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[18:23] < MS-> Interesting. Apps/Web-Server from JMB's branch isn't really a web server at all. It's actually a WSGI server. Nice idea, but needs work really to be useful.
[18:23] < MS-> ie it doesn't really try to do webservery type things at all, just act as a configurable wsgi host.
[18:23] < MS-> which is an interesting idea.
[18:24] < MS-> But difficult to configure IMO due to eventually munging everything into a single tar ball. (Good in some ways, less so in others)
[18:38] < MS-> Actually quite pleased with the way this refactoring is going. Extracting it all out as a separate app feels a lot cleaner.
[18:39] < MS-> Some parts are quite nice, and actually creating a ~/.kamaelia/appname/ directory for user configuration would help enormously I think.
[18:40] < MS-> Would then potentially be a very useful app for acting as a simple personal webserver of stuff - ie Jason's original intent
[22:08] < MS-> Finally merged a major chunk of Jason's project - specifically the standalone webserver portion
[22:08] < MS-> Packaged up and useful.
[22:08] < MS-> Rough around the edges, needs a bit more work, but potentially very useful in certain circumstances.
[22:22] < ronny> sup