events parameter is expected to be a list of pygame event constants.

removeParticle(self, *ids)

Remove particle(s) specified by their ids.

Also breaks any bonds to/from that particle.

rotateParticles(self, particles, dAngle)

Rotate the particles around their common centre dAngle degree. Particles is a list; dAngle is a triple tuple of degree. If particles are given an empty list, rotate all particles instead.


Scroll the surface by resetting gluLookAt.

selectParticle(self, particle)

Select the specified particle.

updateParticleLabel(self, node_id, new_name)

updateParticleLabel(node_id, new_name) -> updates the given nodes name & visual label if it exists

node_id - an id for an already existing node new_name - a string (may include spaces) defining the new node name


Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear that could be clearer? Want to help improve it? Constructive criticism is very welcome - especially if you can suggest a better rewording!

Please leave you feedback here in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.

-- Automatic documentation generator, 05 Jun 2009 at 03:01:38 UTC/GMT