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[09:36] < vmlemon_> Not sure if it makes a difference, although I've just seen on Twitter: (12:25:20) vmlemon@twitter.tweet.im: Michael Sparks (kamaelian): back at home, but still on hols. Slowly catching up with the world. Not in a rush though :)
[09:38] < elvum> :-)
[09:38] < vmlemon_> ls
[09:38] < elvum> no files found
[09:38] < vmlemon_> Heh
[09:38] < vmlemon_> I didn't Alt-Tab quick enough ;)
[09:39] < vmlemon_> It was supposed to have gone into the console window behind Pidgin here
[09:40] < elvum> you need focus-follows-intention set in your X settings
[09:41] < vmlemon_> That'd just drive me mad ;)
[09:43] *** vmlemon_ is contemplating trying to check the 22MB of files from last night into Google Code again, but fears that it'll probably implode like last time
[09:44] < vmlemon_> (It conked out with a HTTP 502 error, and I wasn't able to check anything else in, or for some unfathomable reason, use the changelog feature on the site itself)
[09:44] < elvum> google services often have short outages in my experience
[09:45] < elvum> don't see why google code should be any different...
[09:45] < vmlemon_> Although of course, it somewhat depends on me not rm -rfing the directory containing the said files again
[09:46] *** vmlemon_ remembers the one line configuration file screw-up that caused their phishing site checking subsystem to flag every page in the index as a malicious site
[09:46] < vmlemon_> Naturally, the news spread like wildfire on Twitter
[09:48] *** vmlemon_ thinks that "Beta" should be part of the company name (pronounce it like "Better") ;)
[09:50] < vmlemon_> I'm surprised that they haven't slipped up totally with GMail yet, so that every message is marked as spam
[10:28] < vmlemon_> Hmm, has anyone tried using Notifixio.us with the Twitter RSS feeds?
[10:30] *** elvum hasn't used either service
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[15:12] < Lawouach> http://code.google.com/p/dez/ < -- interesting
[16:22] < vmlemon_> Hmm, is anyone else using Ohloh, out of interest?
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