April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.


Simple Cube component

A simple cube for the OpenGL display service.

This component is a subclass of OpenGLComponent and therefore uses the OpenGL display service.

Example Usage

Three cubes in different positions with various rotation and sizes:

    CUBEC = SimpleCube(position=(0, 0,-12), rotation=(40,90,0), size=(1,1,1)).activate(),
    CUBER = SimpleCube(position=(4,0,-22), size=(2,2,2)).activate(),
    CUBEB = SimpleCube(position=(0,-4,-18), rotation=(0,180,20), size=(1,3,2)).activate(),
    linkages = {}

How does it work?

SimpleButton is a subclass of OpenGLComponent (for OpenGLComponent functionality see its documentation). It overrides draw().

In draw() a simple cube made of 6 quads with different colours is drawn.


class SimpleCube(OpenGLComponent)

SimpleCube(...) -> new SimpleCube component.

A simple cube for the OpenGL display service.



Methods defined here


You should be using the inbox/outbox interface, not these methods (except construction). This documentation is designed as a roadmap as to their functionalilty for maintainers and new component developers.



Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear that could be clearer? Want to help improve it? Constructive criticism is very welcome - especially if you can suggest a better rewording!

Please leave you feedback here in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.

-- Automatic documentation generator, 05 Jun 2009 at 03:01:38 UTC/GMT