[00:47] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[10:14] < MS-> greetings
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[11:22] < Lawouach> heya
[12:17] < MS-> hiya
[12:20] < Lawouach> how are things mate?
[12:23] < MS-> Pretty much as usual. Ticking along as they do. Really tired this week, but that's due to work more than anything
[12:23] < MS-> Your pint vs print message made me pine for the buildings over the road though :)
[12:23] < MS-> and yourself?
[12:25] < Lawouach> eh eh :)
[12:25] < Lawouach> Doing good
[12:25] < Lawouach> I was on holiday this week
[12:25] < Lawouach> holiday rather forced let's say
[12:26] < Lawouach> I work for an agency that puts me at clients and my last contract ended last Friday
[12:26] < Lawouach> since my company had nothing for me they pushed me on the bench
[12:26] < Lawouach> but all things considered I needed the break
[12:27] *** MS- nods
[12:27] < MS-> Sometimes a break is a good thing in itself. How you get one can vary, but a break is useful
[12:27] *** MS- could do with one :)
[12:28] < Lawouach> then take one, if you body says it needs one... :)
[12:29] < MS-> my body is saying that it'd like a couple of years off on a beach. I'd love to listen to it, but I don't think I'd be able to swing the leave at work ;) :)
[12:31] < Lawouach> eh eh
[12:31] < Lawouach> ah well
[12:37] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:42] < Lawouach> hi vmlemon
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[12:56] *** vmlemon_1 is now known as vmlemon_
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