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[11:48] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:16] < Davbo> afternoon
[12:48] < Lawouach_> hi guys
[12:48] < Lawouach_> happy easter
[12:50] < vmlemon_> Thanks, same to you Lawouach_
[12:50] < Lawouach_> ta
[12:51] < Lawouach_> mind you there's no chocolate eggs round my flat
[12:52] < vmlemon_> No chocolate eggs here, either :(
[12:52] < Davbo> thanks Lawouach_, happy easter all
[12:53] < Lawouach_> ta
[12:53] < Lawouach_> so what have you guys been up to recently?
[12:56] < Davbo> been making a fansite for The Wire with my bro (using django) - not entirely sure how i got roped in
[12:56] < Davbo> yourself Lawouach_ ?
[12:57] < Lawouach_> The Wire, I assume it's band. Will ckeck them out. Always checks bands starting with "The"
[12:57] < Davbo> hah, it's a TV Show
[12:57] < Lawouach_> Been rather quiet code wise at home
[12:57] < Lawouach_> oh, right, okay
[12:57] < Lawouach_> but had quite few good parties with friends recently
[12:58] < Lawouach_> wine tasting parties :)
[12:58] < Davbo> oooo, sounds like fun
[12:59] < Davbo> well s/wine/beer and it sounds like more fun
[12:59] < Davbo> never had much of a taste for wine
[12:59] < Lawouach_> well both work for me :)
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[12:59] < Lawouach_> usually we end up with some old rhum anyway
[12:59] < Lawouach_> so I never recall any of the wine's taste anyhow
[13:00] < Lawouach_> s/rhum/rum
[13:00] < Lawouach_> I think we have the silent "h" in French only
[13:00] *** vmlemon_1 is now known as vmlemon_
[13:01] < Davbo> lol, I suppose that way you can keep tasting the same wines
[13:01] < Lawouach_> :)
[13:02] < Lawouach_> to be fair I never had a taste for wine until recently
[13:02] < Lawouach_> my friends have grown a taste for it over the years and we tend to mainly enjoy it during parties
[13:03] < Lawouach_> once you've let yourself try wine, it's hard not to enjoy it
[13:03] < Lawouach_> but well
[13:03] < Lawouach_> not sure MS- would enjoy me enticing people to drink on this channel :)
[13:03] < Davbo> last time I drank any wine was Pycon UK I think, where I got roped into it
[13:04] < Lawouach_> can you believe I'm watching "rod house" right now?
[13:04] < Lawouach_> Swayze's greatest period :)
[13:05] < Davbo> Dirty Dancing fan Lawouach_ ? :P
[13:05] < Lawouach_> hah I can appreciate an act
[13:05] < Lawouach_> Point Break 4eva
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[13:09] *** Davbo can't believe we're discussing the highs&lows of Patrick Swayze's career
[13:11] < Lawouach_> who's gonna otherwise?
[13:12] < Davbo> I suppose
[13:16] *** Davbo feels like he's learning HTML / CSS lessons that most people realised in the 90's
[13:16] < Davbo> well, slight exaggeration
[13:19] < Davbo> ie. setting border=0 on img href's
[13:20] < Lawouach_> crazy stuff mate
[13:20] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[13:20] < Lawouach> ba stupid mac
[13:21] *** vmlemon_ is questioning the utility of a C library/OS framework that lets you compile stuff against it, but not actually execute it
[13:22] < Davbo> how's life at Ubikod Lawouach? just checked your blog
[13:22] < Lawouach> it's been good so far
[13:22] < Lawouach> team is great, work is fun so far
[13:22] < Lawouach> we just need to find new offices, ours are just too damn small
[13:22] < Davbo> I suppose you can justify that G1 now :D
[13:23] < Lawouach> :)
[13:23] < Lawouach> I'm mainly working backend for now
[13:23] < Lawouach> erlang and web stuff
[13:23] < Davbo> erlang? not looked at that
[13:23] < Lawouach> prototyped using RoR and finishing the Python proto for comparison
[13:23] < Lawouach> I'm not big on Ruby
[13:24] < Davbo> cherrypy?
[13:24] < Lawouach> erlang is fun, there are things in Axon that reminds me of erlang
[13:24] < Lawouach> yeap
[13:24] < vmlemon_> You haven't found a way to get Kamaelia through the backdoor? ;)
[13:24] < Lawouach> not yet, will hopefully happen :)
[13:24] < Davbo> MS mentions Erlang in most of his talks so must be something there
[13:26] < Davbo> Android looks to be a safe horse to be backing
[13:27] < Lawouach> what do you mean?
[13:28] *** vmlemon_ is still waiting for the Symbian Foundation to get their act together, although they're supposedly going to release an SDK Soon(TM)/next month
[13:28] < Davbo> was looking at a few annoucements recently about hardware thats going to be running it
[13:28] < Davbo> works on my EEE PC too
[13:29] < vmlemon_> Kamdroid!
[13:29] < Lawouach> :)
[13:29] < vmlemon_> Although I doubt they've got Python integrated, or at least running, yet
[13:30] < Davbo> Jython? :)
[13:30] < vmlemon_> Hmm, last time I heard, they were still trying to bend it to work on Dalvik
[13:30] < Davbo> I guess it would be doable
[13:31] < Davbo> oh i see http://code.google.com/p/jythonroid/
[13:32] < Davbo> You prefer it to your old job then Lawouach?
[13:32] < vmlemon_> Now it just needs an EEE- and a -buntu, (and probably a + or a LX) and the horrible blended name will be complete ;)
[13:32] < vmlemon_> *an
[13:32] < Lawouach> Davbo: it's different
[13:37] *** Davbo wants an Android phone
[13:38] < Davbo> My phone can't even go online with WAP/GPRS
[13:41] < Davbo> I actually went to the T-Mobile shop to play with one and someone had broke the screen clean off it
[13:41] < Davbo> so it was just a key pad
[13:44] < vmlemon_> Heh
[13:44] < vmlemon_> So much for being sturdy
[13:46] < vmlemon_> Did they have another working model?
[13:46] < Davbo> haha! talking to a t-mobile sales rep on their websites live chat
[13:47] < Davbo> they're telling me of a £30/month G1 contract
[13:47] < Davbo> http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/pay-monthly/deals/2/
[13:47] < vmlemon_> Isn't that one of those Eliza-style bots? Or are you lucky enough to have a real person?
[13:47] < Davbo> says either £36.50/month or £40/month
[13:48] < Davbo> must be like dell, as soon as you talk to a salesperson they give you a better deal
[13:48] < vmlemon_> Ung
[13:48] < Davbo> Dave: how do I get that deal, i don't see it on the website?
[13:49] < Davbo> Debbie: I can send you an orderlink right now if you wish?
[13:50] < Davbo> that would be a saving of £117 just by talking to a salesperson
[13:52] < Davbo> oh you can get it through the website, just have to jump through loops
[13:56] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[13:56] < Davbo> lol, left the window open
[13:56] < Davbo> Debbie: Do you need anymore assistance?
[13:56] < Davbo> Debbie: Are you still with me Dave?
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[16:59] < vmlemon_1> Is anyone else getting HTTP 502 errors when trying to use certain Google Code features?
[17:00] < vmlemon_1> It appears that checking stuff into a repository causes them, and trying to view the changelog of a project also causes them
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