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[07:03] < Lawouach_> morning
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[09:46] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:46] < MS-> greetings
[10:01] < aa_> MS-: have you seen this thing "Circuits"?
[10:01] < MS-> yep
[10:01] < aa_> of course you have
[10:02] < aa_> MS-: seems you were way ahead of your time, but loads of people are clamouring into the domain now
[10:02] < MS-> Well, the aim was to try and get concurrency easier to use, by trying out ideas. If it encourages others to do the same, or similar, that's success
[10:03] < MS-> need to revisit the scheduler quite badly IMO
[10:04] < MS-> At minimum to find out why it performs the way it does
[10:04] < MS-> In theory it should be better than it is
[10:06] < aa_> MS-: that benchmark you pasted seemd pretty good
[10:06] < aa_> MS-: though I have lost the link
[10:06] < MS-> http://entitycrisis.blogspot.com/2009/03/concurrent-scaling-benchmarks.html
[10:07] < MS-> I don't really view being the worst case on that graph as being an appropriate place to be :)
[10:10] < MS-> but the silver lining is that it does say that there can be optimisations that jump that way
[10:13] < aa_> MS-: if you want a giggle: http://shortcircuit.net.au/~prologic/twisted.pdf
[10:13] < aa_> it's a twisted dependency graph
[10:14] < MS-> Now *that* would be more fun with Kamaelia
[10:14] < MS-> Esp. considering I'm planning on moving Graphline/Pipeline/etc into Axon.
[10:14] < MS-> Since they're components useful in almost any system. Whereas (say) PygameDisplay isn't useful in everything
[10:15] < aa_> right
[10:15] *** MS- waits for the pdf to render
[10:15] < MS-> wow
[10:15] < MS-> It has wires twisted everywhere!
[10:15] < MS-> ba-dum-tish
[10:15] < aa_> MS-: it's a giggle because I couldn't render it in any pdf viewer on a hugely powerful machine with a lot of ram
[10:15] < MS-> heh
[10:15] < aa_> MS-: and if you can render it, please tell me which viewer
[10:16] < MS-> kpdf
[10:16] < aa_> tried okular
[10:16] < aa_> the process reminded me of my first mandelbrot on a beeb
[10:16] < MS-> 6602 michaels 15 0 47408 20m 15m S 0 1.0 0:12.57 kpdf
[10:16] < MS-> :)
[10:17] < aa_> nice
[10:17] < MS-> now trying acrobat
[10:17] < MS-> That loads as well, but slower
[10:18] < MS-> wonder what open office makes of it
[10:18] < MS-> (accidentally discovered that open office can open PDFs for editting)
[10:18] < aa_> wow
[10:18] < aa_> no doubt "badly"
[10:19] < MS-> Hm, it does open it
[10:21] < MS-> Looks a complete mess mind
[10:21] < MS-> (no anti aliasing)
[10:30] < MS-> Mind you, in a way, the Axon Visualiser shows us the run time dependencies of each app really :)
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[16:31] < ramakrishnannk> hello
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