April 2024 - This site, and Kamaelia are being updated. There is significant work needed, and PRs are welcome.


Kamaelia.Community is the area of the released Kamaelia namespace owned by the community. We have a packaging mechanism which simplifies the process of adding your code here. The sub-name spaces are owned by specific individuals. If you want a namespace, let use know and we'll reserve it for you in here.

The naming here follows directories already created in /Sketches in the non-released namespace.


Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear that could be clearer? Want to help improve it? Constructive criticism is very welcome - especially if you can suggest a better rewording!

Please leave you feedback here in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.

-- Automatic documentation generator, 05 Jun 2009 at 03:01:38 UTC/GMT