[04:47] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[12:07] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:08] < Lawouach_> hi guys
[12:52] *** dweebster has joined #kamaelia
[12:53] < dweebster> i need some help plz :)
[12:54] < dweebster> I get this error when trying to run a Graphline, I am totally new to kamaelia
[12:54] < dweebster> the error is : Graphline( reader = ConsoleReader(prompt=''),
[12:54] < dweebster> NameError: name 'Graphline' is not defined
[12:54] < dweebster> can someone give me a pointer plz ?
[12:58] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[12:58] < MS-> dweebster:
[12:58] < MS-> from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline
[12:59] < MS-> needs to happen, otherwise you will get:
[12:59] < MS-> NameError: name 'Graphline' is not defined
[12:59] < MS-> eg
[12:59] < MS-> >>> Graphline
[12:59] < MS-> Traceback (most recent call last):
[12:59] < MS-> File "< stdin>", line 1, in < module>
[12:59] < MS-> NameError: name 'Graphline' is not defined
[12:59] < MS-> >>> from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline
[12:59] < MS-> >>> Graphline
[12:59] < MS-> < class 'Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline.Graphline'>
[12:59] < MS-> >>>
[12:59] < dweebster> k
[13:00] < dweebster> i noticed that in the Util the Graphline.py is depracated
[13:00] < dweebster> do i have to edit the graphline in the Chassis folder to my needs
[13:00] < MS-> Yep - we moved it to somewhere that makes more sense
[13:01] < MS-> This is what happens if you try and use the Graphline in Util:
[13:01] < MS-> >>> from Kamaelia.Util.Graphline import Graphline
[13:01] < MS-> >>> Graphline
[13:01] < MS-> < class 'Kamaelia.Support.Deprecate.stub'>
[13:01] < MS-> >>> Graphline()
[13:01] < MS-> DEPRECATED: Use Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline:Graphline instead of Kamaelia.Util.Graphline:Graphline
[13:01] < dweebster> do i have to move all the py scripts i want run into the chassis folder as well?
[13:01] < MS-> No.
[13:01] < dweebster> just edit the graphline in the chassis folder
[13:01] < MS-> no, you just install kamaelia
[13:02] < MS-> and the in your python code just import it
[13:02] < MS-> I'm guessing you haven't written much python code at all
[13:02] < dweebster> import it to the chassis filder
[13:02] < dweebster> no
[13:02] *** MS- nods
[13:02] < dweebster> this is my first attempt
[13:02] < dweebster> :(
[13:02] < MS-> np
[13:03] < MS-> have you programmed in any other languages ?
[13:03] < MS-> (which I can use as a possible reference point)
[13:03] < dweebster> no
[13:03] < MS-> Ah OK
[13:03] < dweebster> i'm sorry
[13:03] < MS-> np
[13:03] < MS-> I think you ought to look at a simple tutorial focussed on python initially in that case
[13:03] < dweebster> can you bear with me plz
[13:04] < MS-> Sure
[13:04] < MS-> Short summary:
[13:04] < dweebster> i'm in my chassis folder
[13:04] < MS-> Kamaelia is a library
[13:04] < dweebster> aye
[13:04] < MS-> You install the library using the setup.py file, which puts it into a standard location - called "site-packages"
[13:05] < dweebster> yep
[13:05] < MS-> Then any python program - anywhere on the system - can find the library and use it
[13:05] < dweebster> i followed all that install
[13:05] < MS-> even just the python shell
[13:05] < dweebster> i am running python 2.6 which i installed
[13:05] < MS-> as a result, you don't need to be in any particular directory - and in particular you shouldn't be trying to put code into the library directory
[13:06] < dweebster> ah ok
[13:06] < dweebster> so to run the graphline i have , what cmd do i input
[13:07] < dweebster> i input python Graphline.py
[13:07] < dweebster> and it comes up t=with the error
[13:07] < MS-> You put the graphline you're writing in it's own file
[13:07] < MS-> Then
[13:07] < MS-> Along with all the necessary import statements
[13:07] < MS-> and then just get python to run it
[13:08] < MS-> on linux for example you type:
[13:08] < MS-> python MyFile.py
[13:08] < MS-> (where MyFile.py contains your script)
[13:08] < dweebster> k
[13:08] < MS-> Please take a look at the examples in the Examples directory
[13:08] < dweebster> ok
[13:08] < dweebster> will do
[13:09] < MS-> I'd suggest starting there and playing with those first, since that's probably a good starting point :)
[13:09] < dweebster> ty for your help
[13:09] < MS-> That, and a good (basic) python tutorial ;)
[13:09] < MS-> You're welcome :)
[13:09] < dweebster> :)
[13:09] *** dweebster goes off to study
[13:47] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[13:53] < Lawouach_> oh people alive :)
[15:08] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:16] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:17] < vmlemon_> Hi
[16:25] *** vmlemon_ has parted #kamaelia
[16:55] < dweebster> anyone about?
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[17:04] < Lawouach> dweebster: yeap
[17:04] < dweebster> :)
[17:04] < dweebster> i keep getting an error with the consolereader
[17:05] < dweebster> NameError: name 'ConsoleReader' is not defined
[17:05] < dweebster> i've added this to my graphline : from Axon.ThreadedComponent import threadedcomponent
[17:06] < dweebster> but it errors
[17:06] < dweebster> can you help
[17:08] < Lawouach> could you paste the code?
[17:08] < Lawouach> in a pastebin somewhere?
[17:09] < dweebster> gimme a sec
[17:13] < dweebster> http://pastebin.ca/1379190
[17:13] < dweebster> thats part of it
[17:15] < dweebster> i imprted the other components successfully, apart from the consolereader which gives me the error :)
[17:15] < Lawouach> hmm
[17:15] < Lawouach> what's the line you're using for the ConsoleReader import?
[17:16] < dweebster> from Axon.ThreadedComponent import threadedcomponent
[17:17] < Lawouach> oh
[17:17] < Lawouach> I see
[17:17] < Lawouach> you forgot to import the ConsoleReader class
[17:17] < Lawouach> hence the NameError error
[17:18] < Lawouach> try something like
[17:18] < Lawouach> from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleReader
[17:18] < dweebster> from Kamaelia.Util.Console.ConsoleReader import ConsoleReader
[17:18] < dweebster> something like that
[17:19] < Lawouach> yeah
[17:19] < dweebster> lol
[17:19] < Lawouach> one of the two :)
[17:19] < dweebster> kk
[17:21] < dweebster> :)
[17:21] < dweebster> from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleReader < < < that worked :)
[17:21] < dweebster> ty
[17:22] < dweebster> now onto the next one...:)
[17:22] < dweebster> ty for your help :)
[17:26] < Lawouach> :)
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