[06:55] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[06:55] < MS-> morning
[07:51] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[08:50] *** MS- sends mail resigning from pycon uk committee. 
[09:01] < aa_> MS-: I saw...
[09:02] < aa_> I mean i saw your tweet
[09:04] < aa_> MS-: personally I can't bear to be on committees
[09:12] < MS-> Well, it only happened because I suggested running pycamp back in 2007, but some people in brum had already hired a venue for pycon uk, without telling anyone, so I decided to hold back
[09:12] < MS-> since we didn't want to split/confuse things
[09:12] < MS-> Since then I've not really felt even vaguely a part of the committee due to not being based in brum, nor seen any org mails
[09:13] < MS-> so in practice I'm not really a part of it.
[09:13] < MS-> And since you get as much out as you put in, I may as well do something else :-)
[09:13] < MS-> No biggy :)
[09:19] < aa_> fairy nuff
[16:16] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia