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[11:45] < Uraeus> MS-: around?
[11:45] < MS-> ye
[11:45] < MS-> p
[11:46] < MS-> what's up?
[11:48] < Uraeus> MS-: well being in the TV industry I was wondering if you would be able to explain to me what the real benefit of having higher Hz (100,200) rate on a LCD TV, googling about I found a very unclear mix of people claiming its all marketing and other claiming it actually brings value
[11:49] < MS-> The bigger the screen, the bigger the effect.
[11:49] < MS-> ie if you have a really large screen, a higher refresh rate makes a difference, but it does need to be a big screen
[11:49] < Uraeus> and with a difference you are talking about reduced motion blur?
[11:50] < MS-> A colleague was looking into the effect (or not) of high framerate video relative to ultra high def TV. (about 8K pixels wide)
[11:50] < MS-> It's to do with aliasing. Motion blur is actually pretty necessary with low frame rate video
[11:51] < MS-> Because it's the motion blur that makes the eye get "enough" information to figure out the rest
[11:51] < MS-> Also, it's much more of an issue with left to right pans than up/down
[11:52] < MS-> which is why film credits rarely go faster than a certain speed and also why left/right pans are also normally limited
[11:52] < Uraeus> ah ok
[11:52] < MS-> Essentially it exhibits as a nasty flicker
[11:53] < MS-> With a CRT you don't get the effect due to natural blur in the CRT
[11:53] < MS-> with LCD, as they've gotten bigger and better it's become an issue
[11:53] < Uraeus> sort of nominally been looking at buying a new TV for a while, but always found it really hard to know what factors to really look for and knowing if the claimed advantages are real. ia contrast rates and refresh rates etc.
[11:53] < MS-> By large though, I do mean *large*
[11:53] < MS-> ultra HD screens are wall size
[11:53] < Uraeus> yeah, I am looking mostly in the 40"-45" range
[11:54] < MS-> 45" is where you would probably start benefitting
[11:54] < MS-> 40" for a responsive screen - depending on how far away from the TV you're sitting
[11:55] < MS-> Some high end TVs do some interpolation for example, which could be beneficial
[11:55] < Uraeus> TV advertisements are quite horrible, for instance Sony adds always mention that it uses Bravia engine version 2 or version 3 etc., but I have yet to find a clear description explanation what this engine supposedly does and why its better than the branded engines in other manufacturers
[11:55] < MS-> http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/whp/whp169.shtml is the whitepaper I've been looking for
[11:55] < MS-> They're just different versions of their own engines really
[11:55] < MS-> The difference is probably manufacturing cost and small feature gains, I would hazard a guess
[11:56] < MS-> It's not really in their interests to spell out precisely how much better they are or precisely what they do
[11:57] < Uraeus> yeah, well for me as a consumer of course it ends up sounding like a marketing name for something which might not have any advantages of what a competitors TV does
[11:58] < MS-> Well, indeed - it sounds exactly that way to me as well. Perhaps even more cynical.
[11:58] < MS-> :-)
[11:59] < Uraeus> found a description on dabs.com claiming its a collection of image filters meant to improve image quality, wish I would find a site done by someone competent enough to test for and verify/debunk such claims
[12:01] < MS-> Well ,that would track with this comment: Manufacturers have recently started to add hardware inside LCD
[12:01] < MS-> televisions to perform a motion-compensated frame rate doubling, which ameliorates the problem
[12:01] < MS-> to some extent at the cost of introducing other artefacts when the motion becomes too hard to
[12:01] < MS-> predict.
[12:02] < MS-> Which is from the white paper above
[12:04] < MS-> For me it's a largely theoretical issue BTW, I wouldn't have the space for a 45" TV :-)
[12:45] < Lawouach_> I'm actually to but one LCD TV this week and I think I'll go for a 37"
[12:45] < Lawouach_> the 40" would just kill me eyes considering the size of my living room
[12:46] < MS-> :-)
[12:46] < Lawouach_> I find in fact funny they sell bigger screens in the UK considering the size avarage living room size over there
[12:46] < MS-> I'm pondering getting something bigger than our 21" CRT (which is equivalent to a 19" LCD)
[12:46] < MS-> Yeah, our living room isn't huge.
[12:46] < Lawouach_> s/size/avarage/average size
[12:47] *** MS- nods
[12:47] < Lawouach_> order is important
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[17:07] < vmlemon_> Hi
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