[00:29] < TheBashar> @ms: I'm really hitting my head against the wall. I send a shutdownMicroprocess to a ServerCore's control channel, but it keeps answering new connections. Any idea why it might not be shutting down?
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[13:24] < TheBashar_web> @ms - I boiled my program down to a small test case. Could you please take a look and tell me if you have any idea why the port listener is not shutting down?
[13:24] < TheBashar_web> http://pastebin.com/m46e39336
[13:40] < ms-afk> hiya
[13:40] < ms-afk> just taken a look
[13:41] < ms-afk> Turns out we used a different message there: serverShutdown
[13:42] < ms-afk> Which makes sense logically speaking, but as time has gone on we decided that what you've written should also work.
[13:42] < ms-afk> (part of the issue of an evolving project I guess)
[13:42] < ms-afk> What you want is:
[13:42] < ms-afk> from Kamaelia.IPC import serverShutdown
[13:42] < ms-afk> self.send(serverShutdown(),'sigkill')
[13:44] < ms-afk> I think I'll change the definition of serverShutdown though
[13:44] < ms-afk> (in a way that won't change behaviour, but make it more consistent with what you expected)
[13:50] < TheBashar_web> Thank you! Do I understand correctly that in the future shutdownMicroprocess will work similarly to serverShutdown? Or is there a subtle difference that I should understand so that I know when I _should_ use shutdownMicroprocess?
[13:54] < TheBashar_web> Also, I cannot import serverShutdown(). Did you mean simply the Axon.Ipc.shutdown() ?
[13:57] < ms-afk> >>> from Kamaelia.IPC import serverShutdown
[13:57] < ms-afk> >>>
[13:57] < ms-afk> In the future ServerCore will understand shutdownMicroprocess to mean serverShutdown
[13:59] < ms-afk> Basically at time T, we needed a means to shutdown the server, so created a message for that
[13:59] < ms-afk> At some later time T' we decided on some reusable meanings for producerFinished and shutdownMicroprocess
[13:59] < ms-afk> Since T' was later than T, it means that there are probably some places we need to go back to to ensure components understand this
[14:00] < ms-afk> But in a way that doesn't break current code.
[14:01] < TheBashar_web> :) Great, thank you, again! This worked. And I was going to ask about Axon.Ipc vs Kamaelia.IPC. But I take it that Axon are the common parts you've factored out of Kamaelia? Like the now almost common shutdownMicroprocess.
[14:02] < ms-afk> Essentially yes. The idea is to keep all the concurrency / core bits inside Axon, and the application or library specific stuff in Kamaelia.
[14:02] < ms-afk> As time has gone on it's become clearer where divisions lie
[14:02] < TheBashar_web> Ahh, I understad the state of the world again. Thanks for clearing that up.
[14:02] < ms-afk> you're welcome
[14:48] < TheBashar_web> I'm doing a little refactoring of my code. Is there any danger in giving a regular component a threaded component child?
[14:50] < ms-afk> Nope :)
[14:50] < ms-afk> A lot of thought has gone into making that sort of thing safe to do
[14:52] < TheBashar_web> Thanks. Multi-threaded can be very confusing especially when you're not real familiar with the framework.
[14:52] < TheBashar_web> Glad that most of that has been padded already.
[14:53] < ms-afk> That's the idea really - in many respects its just like working with pipelines on the unix shell
[14:54] < ms-afk> except rather than just linear shapes (stdout->stdin) you can have arbitrary shapes and rather than serialised data you pass any python object
[14:54] < ms-afk> The idea really to get back to the stage that people have with unix - after all people don't tend to think of pipelines as concurrency - just as a bunch of connected tools
[14:55] < TheBashar_web> If one can achieve that simplicity and flexibillity without sacrificing performance, than great! Sadly, it's usualy a pick 2 out of 3 thing.
[14:56] < ms-afk> Indeed.
[14:57] < ms-afk> kamaelia's model is equivalent in many respects to something like twisted, except that we use generators rather than deferreds
[14:57] < ms-afk> and that we have explicit buffers between things
[14:57] < ms-afk> Inboxes/outboxes have zero copy for delivery btw
[14:58] < ms-afk> Since when you link an inbox to an outbox, that gives the outbox storage space
[14:58] < TheBashar_web> zero copy even with threaded components, or just non-threaded?
[14:58] < ms-afk> Just non-threaded
[14:59] < TheBashar_web> Generators fit my mind a lot closer than deffereds.
[14:59] < ms-afk> There's an extra copy in the case of non-threaded->threaded
[14:59] < ms-afk> me too. I understand deferreds and have worked on a large scale piece of network software that operated that way (C++ rather than python), but I still prefer the generator approach
[15:00] < ms-afk> The explicit inboxes/outboxes thing makes it relatively easy to trace through someone else's code as well, which helps alot IMO
[15:00] < TheBashar_web> Agreed.
[15:01] < TheBashar_web> Are you enthusiastic about expanding Kamaelia with multiprocess support?
[15:01] < TheBashar_web> Or is that not something as interesting for you?
[15:02] < ms-afk> Interested yes. Not sure about enthusiastic, but definitely planning it - we do have a process based component already in experimental form for example
[15:02] < ms-afk> but that's based on Paul Boddie's pprocess library
[15:02] < ms-afk> It's sufficiently complete to work within certain constraints though
[15:02] < TheBashar_web> I'm really excited to start working with the new multiprocess library.
[15:03] < TheBashar_web> It seems straght-forward, similar to Kamaelia, and able to take advantage of multi-core more than multithreaded components.
[15:03] < TheBashar_web> I looked at pprocess before, but it didn't really fit my head as well.
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[15:04] < ms-afk> I picked it because it was pretty small, and because Jesse's code wasn't in the core at that point
[15:04] < ms-afk> It allows things like multi-window pygame apps which is quite fun:
[15:04] < ms-afk> http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1205626569
[15:05] < ms-afk> (title is a little over enthusiastic :) )
[15:06] < ms-afk> The nice thing from a kamaelia perspective though is that once you componentise it, which library is used under the hood is largely irrelevant
[15:06] < TheBashar_web> I worked with the multiprocessing library before Jesse championed it into the stdlib.
[15:06] < ms-afk> Cool
[15:06] < TheBashar_web> Are you planning to continue with pprocessing for the default kamaelia mp?
[15:07] < ms-afk> I'd prefer to move over to multiprocessing
[15:07] < ms-afk> For probably obvious reasons
[15:07] < ms-afk> pprocess was very good to get to a proof of concept stage - something which is reliable and nice
[15:07] < TheBashar_web> I may not be knowledgable enough to help, but I'd sure be happy to help test.
[15:08] < ms-afk> That'd be useful :)
[15:09] < ms-afk> The way we implemented usage last time was to create 2 new chassis components
[15:09] < ms-afk> Rather than have just Pipeline & Graphline
[15:09] < ms-afk> I created ProcessPipeline and ProcessGraphline
[15:09] < ms-afk> Which you used in an identical fashion
[15:10] < ms-afk> But ran all the sub components in separate processes.
[15:10] < TheBashar_web> Makes sense. So the components stay the same. It's just what managing process (pipe / graph) they are loaded into.
[15:10] < ms-afk> Yep
[15:10] < TheBashar_web> Would all sub-components in a PorcessPipeline be run in different process?
[15:11] < ms-afk> Yes
[15:11] < TheBashar_web> Or would all components in s ProcessPipeline be run in the same process. But different ProcessPipelines would be run in different processes?
[15:11] < ms-afk> You can mix and match
[15:11] < ms-afk> since a Pipeline is a component
[15:12] < ms-afk> so you can put pipelines in processpipelines and vice versa
[15:13] < TheBashar_web> So for two independant school buses with kids all in the same process, it would be like ProcessPipeline(Pipeline(kid1, kid2, kid3), Pipeline(kid4, kid5, kid6))?
[15:13] < TheBashar_web> I guess that makes sense.
[15:14] < TheBashar_web> But that example makes it seem like bus1 would talk to bus2
[15:14] < TheBashar_web> For completely independant buses, how would you run two completely independant pipelines in separate processes?
[15:19] < ms-afk> ProcessPipeline( A )
[15:19] < ms-afk> ProcessPipeline( B )
[15:19] < ms-afk> ProcessPipeline( C )
[15:19] < ms-afk> :)
[15:20] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[15:21] < TheBashar_web> D'oh
[15:22] < Davbo> Hey all
[15:22] < Davbo> Could anyone recommend a library for working with an excel spreadsheet from Python?
[15:26] < ms-afk> pyExcelerator
[15:26] < Davbo> cheers ms-afk
[15:27] < ms-afk> TheBashar_web: It would be nice to be able to do this though:
[15:27] < ms-afk> ProcessPar( A, B, C )
[15:27] < ms-afk> for the same thing
[15:28] < ms-afk> I've been considering implementing some occam style language constructs as components
[15:28] < ms-afk> Which has the 3 main constucts of SEQ, PAR, and ALT
[15:29] < ms-afk> We already have Seq, Alt partially exists in the form of TPipe, and PAR is like a Graphline with no linkages.
[15:29] < ms-afk> But picking up those 3 forms properly would enable people to pick up a large body of knowledge from the past as well
[15:30] < ms-afk> (I always quite liked occam, but never had a good use/need for it/system for using it)
[15:31] < TheBashar_web> ProcessParallel(A, B, C) makes sense to me.
[15:32] < TheBashar_web> Not knowing occaml though, the abbreviations are a little confusing at first.
[15:32] *** ms-afk nods
[15:34] < TheBashar_web> What is ALT? Like a round-robin?
[15:35] < ms-afk> It's like a parallel if
[15:35] < Davbo> IIRC ALT is like a guarded statement you'd see in haskell or something similar
[15:35] < TheBashar_web> alternative - d'oh
[15:36] < ms-afk> You set a bunch of conditions and code - one bit of code per condition
[15:36] < ms-afk> and when a condition is ready, it fires
[15:36] < Davbo> alternative / parallel / sequence /me can remember looking them up during gsoc :)
[15:37] < TheBashar_web> I don't work with our low level software, but my company has a programming package that translates graphical sequential function charts into programmable logic controller code.
[15:37] *** ms-afk nods
[15:37] < TheBashar_web> With alt, par, and seq you could almost make a graphical programmer for kamaelia systems.
[15:38] < ms-afk> There is a nascent Compose application...
[15:38] < ms-afk> but it needs TLC
[15:38] *** Davbo goes back to pulling his hair out over parsing this excel file
[15:38] < ms-afk> Alt, par and seq could probably simplify things somewhat
[15:39] < TheBashar_web> It would be great to have, no doubt. It would just be a shame to lose any apparent simplicity.
[15:39] < ms-afk> It's in the Tools directory. Along with the AxonVisualiser
[15:40] < ms-afk> Largely as a "I want to be able to do this graphically too please" view from my perspective
[15:41] < ms-afk> I did this as a test to see if doing a more natural front end was doable:
[15:41] < ms-afk> http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1214609362
[15:41] < TheBashar_web> I meant the alt and par constructs would be great to have. But I'd hate to see Axon appear to get twisted in complexity.
[15:41] < ms-afk> Which uses some gesture recognition code for links
[15:41] *** ms-afk nods
[15:42] < ms-afk> I'm always very reticent when it comes to extending Axon for that very reason
[15:42] < TheBashar_web> Sweet screenshot.
[15:43] < ms-afk> :)
[15:44] < TheBashar_web> When I said it looks like our graphical sequential function chart designer I misspoke.
