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[05:40] < Lawouach> MS-: hi mate, are you around?
[06:07] < MS-> morning :)
[06:07] < MS-> I am now
[06:10] < Lawouach> cool
[06:10] < Lawouach> pm
[07:12] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[09:16] < vmlemon_> Hi
[09:17] < MS-> vmlemon_: Hiya
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[10:34] < MS-> Afternoon dave
[11:00] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[11:04] < Lawouach> MS-: do you plan on changing the version number of Axon and K. in trunk?
[11:05] < MS-> yes. I was planning of merging PAR onto trunk this week and then bumping it
[11:05] < MS-> I was in the process of writing an example using shutdown for PAR actually
[11:05] < MS-> and have been buried in tidying up cleanup in a number of components as a result
[11:05] < MS-> So bumping the version in trunk for this and all the other stuff in there makes alot of sense
[11:05] < MS-> Why do you ask ?
[11:06] < Lawouach> Just because I'm creating some internal packages at work
[11:06] < Lawouach> and I'd like to specify the trunk version
[11:06] < Lawouach> not a specific revision
[11:07] < MS-> OK, now I'm unclear what you mean by that?
[11:07] < Lawouach> but at least ensure the version won't be mistaken with the existing stable release
[11:07] < MS-> Ah.
[11:08] < Lawouach> sorry if I was unclear. The thing is, I'm yet unsure as to whether or not I should be using setuptools at work but if I do, knowing the precise version my product requires is essential
[11:09] < Lawouach> That being said, we are using PIP which supports things like:
[11:09] < Lawouach> pip install MY_SVN_URL
[11:09] < Lawouach> so you can indeed specify a revision if needed with pip
[11:09] < Lawouach> which is useful
[11:10] < MS-> Just changed the trunk version number to this:
[11:10] < MS-> version = "", # Year.Year.Month.ReleaseCountThisMonth
[11:10] < MS-> Does that work for you?
[11:11] < Lawouach> It does though I'm wondering, does it carry the right meaning you, as the maintainer, wish to express in version changing?
[11:11] < MS-> Well, I've been meaning to change to a date based form for a while
[11:11] < Lawouach> right-o
[11:11] < Lawouach> probably best doing so before EuroPython I guess
[11:11] < MS-> I also want to hit Kamaelia 1.0 at some point next year irrelevant of versioning
[11:12] < Lawouach> fair enough
[11:12] < MS-> And that as well
[11:12] < Lawouach> having an official 1.0 would be very good
[11:12] < MS-> Indeed.
[11:12] < MS-> I think now I'm ALOT clearer about what needs to go into such a beat now as well
[11:12] < MS-> I think implementing and using PAR was the final stepping stone to understanding in fact
[11:13] < MS-> Along with the examples over the past week or so
[11:16] < MS-> I think adding the very minor version number ie X in 0.9.6.X is a useful one though
[11:17] < MS-> since it allows for a bugfix release of an earlier release (for whatever reason)
[11:17] < MS-> whilst keeping version clear
[11:18] < Lawouach> yeap
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[19:57] < MS-> Lawouach: PAR looks like it should be useful for handling shutdown on large systems
[19:57] < MS-> Probably worth knowing :)
[21:32] < vmlemon_> Filling out pension slips for Kamaelia components, are we, MS-? ;)
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