[03:40] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[07:15] *** liwp has joined #kamaelia
[07:17] *** liwp has parted #kamaelia
[08:27] < MS-> morning
[09:02] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[09:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[09:23] < vmlemon_> Hi
[09:26] < vmlemon_> Meh, Twitter is down
[09:30] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:38] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[09:38] Reply: does the macarena
[09:44] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[11:39] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[11:39] Reply: does the macarena
[16:20] < MS-> OK, back to tests
[17:04] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[17:20] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[19:23] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia