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[08:56] < MS-> Finally up. Today is a day to look at Jason's branch again.
[09:05] < Lawouach> good luck :)
[09:12] < MS-> cheers.
[09:13] < MS-> If I don't get it working nicely, I'll probably shift over to playing with wires, batteries and motors :)
[09:16] < Lawouach> sounds like much more fun to me
[09:16] < Lawouach> the wires that is
[09:17] < MS-> Well, the motors are inside the base of a toy K9 which I've opened up to cannibalise/replace the innards of, so that is fun :)
[09:17] < MS-> But I'd really like to get branches cleared out and code merged from there too :-)
[09:18] < MS-> That said, I was playing with some arduino stuff at work yesterday
[09:18] < MS-> and that's resulted in a component for that added to /Sketches
[09:18] < MS-> :-D
[09:30] < MS-> Oooh.
[09:31] < MS-> There's going be a real ale & belgian beer festival right on my doorstep tomorrow and monday
[09:31] < MS-> http://www.letrappiste.com/abcfestival/index.htm
[10:17] < Lawouach> hope you go and enjoy :)
[10:22] < MS-> It'd be rude not to ;-) :-)
[10:44] < Lawouach> :)
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