[04:57] < ronny> eikenberry: the wourarounds for not having a deep yield could go
[04:58] < ronny> (its a shame cpython wont merge with stackelss
[07:38] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[08:13] < Lawouach> afternooin
[09:08] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:08] < MS-> afternoon
[09:09] < MS-> ronny: PEP342 generators don't change the need for the current structures.
[09:09] < ronny> MS-: ops, right
[09:10] < MS-> What PEP342 does bring though is the ability to make exception handling cleaner if you want to try nesting things, and also the ability to kill generators (cleanly) by throwing exceptions into them
[09:10] < MS-> It also gives you a way of killing threads which I really like the idea of :-)
[09:10] < MS-> Whether it's in kamaelia or not :)
[09:10] < MS-> After all if your thread main looks like
[09:10] < MS-> g = someGen()
[09:10] < MS-> for _ in g.next():
[09:10] < MS-> pass
[09:11] < MS-> then if you have access to g
[09:11] < MS-> you can do g,throw(DieSucker)
[09:11] < MS-> and kill the thread :-)
[09:11] < MS-> Which is really neat :)
[09:11] < MS-> You're right it cleans somethings up though
[09:11] < ronny> hmm, its a shame cpython wont get stackless
[09:12] < MS-> It's a shame, but not a surprise. The fact it wasn't mainline and there was no apparent prospect of becoming mainline was the reason for not using it incidentally
[09:13] < MS-> Though kamaelia does run a tad faster on stackless
[09:14] < MS-> I'll be away from connectivity probably for the next week after tomorrow btw
[10:27] < Lawouach> MS-: if you're on holiday, have a good time then
[11:56] < MS-> I am indeed. First week is away in north wales, second week I'm back but not working :-)
[11:56] < MS-> ta :)
[13:27] < Lawouach> Ha
[13:27] < Lawouach> I'll be with my girlfriend in the UK from Friday
[13:28] < Lawouach> And we are looking at cruising north wales from next Monday or so
[13:28] < Lawouach> and tip on where to go to have great sceneries?
[13:28] < Lawouach> mounts, lakes and so on
[14:02] < MS-> At the moment, I really don't know TBH. Snowdonia is in Wales though, and that's really big & pretty. There's also port meirion which is nice to visit, which is a very weird place where they filmed the prisoner
[14:02] < MS-> also I remember being taken to a place called betys-y-coed when a child, by my parents and that was a nice place.
[14:03] < MS-> But we don't have a car (never learnt to drive) so that limits where we'll be going :)
[14:03] < MS-> We're travelling back next monday
[14:03] < MS-> Going to try and get to this though : http://www.medieval-fayre.co.uk/
[14:33] < Lawouach> hmm sigh, we'll probably arrive in Wales the following days
[14:33] < Lawouach> damn
[14:33] < Lawouach> thanks for the feedback nonetheless
[14:33] < Lawouach> will probably go to snowdania indeed
[14:51] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:06] < vmlemon> Hi
[16:13] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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