[04:06] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[06:22] < Lawouach_> I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my XMPP client that runs over a long period of time
[06:22] < Lawouach_> I'm monitoring the time it takes to perform some of the XMPP operations
[06:22] < Lawouach_> and regularly I see it takes 0ms
[06:23] < Lawouach_> The logs shows the XMPP processing went as expected but it is as if everything happend at the same ms
[06:23] < Lawouach_> when it usually takes a few hundred of them
[06:23] < Lawouach_> I can't quite grasp what's happening
[06:47] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[13:20] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[13:21] < MS-> afternoon
[13:49] < MS-> Have had a meetings riddled day. Recovering slowly.
[13:51] < Uraeus> MS-: any world shattering subjects discussed at the meetings?
[13:51] < MS-> It was quite an important one since it relates to how the new lab/office space in Media City will get kitted out
[13:52] < MS-> I was ... blunt ... at one point that required bluntness
[13:52] < MS-> Find that sort of meeting tiring and even though technically work, doesn't feel like work
[13:54] < Uraeus> yeah, meetings about purely organisational things tend to be rather uninspiring
[13:55] < MS-> Doesn't help that it was a 3 *hour* meeting at that
[13:57] < Uraeus> MS-: so in regards to the kitting, did you get your USB powered nerf gun? :)
[14:00] < MS-> heh, no. This was more fundamental stuff really, like "no open plan that looks like slave galleys will not work"
[14:01] < MS-> which is an exageration :)
[14:01] < MS-> but they got the point
[14:01] < MS-> There's a bunch of good stuff going in, so this is more getting stuff sorted sensibly
[14:03] < Uraeus> MS-: saw some photos of a new office for a spanish open source company in Madrid, they had done this nice looking thing where they added circle shaped things around their windows, making it look like all the windows was circle formed, but also at the bottom of each circle there was a sofa/bed where one could sit/lie down
[14:03] < MS-> That sounds cool
[14:04] < Uraeus> MS-: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mariosp/3566765607/in/set-72157618742618759/
[14:04] *** MS- clicks
[14:04] < Uraeus> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mariosp/3566565427/in/set-72157618742618759/
[14:04] < MS-> Oh that's quite funky
[14:05] < Uraeus> yeah :)
[14:05] < Uraeus> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mariosp/3566604559/in/set-72157618742618759/ < - this one is maybe even better
[14:06] < Uraeus> I thought it was quite cool, but I think its to funky to probably get easy acceptance here in Northern Europe :)
[14:07] < MS-> It is. I might try that on for size past the designers - since they're not sure what to do with dead space between pillars facing windows.
[14:09] < MS-> Worth a try I guess :-)
[14:09] < Uraeus> yeah :)
[14:13] < MS-> I've sent them a copy of the piccy, and suggested that they could emulate this by having sofas that look out the window instead (maybe)
[14:14] < MS-> Since the view outside would be nice, and I'd hope they'd get *nice* sofa's that could be really cool working space.
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[14:37] < MS-> Right, I'm off to catch a tram
[14:37] < MS-> cya later
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[15:52] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[17:38] < SamHasler> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190206/threading-in-python/1190246#1190246
[17:39] < SamHasler> third time I've used that answer
[19:57] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia