[05:58] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:58] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[07:44] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[08:44] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[08:44] < MS-> morning
[08:45] < Lawouach_> heya
[08:45] < Lawouach_> on the train again?
[08:46] < MS-> Thankfully not
[08:46] < MS-> complete waste of time yesterday I'm afraid to say
[08:46] < Lawouach_> :/
[08:46] < MS-> Though I did buy the book (of short stories containing) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
[08:47] < MS-> (en route that is)
[08:47] < MS-> and that seems a good read, so that's a good use.
[08:48] < Lawouach_> :)
[08:56] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[16:24] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
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[20:35] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[20:35] < vmlemon_> Hi
[20:55] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[20:55] < Davbo> Evenin' all
[20:56] < vmlemon_> Hi Davbo
[20:57] < Davbo> Hey vmlemon_, hows things?
[20:57] < vmlemon_> OK
[20:57] < vmlemon_> Just fighting with trying to get Bluetooth working :(
[20:58] < vmlemon_> I can send files, but I can't actually receive them, or examine the services on a given device
[20:59] < Davbo> don't know much (anything) about Bluetooth to offer help i'm afraid
[20:59] < vmlemon_> OK
[20:59] < Davbo> think I have 0 devices which have it
[20:59] *** Davbo living in the stone age
[20:59] < Davbo> ;)
[20:59] < vmlemon_> Hehe
[21:00] < vmlemon_> Had a go about 2 weeks ago with trying to use the Ethernet port on a Sky+HD box, too (turns out that it's disabled/doesn't have a protocol stack attached until a future firmware update)
[21:00] < vmlemon_> Kind of defeats the point of having the said port
[21:01] < Davbo> why do they have it? DVR stuff?
[21:01] *** vmlemon_1 has joined #kamaelia
[21:01] < Davbo> seems odd
[21:03] < Davbo> gotta do a 1hr "Coding exercise" for this internship I'll hopefully get over summer
[21:04] *** vmlemon_2 has joined #kamaelia
[21:04] < vmlemon_2> Grm
[21:04] < Davbo> planning on tackling it on saturday (they email it me and i reply an hour later with my results)
[21:04] < vmlemon_2> Stupid USB cable
[21:05] *** vmlemon_2 looks at the logs on Kamaelia.org to see what he just missed
[21:05] < Davbo> Davbo> gotta do a 1hr "Coding exercise" for this internship I'll hopefully get over summer
[21:05] < Davbo> :)
[21:05] < vmlemon_2> Aah
[21:05] < vmlemon_2> Thanks
[21:06] *** Davbo wonders what programming questions could be asked
[21:06] < Davbo> quite excited by it actually
[21:06] < vmlemon_2> Sounds fun
[21:07] *** vmlemon_2 is now known as vmlemon_
[21:07] < Davbo> yeah, bit like the projecteuler.net stuff
[21:16] < Patrick`> /n
[21:17] < Patrick`> well, I got a PhD offer but that starts in sept.
[21:25] < Davbo> congrats Patrick`
[21:25] < Patrick`> yeah, totally sweet
[21:25] < Patrick`> what I wanted n' all
[21:26] < Davbo> nice, what department you in?
[21:26] < vmlemon_> Great news, Patrick`
[21:36] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[21:38] < Patrick`> I'll be part of Edinburgh's organic chemistry section
[21:38] < Patrick`> in the group of one Prof. Leigh
[21:39] < Patrick`> joint with my current MChem project supervisor, Prof. McNab
[21:39] < Patrick`> it's totally awesome
[21:39] < Davbo> ah cool
[21:40] < Davbo> i'm in Comp Sci and find most of the PhD's people are doing to be horribly boring
[21:41] < vmlemon_> Heh
[21:41] < Davbo> but my Tutor had a post grad doing some stuff with the biology and chemistry departments and it was totally awesome
[21:43] < Patrick`> yeah, it's really random that I ended up doing soc
[21:51] < vmlemon_> Haha, "The above opinions are mine, and Edinburgh University can't have them "
[21:51] < vmlemon_> (Seen on a USENET post I just found)
[21:54] < Patrick`> I dunno how the various postgrad schools interact
[21:54] < Patrick`> apparently ediburgh's pretty good for computer science
[21:55] < Patrick`> and they just got a massive new building
[21:55] < Patrick`> higgs the physicist works for us, and the guy woh invented haskell
[21:55] < Patrick`> as far as chemists go, I don't know of many
[22:09] < vmlemon_> Heh, anyone heard about the BBC Botnet experinemt?
[22:09] < vmlemon_> *experiment
[22:09] < vmlemon_> even
[22:43] *** vmlemon_1 has joined #kamaelia