[15:44] < TheBashar_web> It looks exactly like our function block diagram programmer.
[15:45] < ms-afk> :)
[15:45] < ms-afk> Many moons ago, as a student between my second and third years I worked with manchester Uni's CS department on a hardware compiler
[15:46] < ms-afk> something for taking essentially a parse tree of an HDL and generating the netlist
[15:46] < ms-afk> The thing that stuck with me was that the parse tree was part of a language that had both textual form and graphical forms which were equivalent
[15:46] < ms-afk> I've wanted something like that, which is efficient, for software for a long time :)
[15:47] < TheBashar_web> I still would prefer using a structured text representation, but the graphical visualizer/composer would be great for teaching young kids or for higher-level WBI type integration software people.
[15:47] *** ms-afk nods
[15:48] < ms-afk> It's also useful for showing managers, since you can do this:
[15:48] < ms-afk> ./AxonVisualiser.py --navelgaze
[15:48] < ms-afk> And show what's going on inside a running system
[15:48] < ms-afk> (in Tools)
[15:48] < TheBashar_web> LOL
[15:48] < ms-afk> http://www.kamaelia.org/AxonVisualiser
[15:51] < TheBashar_web> I was having some trouble understanding how things worked yesterday evening.
[15:51] < TheBashar_web> I'd like to suggest bumping up in prominence his particular page on the documentation list on the Kamaelia front-page:
[15:52] < TheBashar_web> http://www.kamaelia.org/Docs/Axon/Axon.Component.html
[15:57] < ms-afk> Where, specifically, would you find it better ?
[15:59] < TheBashar_web> Under Documentation, you have 1 - Tuturials, 2 - Cookbook, 3 - Comp Ref, 4 - Axon Ref
[15:59] < TheBashar_web> For writing new Kamaelia software, the tutorials don't help so much.
[16:00] < TheBashar_web> They're good for adapting existing non K* software.
[16:00] < TheBashar_web> For people trying to write new learn the system programs, I would order it:
[16:00] < TheBashar_web> 1 - Cookbook, 2 - Tutorials, 3 - Axon Ref, 4 - Comp Ref
[16:01] < TheBashar_web> And I would put the Axon.Component page near the very top of the cookbook page.
[16:01] < TheBashar_web> Here's how to write a component.
[16:01] < TheBashar_web> Then, here's how to wire a couple components together.
[16:02] < ms-afk> Interesting.
[16:02] < TheBashar_web> Just two cents obviosuly.
[16:02] < TheBashar_web> grain of salt and all that
[16:03] < ms-afk> It does make sense though
[16:04] < Davbo> the source & SVN bit on the front page still has loren ipsum fwiw ms-afk
[16:04] < ms-afk> It's very hard for me to be able to accurately judge what's better/worse for someone new, simply because to me it's not new :) As a result each new set of eyes is useful
[16:05] < TheBashar_web> The first cookbooks receipes were the best tutorials I could find for starting out new. But then once I needed to go outside the small box, going down the cookbook list got into the deep end of the pool.
[16:05] < TheBashar_web> The component ref was good to know what a component could and couldn't do.
[16:06] < ms-afk> It's an interesting point.
[17:16] < TheBashar_web> Are there any automated docs generated that would show the return types of functions?
[17:16] < TheBashar_web> For instance, does microprocess.activate() return anything?
[17:38] < Lawouach> it returns self
[17:38] < Lawouach> if I'm not mistaken :p
[18:24] < ms-afk> yep
[18:25] < ms-afk> Should probably be in the docs mind
[18:26] < ms-afk> (It's not mentioned on http://www.kamaelia.org/Docs/Axon/Axon.Microprocess.html)
[18:26] < ms-afk> fwiw, In the Axon docs...
