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[17:21] < westymatt> the Axon.Ipc class, that is just handling communication for the mailboxes not actual named pipes right?
[17:33] < vmlemon_> Hu
[17:33] < vmlemon_> *Hi
[17:33] < vmlemon_> Even
[18:22] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[18:22] < MS-> evening
[18:23] < MS-> Reading log,
[18:23] < MS-> Re Axon.Ipc - that was a file named very early on. What it contains is control messages which are sent between from signal to control mailboxes
[18:23] < MS-> Which means it's not actual named pipes
[18:24] < MS-> Axon.Box contains the actual implementation of the mailboxes themselves for Axon.Components
[18:24] < MS-> Unlike a mini-axon, real axon has 2 actual forms for normal mailboxes
[18:25] < MS-> 1 is a null box - which is the default outbox until linked somewhere - which acts like /dev/null until linked
[18:25] < MS-> That form is called a nullsink
[18:26] < MS-> The actual storage is "owned" by inboxes, and is called a realsink
[18:26] < MS-> which is implemented as a normal python list, since the update is guaranteed in this case as threadsafe
[18:26] < MS-> There's actually a fair amount of information on what actually happens there and why in the docs for that file, which we take some care to make accessible via
[18:27] < MS-> pydoc Axon.Box
[18:27] < MS-> Similarly pydoc Axon.Ipc has some docs on those messages
[18:28] < MS-> Indeed, with almost any Axon or Kamaelia file, doing pydoc module_name - will generally contain lots of docs
[18:29] < MS-> The exception to this tends to be application specific modules
[18:30] < MS-> Contrast pydoc Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline
[18:30] < MS-> with pydoc Kamaelia.Apps.Whiteboard.Canvas
[18:31] < MS-> But slowly apps modules tend to grow module docs as well, to encourage component scavenging & consolidation eg: pydoc Kamaelia.Apps.Grey.MailHandler
[18:32] *** vmlemon_1 has joined #kamaelia
[18:41] < MS-> First large batch of Europython videos now up, transcoded and available as flash here:
[18:42] < MS-> http://europython09.blip.tv/
[18:42] < MS-> Includes some tutorials long talks, keynotes, lightning talks, etc
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