[07:53] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[12:59] < MS-> been playing with an RFID tag reader & python over the past couple of days. Will probably post a blog post about how to do this nicely and how to combine with Kamaelia.
[13:00] < MS-> The kamaelia transform is really trivial, but opens up some quite fun things
[13:00] < aa_> MS-: hah, I have been doing that too!
[13:00] < aa_> MS-: which reader?
[13:00] < MS-> Tikitag
[13:00] < aa_> except I have been using it with Twisted, not Kamaelia :(
[13:00] < aa_> oh, I bought one from um.. somethingy-widgety-somename
[13:01] < MS-> Naive componentisation is as simple as this:
[13:01] < MS-> http://groups.google.com/group/kamaelia/msg/3b2db2e80d37b667
[13:01] < aa_> that's cool, rfid is cool
[13:02] < MS-> From there, it's a small hop to this:
[13:02] < MS-> http://groups.google.com/group/geekup/msg/30725ea0f916336f
[13:02] < MS-> which would be "controlling the simplest possible presentation tool using RFID tags"
[13:13] < aa_> MS-: on a slightly similar topic, I also had a good play with some contactless chip and pin devices
[13:17] < MS-> cool
[13:19] < aa_> you know those things have publickey privatekey pairs on them
[13:19] < aa_> and the private key is generated on-chip and never leaves the chip
[13:19] < aa_> and the pin is your passphrase
[13:19] < aa_> clever really :)
[13:19] *** MS- nods
[13:19] < MS-> That's the way the TCPA stuff works
[13:20] < aa_> right
[13:20] < aa_> trust is interesting
[13:20] < MS-> I think the tikitag reader has something similar built in btw
[13:21] < MS-> but that's not as easy to hack at present
[13:21] < MS-> sadly
[13:21] < aa_> does it come with python libs
[13:22] < MS-> Nope. Only comes with windows/mac downloads, but that's not stopped people :)
[13:22] < aa_> hah
[13:22] < MS-> I'm using this code - which uses libusb directly - https://projects.nesl.ucla.edu/view/viewcvs.cgi/tikitag/trunk/pytiki/
[13:52] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[15:58] < Lawouach> evening folks
[16:26] < MS-> evening
[16:29] < Lawouach> hi mate
[16:29] < Lawouach> how are you?
[16:31] < MS-> I'm pretty good actually. Last week was manic - writing up stupid amounts of docs for work which will probably never be read by anyone ( :-/ ), preceded by being off ill with antibiotics, and avoiding things generally as a result
[16:32] < MS-> Back to normal now though :-)
[16:32] < MS-> Got myself a new toy - http://www.tikitag.com/ - which is fun so far (RFID reader + tags - all with 75% off :) )
[16:32] < MS-> etc
[16:32] < MS-> and yourself?
[16:33] < MS-> Saw you had a sore throat - how's that?
[16:33] < Lawouach> still sour :)
[16:33] < Lawouach> that's mainly annyoing and tiring but not that bad
[16:34] < Lawouach> the tikitag looks great
[16:34] *** MS- nods
[16:34] < MS-> It's fun. It's a pity they've sold out, but at the price it was worth a punt :)
[16:34] < MS-> Makes a perfect foil for kamaelia too I've realised
[16:35] < Lawouach> sold out!
[16:35] < Lawouach> dang
[16:36] < MS-> indeed :-/ Looks like they're getting more in (probably branded differently) in March by the sounds of things
[16:36] < Lawouach> damn I want one now :)
[16:37] < Lawouach> probably worth trying ebay
[16:37] < MS-> It wouldn't surprise me to see them there, given that they were so heavily discounted
[16:37] < MS-> Someone probably thought "I'll buy a load and ebay them"
[17:38] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:44] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:45] < MS-> evening
[17:47] < vmlemon_> The TikiTag stuff sounds interesting
[17:51] < MS-> It's quite nice
[18:20] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[19:01] < MS-> Hm, It'd be really neat to be able to run a single component as a different user
[19:04] < MS-> That's like saying "it'd be nice to run this one function as another user" though, which is a bit moon on a stick
[19:39] < vmlemon_> Haha, http://i.friendfeed.com/4e83b341c7cab13302be4b4b75f37fc688c5f05e
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