[02:23] *** eikenberry_ has joined #kamaelia
[02:39] *** eikenberry_ is now known as eikenberry
[03:57] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[04:25] < Lawouach_> morning
[05:55] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[07:52] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[08:56] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[08:56] < MS-> greetings
[09:31] < Lawouach_> same here :)
[12:40] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:38] < MS-> Trying to figure out something which I think should be simple.
[13:38] < MS-> Have a data source, of variable bit rate
[13:38] < MS-> Want to receive that & dump it to disk, with the varying bit rate
[13:39] < MS-> And then later on re-read the file. at that bit rate, with the same variances.
[13:39] < MS-> Strikes me as something that should be easy, but I think I need a break
[13:40] < MS-> I suspect I'm missing something obvious
[13:43] < MS-> Oh, I think I am.
[13:43] < MS-> If I have a buffer that simply writes out it's contents every < time spec>
[13:43] < MS-> And replay that data inside the same < timespec>
[13:43] < MS-> that gives me what I need doesn't it
[13:44] < MS-> eg 40 milliseconds is a nice number since that gives 25 chunks per second.
[13:47] < Lawouach_> :)
[13:49] < MS-> I can then write them in the same format that the standard "chunk" module reads. (ie IFF format)
[14:08] < MS-> heh, actually it's a perfect file format to choose thinking about it. It's 24 years old.
[15:20] < MS-> Right, I think I have my timed file writing source now
[16:54] < ronny> IFF?
[16:55] < ronny> ah, images?
[17:02] < MS-> Actually no (well not really), IFF is a general file format for storing binary data in a convenient tagged and chunked manner
[17:03] < MS-> the standard libraries "chunk" module handles reading of it natively
[17:03] < MS-> s/libraries/library's/
[17:03] < MS-> I'm actually storing a complete DVB-T transport stream of 4 channels + all associated metadata
[17:04] < MS-> Right, now I have 8GB of data, time for me to head homewards
[17:04] < MS-> cya later
[17:04] < MS-> :)
[17:04] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[19:26] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:27] < MS-> Hi