[04:03] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[10:02] < MS-> afternoon
[10:07] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:12] < vmlemon_> Hi
[10:16] < MS-> hiya
[10:16] < MS-> got my two test books through today :)
[10:17] < MS-> Summary of initial reaction : Colour version is much nicer for stuff with pictures, and prints photographs surprisingly well. (esp considering it's the poor cousin to their photobooks)
[10:17] < MS-> Black and white version feels more professional due to better binding at that number of pages. (84 out of a maximum of 88)
[10:17] < MS-> Other stuff: my margins need to be bigger :)
[10:17] < vmlemon_> Cool
[10:18] < MS-> I also think that it'd make a really nice little addition to a tutorial. The quality is really nice.
[10:18] < vmlemon_> That was "quick"
[10:18] < vmlemon_> At least after you gave them a gentle shove
[10:18] < MS-> I think they were having issues with the colour one - the cover is a little botched
[10:19] < MS-> but only on the back on one corner
[10:20] < MS-> The only problem with lulu really is the delivery charge - the cost of making/ordering the black and white version was £1.89, and the colour £8.78, but delivery was £7.30 - so it only makes sense if you're
[10:21] < MS-> either buying lots of one thing (since the delivery appears to be the same either way), or something relatively expensive
[10:22] *** vmlemon_ wonders if they expect people to be placing bulk orders constantly 
[10:22] < MS-> I find it interesting though that a 250 page black and white book would be about £3 to get printed, but if it's a computing book would be £30.99 in the shops
[10:22] < MS-> (based on wandering through waterstones the other day)
[10:23] < vmlemon_> Heh, the computing content must magically increase the printing cost, or something like that
[10:24] < MS-> Well, the cost of a decent editor does tend to matter, but for getting a printed reference, finding something "OK", and just getting it printed via lulu would be a good budget option.
[10:25] < vmlemon_> Yeah
[10:25] *** vmlemon_ wonders how long he'd have to use an application for, to displace the Windows stats on Wakoopa (currently at 3 weeks, 2 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes and 12 seconds (combined?) - 94% of use) vs some insignificant amount for the Linux version (I've only used it for 14 minutes)
[12:59] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:18] *** wyleu has joined #kamaelia
[13:42] < vmlemon_> Hi wyleu
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[20:04] < MS-> kamlogbot: poke
[20:04] Reply: Not the eye! Not the eye!
[20:04] < MS-> kamlogbot: help
[20:04] Reply: Name: kamlogbot Channel: #kamaelia
[20:04] Reply: I do a simple job -- recording all channel traffic.
[20:04] Reply: Lines prefixed by [off] won't get recorded
[20:04] Reply: I respond to the following: 'logfile', 'infofile', 'help', 'date', 'time', 'dance', 'poke', 'slap', 'ecky', 'boo', and 'reload {modulename}'.
[20:09] < MS-> ah, it is responding then. good
[20:18] < vmlemon_> Ooh, the Wave stuff looks interesting
[20:18] < vmlemon_> I didn't know it was going to be XMPP-based, either
[20:23] < MS-> I think I agree with the people who said it just looks like a new way to make it possible to give more people ADHD
[20:23] < vmlemon_> Heh
[20:24] < vmlemon_> "Write a message to the Google Wave team (Haikus, sonnets and ASCII art all accepted)"
[20:31] < vmlemon_> Not sure what they're aiming for with it, but there's only so many times that you can reinvent Twitter or an e-mail service ;)
[20:31] < vmlemon_> Unless an inverse version of Facebook is what they're after
[20:53] *** vmlemon_ has parted #kamaelia