[03:44] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[04:29] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
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[06:05] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[06:05] < MS-> Morning
[06:22] < Lawouach_> morning mate
[07:07] < MS-> Pondering this suggestion by Matt: http://code.google.com/p/kamaelia/source/detail?r=6149
[07:26] < Lawouach_> Doesn't feel right
[07:27] < Lawouach_> that being said, erlang has a bit of the same issue where many erlang developers prefer passing specific messages to notify an error rather than use exceptions
[07:32] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[07:36] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[07:37] *** MS- nods
[07:37] < MS-> I think I prefer the idea of the equivalent of a SIGPIPE message
[07:37] < MS-> when a component dies inside a pipeline
[07:38] < MS-> resulting in the pipeline actively choosing to shutdown its children
[07:39] *** salmon_1 has joined #kamaelia
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[07:41] *** salmon_2 is now known as salmon_
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[16:07] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:12] < vmlemon_> Hi
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[22:57] *** eikenberry_ is now known as eikenberry