[04:53] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
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[07:42] < Lawouach_> grumble, KeyboardInterrupt and Axon aren't friends
[08:06] *** Lawouach__ has joined #kamaelia
[08:43] < MS--> Lawouach: what behaviour would you expect OOI?
[08:44] < MS--> I'm guessing "DIE DIE DIE!" :-)
[08:44] < Lawouach> MS--: It seems that the scheduler doesn't trap it an escape abruptely when it happens
[08:45] < Lawouach> No I'd like "Let me clean it up and then DIE"
[08:46] < MS--> :)
[08:46] < MS--> ie it should call .stop() on all components.
[08:46] < MS--> and then shutdown
[08:46] < MS--> That is a bit nasty really isn't it
[08:47] < Lawouach> yeah but currently it makes things rather harsh as it is
[08:47] < Lawouach> I'm running a script that will create hundreds of XMPP account which I'd like to be deleted whenever the script stops or is stopped
[08:48] < Lawouach> I've banged my head at it for a couple of days now and it's almost impossible to predict what can happen on KeayboardInterrupt
[08:49] < MS--> Just trying to think where to put KeyboardInterrupt handling
[08:50] < MS--> If it happens inside a component, it's fairly obvious where to catch it
[08:50] < MS--> if it happens outside, it's less obvious
[08:50] < MS--> (ie in the scheduler)
[08:51] < Lawouach> indeed
[08:51] < Lawouach> it'd be nice if you could think about it in your refactoring :)
[08:52] < MS--> Will do
[08:52] < MS--> currently thinking about fwiw
[08:52] < Lawouach> ta :)
[08:54] < MS--> Early versions of the scheduler were designed such that instead of simply catching StopIteration and removing the component, that they would catch everything and remove the component. ie not crash
[08:54] < MS--> the system (that is)
[08:54] < MS--> That was at a much earlier stage though, when it was useful for debugging the system
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[08:55] < MS--> Naturally that was a problem with KeyboardInterrupt as well
[08:55] < MS--> so that led to the decision to simply catch StopIteration and then left I guess
[08:56] < MS--> I think we're probably getting to the stage where resilience in servers/etc is preferable over debugging - especially given it's clearer how you would insert that.
[09:44] < Lawouach__> Seems fair
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[15:49] < vmlemon_> Hi
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[18:10] < vmlemon_> Hi eikenberry
[18:10] < eikenberry> hey
[18:12] *** vmlemon_ is surprised by how buggy the Symbian Foundation Developer site is, even for an "early-look" closed beta 
[18:13] *** vmlemon_ wonders what's happening with Kamaelia, these days
[18:27] *** Davbo is strugling to pick a dissertaion project
[18:29] < MS--> Davbo: "The importance of cheese in the developmental history of 3D gaming systems"
[18:29] < MS--> (bonus points if anyone gets the reference)
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[18:37] < Davbo> Did John Carmack do a bit of curdling on the side?
[18:37] *** Davbo doesn't get the reference
[18:37] < Davbo> :)
[18:52] < Davbo> looking at the list of possible projects and tempted by semantic web stuff, but it's not very "computer sciency"
[18:54] < MS--> Davbo: http://www.angusm.demon.co.uk/AGDB/DBM1/Merc.html
[18:56] < Davbo> haha, Kraft, awesome.
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