[01:50] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[04:36] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:47] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[07:14] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[16:19] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:19] < vmlemon_> Hi
[16:59] *** vmlemon_1 has joined #kamaelia
[17:32] < Lawouach> heya
[17:36] *** vmlemon_1 is tempted to try and get Kamaelia running on his phone, after hacking up some of the Python/S60 sample code, earlier 
[17:36] < vmlemon_1> I bet it won't work
[17:41] < Lawouach> it should
[17:45] < vmlemon_1> Heh, I managed to crash/hang the component responsible for controlling access to the phonebook, and temporarily break some other stuff, after importing the telephone module, and modifying the scoring function to calculate an insanely large number (which presumably caused a buffer overflow, and a freeze/performance decrease for all of 10 seconds)
[17:46] < vmlemon_1> Luckily, that lot didn't persist after a reboot
[17:49] *** salmon_ has joined #kamaelia
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