[01:01] *** eikenberry_ has joined #kamaelia
[04:37] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[04:37] < Lawouach_> morning
[08:00] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[08:21] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[08:21] < MS-> morning
[09:52] < Lawouach_> hi MS-
[12:46] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[13:11] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:16] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[13:17] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[13:17] < Davbo> Afternoon all
[16:02] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[16:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:24] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:54] < eikenberry> Why isn't there a debian package anymore?
[17:54] < vmlemon_> Not sure
[17:55] < vmlemon_> I assume that no-one can be bothered to make one, or they've exceeded their Round Tuit quota for the time being
[17:55] < eikenberry> hmm
[17:58] < eikenberry> Makes one hesitant to make anything dependent on it though.
[17:59] < eikenberry> How to others do it... make it a sub-module of their app and maintain it as part of it?
[17:59] < eikenberry> I guess that's the only way to ensure full-cross platform support.
[18:00] < eikenberry> Just a hard habit to break... there's a debian package for practically everything.
[18:17] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[18:18] < MS-> evening
[18:25] < MS-> Just saw advertised on Sci fi channel - new Knight Rider, 8pm 12th May
[18:27] < MS-> "Why isn't there a debian package anymore?"
[18:27] < MS-> I don't use debian, and no one who does has offered to make & maintain a package
[18:27] < MS-> Someone did make some debs a few years back, but since I don't use debian it's hard to maintain support for it
[18:27] < eikenberry> cool. I might down the road... need to get an investment first. That is I want to use it on something non-play first.
[18:28] *** MS- nods 
[18:28] < MS-> Any offer is greatly appreciated fwiw :)
[18:28] < eikenberry> I was mainly just curious.
[18:28] < MS-> indeed :)
[18:28] < MS-> like many q's there's often a simple answer
[18:28] < eikenberry> Hopefully. I like what I've used so far. :)
[18:29] < MS-> I'm pleased to hear that :)
[18:30] < MS-> When the new ubuntu release is made final I may test it on a netbook I have (which I share with my wife for when we go anywhere for work).
[18:31] < MS-> If that supports all the hardware cleanly (my primary motivation for any distro), then that may well shift over from SuSE.
[18:31] < MS-> ... and may be close enough for building debian packages
[18:34] < eikenberry> I have an HP netbook... ubuntu worked fine on it.
[18:35] < eikenberry> Though I've sense switched to debian.
[18:36] < MS-> This is an acer aspire one, which has issues with distros due to the atheros chipset. At the end of the day two things annoy (me) with a distro - broken hardware, and software upgrade irritations.
[18:36] < MS-> The former is more annoying :)
[18:36] *** eikenberry nods.
[18:36] < MS-> It's always been my guiding factor in choosing
[18:37] < eikenberry> the hp has a broadcom chip.
[18:37] < eikenberry> had to build the module for it on debian... I think ubuntu had it built-in.
[18:39] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia