April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.


Basic Result Tester

A simple component for testing that a stream of data tests true. This is NOT intended for live systems, but for testing and development purposes only.

Example Usage

Pipeline( source(), TestResult() ).activate()

Raises an assertion error if source() generates a value that doesn't test true.

How does it work?

If the component receives a value on its "inbox" inbox that does not test true, then an AssertionError is raised.

If the component receives a StopSystem message on its "control" inbox then a StopSystemException message is raised as an exception.

This component does not terminate (unless it throws an exception).

It does not pass on the data it receives.


class TestResult(Axon.Component.component)

TestResult() -> new TestResult.

Component that raises an AssertionError if it receives data on its "inbox" inbox that does not test true. Or raises a StopSystemException if a StopSystem message is received on its "control" inbox.


  • control : StopSystemException messages
  • inbox : Data to test


  • outbox : NOT USED
  • signal : NOT USED

Methods defined here


You should be using the inbox/outbox interface, not these methods (except construction). This documentation is designed as a roadmap as to their functionalilty for maintainers and new component developers.



Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear that could be clearer? Want to help improve it? Constructive criticism is very welcome - especially if you can suggest a better rewording!

Please leave you feedback here in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.

-- Automatic documentation generator, 05 Jun 2009 at 03:01:38 UTC/GMT