[18:26] < ms-afk> The section labelled Test documentation
[18:26] < ms-afk> is generated from the test suite
[18:27] < ms-afk> each line - eg
[18:27] < TheBashar_web> I had been looking there, but it didn't seem to contain return types except for functions explictly made to return stuff (like recv)
[18:27] < ms-afk> "After being stopped a microprocess returns true to _isStopped and false to _isRunnable."
[18:27] < ms-afk> Is the docstring from the test
[18:27] < ms-afk> which details precisely what the test covers
[18:29] < ms-afk> Means we probably don't have a test to say ".activate() when called returns the same microprocess"
[18:29] < TheBashar_web> Ahh... I see.
[18:29] < TheBashar_web> I guess I should really browse the source to find that stuff.
[18:31] < ms-afk> I admit that's not the best way to find stuff.
[18:44] < TheBashar_web> The component doc shows addChildren before child.activate(). Is there any reason why I cant activate first? So just parent.addChildren(Child().activate())
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[18:58] < ms-afk> These days most components don't tend to use addChildren at all
[18:58] < ms-afk> addChildren tends to be used by components like Pipeline and Graphline whose primary purpose
[18:59] < ms-afk> is to create a bunch of linkages, activate the children and then go to sleep
[18:59] < ms-afk> ... and are awoken (due to the addChildren...) when one of the children shuts down
[19:00] < TheBashar_web> So I want to embed my TimedPump component inside my PortManager (which TimedPump triggers).
[19:00] < TheBashar_web> I could just embed it with regular encapsulation. But I thought addChildren might be more elegant.
[19:01] < ms-afk> You could do that as well. The child stuff was really put in place because we originally thought it might be useful for capturing topology information
[19:01] < ms-afk> cf the visualiser
[19:03] < TheBashar_web> I see. I'll keep it for encapsulation for now because it automates cleanup a bit.
[19:15] < TheBashar_web> Sorry, stupid question. How do I cleanly terminate everything based on some keyboard input?
[19:16] < TheBashar_web> I hooked a ConsoleReader outbox to my main component's control inbox, and that stop's it.
[19:16] < TheBashar_web> But as the docs note, console reader doesn't terminate. I even routed a shutdownMicroprocess message back to the reader's control box.
[19:17] < TheBashar_web> How do I shutdown the whol shebang (cleanly)?
[19:21] < ms-afk> If you want to shutdown the entire system, the easiest way is to ask the scheduler to shutdown.
[19:21] < ms-afk> which you can do using
[19:21] < ms-afk> self.scheduler.stop()
[19:24] < TheBashar_web> Ahh, yes! Thank you! It shutdown cleanly for the first time ever. A beautiful thing.
[19:26] < ms-afk> :)
[19:27] < ms-afk> When all the components exit, the scheduler also stops of course, but it's also handy to be able to just say "stop"
[19:27] < TheBashar_web> Yes, easier than trying to track down all the components.
[19:33] < ms-afk> There is some work slowly happening there (kinda led to the ALT, Seq, etc ideas)
[19:33] < ms-afk> specifically if a message reaches the "control" inbox of a graphline
[19:34] < ms-afk> then it's assumed to be a control message, rather than something that gets changed
[19:34] < ms-afk> and passed on to all the subcomponents of the graphline
[19:34] < ms-afk> (unless the graphlines control inbox has been rewired somewhere else)
[19:35] < ms-afk> So for those tracking where shutdown messages go is handled by the chassis
[19:36] < ms-afk> It's tempting to extend that further to see what gets made simpler
[19:37] < TheBashar_web> It would be nice if there was a PAR you could register all the disparate chains with. Then send shutdown to the PAR and watch everything cleanly cascade to a stop.
[19:37] < ms-afk> interesting idea
[20:40] < Davbo> sqlalchemy is nice
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[21:54] < TheBashar> @ms: The TCPClient doesn't seem to have any connection timeout capability built in.
[21:54] < TheBashar> Would you recommend adding that with a cooperating timer component, or by subclassing the existing tcpclient.