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[15:02] < MS-> Ha! Getting to closer to getting this bugger working. It's trying to send messages from the wrong user.
[15:02] < MS-> Now I just need to figure out *why* that's the case :-/
[15:04] < MS-> Oh my. It's *massively* hardcoded it seems. That's why.
[15:06] < MS-> OK, message still not getting anywhere, but at least identified how to test it better...
[16:06] < Lawouach> hmm
[16:06] < Lawouach> I feel you're talking about xmpp :)
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[18:51] < MS-> I've decided to give up on Jason's XMPP code
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[18:53] < MS-> It's all just too painfully tied up.
[19:00] < MS-> Oh, I think I *may* understand what's going wrong.
[19:01] < MS-> maybe
[19:02] < MS-> I think my problem really here with jason's code is the lack of encapsulation
[19:02] < MS-> Means that things don't hang together cleanly
[19:04] < MS-> I don't also see how Jason's code could ever have actually worked
[19:04] < MS-> Unless he was breaking it near the end of GSOC
[19:04] < MS-> Since the XMPP messages aren't being sent from the "right" user
[19:05] < MS-> and going astray, I think, as a result
[19:07] < MS-> If I understand this correctly, it looks like you login to a server.
[19:07] < MS-> The server then allocates you a jid
[19:07] < MS-> your messages then have to come *from* that jid in order for things to work
[19:07] < MS-> Jason's "Interface" component skips that step
[19:15] < MS-> OK, now found *where* this thing is, in theory, defined.
[19:15] < MS-> in theory
[19:39] < MS-> **** And the crowd goes wild ****
[19:39] < MS-> I *knew* the CAT would be useful, one day
[19:42] < MS-> OK, whilst slightly annoying I understand the logic of why that happens, and get it working the way it's supposed to.
[19:45] < MS-> In case anyone's reading this and going "WTF"? The thing that's working here is that I'm completely sidestepping the way headstock is supposed to be used
[19:45] < MS-> And sidestepping how Jason's code from last year doesn't quite understand headstock
[19:45] < MS-> By deliberately choosing to create a system global value
[19:45] < MS-> using the cat
[19:45] < MS-> ie using this :
[19:46] < MS-> import Axon
[19:46] < MS-> from Axon.CoordinatingAssistantTracker import coordinatingassistanttracker as cat
[19:46] < MS-> if self.dataReady("jid"):
[19:46] < MS-> self.from_jid = self.recv('jid')
[19:46] < MS-> print "NEW MYJID", self.from_jid
[19:46] < MS-> try:
[19:46] < MS-> cat.getcat().trackValue("MYJID", self.from_jid)
[19:46] < MS-> except Axon.AxonExceptions.NamespaceClash:
[19:46] < MS-> cat.getcat().updateValue("MYJID", self.from_jid)
[19:46] < MS-> print "MYJID", cat.getcat().retrieveValue("MYJID")
[19:46] < MS-> In order to set the global sender id - since I can guarantee only one sender
[19:47] < MS-> And inside the sender component, which is guaranteed to be started later
[19:47] < MS-> I can grab this global value thus:
[19:47] < MS-> myjid = cat.getcat().retrieveValue("MYJID")
[19:47] < MS-> self.ThisJID = myjid
[19:47] < MS-> And thus the system hangs together.
[19:48] < MS-> At least one way :-)
[19:50] < MS-> Key thing from my perspective here isn't whether it's clean - it's the fact it IS working, which means it can be made to work, and then cleaner :-)
[19:52] < MS-> OK, not going to give up now, but I will call that success for tonight :-)
[19:53] < MS-> tis a remarkably sweet thing to see one of jason's "crosstalk" messages arrive on the other end of the XMPP connection :-)
[19:53] < vmlemon_> Trying to untangle spaghetti?
[19:56] < MS-> Yes.
[19:56] < MS-> And actually getting somewhere too.
[19:56] < MS-> To be fair also, the vast majority of Jason's code *does* hang together
[19:56] < MS-> with an internal logic.
[19:57] < MS-> It's not a logic I would've used, but it is relatively self consistent
[19:58] < MS-> In case it seems wierd to be trying to figure out this stuff.
[19:59] < MS-> The nice thing about doing this is that it'd be a potential route for someone to be able to
[19:59] < MS-> run a google app-engine application locally
[19:59] < MS-> rather than "in the cloud"
[19:59] < MS-> but still have it accessible by the rest of the world
[19:59] < MS-> At least that's one possible direction to extend it to
[20:00] < MS-> Since it acts as a wsgi host, in the same sort of way app-engine does
[20:00] < vmlemon_> Aah, cool
[20:02] < MS-> I think there'd be a need for a lot of simplification in the code/etc based on what I've read etc
[20:02] < MS-> But it's definitely a good starting point, primarily because I can see it will work :)