[08:02] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[09:56] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[10:29] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[10:29] < MS-> greetings
[10:39] *** MS- reads back logs from whilst afk being ill
[10:40] < MS-> (chest infection, still taking anti-biotics)
[10:41] < MS-> hmm. I note this from the other day:
[10:41] < MS-> "going to get my gsoc project up for merge sometime this week / next weekend"
[10:41] < MS-> "hopefully MS will be a bit more forgiving than he was with j_bakers (the ML got a bit ugly with that)"
[10:41] < MS-> I think there's a general misunderstanding about merging here
[10:41] < MS-> (he says thinking out loud mainly)
[10:42] < MS-> Stuff gets merged if it's definitely useful. Either because someone's using it in something fun, or if it's a bug fix.
[10:42] < MS-> I don't randomly merge stuff that's got no use.
[10:42] < MS-> Or not being used
[10:42] < MS-> The problem with j_baker's branch was just that - it wasn't being used and contained lots of stuff that wasn't used even by other stuff on the branch
[10:43] < MS-> As a result there was no way to test it or even sanity check the names
[10:43] < MS-> All code also needs to be exerciseable at minimum, tests would be preferable, but exerciseable at minimum - so you can see expected behaviour
[10:44] < MS-> With stuff that goes in Kamaelia.Apps, I expect it all to be used by a given application
[10:44] < MS-> And that's a minimally sufficient means of exercising the code, though preferably it should not contain code that isn't exercised by the app
[10:45] < MS-> For stuff outside Kamaelia.Apps, it has to have examples that make it clear how you use something, and just as importantly why someone would choose to use it
[10:46] < MS-> Also, as an aside, Kamaelia.Support should not contain anything that creates components - either classes that derive from *component or functions that create configured components or functions that create classes/functions that create components.
[10:46] < MS-> I'm guessing davbo reads the logs, which is another reason for posting this here.
[10:46] *** MS- changed the topic to http://www.kamaelia.org/logs/
[10:49] < MS-> But the core points really: should work and should be in use (however occasionally).
[10:49] < MS-> I don't think any of the GSOC projects match the criterion of "in use" :-(
[10:50] < MS-> ho hum
[10:51] < MS-> Not going to do gsoc this year anyway, for definite
[10:58] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[10:58] < Davbo> Hey all
[11:10] < Davbo> fair enough MS-, I wont bother
[11:19] < Davbo> with merging, that is :)
[11:19] < Davbo> unless a use pops up or something
[11:25] < Davbo> Lawouach: if I use easy_install for cheerypy should i get the latest version?
[11:25] < Davbo> or should I do a checkout of it?
[11:34] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[11:50] < MS-> "I wont bother" - that's your call really - I just don't want you to go through the scenario of fighting to get things ready if you have a doubt over "Is it in use/am I using it/am I likely to use it/have I found it useful"
[11:50] Reply: Hi, I'm a bot. I've been put here to answer faq's and log the channel.
[11:50] Reply: I've not really been configured yet, so I won't do much here yet :-)
[11:52] < Davbo> I've found it useful as an example bit of Kamaelia code
[11:53] *** MS- nods
[11:55] < Davbo> I still have ideas though MS- so I'd like the branch to remain
[11:56] < Davbo> or I can move back to /sketches/ if you'd like to spring clean /branches/ that's fine
[11:57] < MS-> The branch can remain happily. I got rid of the branches which had been put up for merge simply because they weren't ready to merge (and the original branch was in a better state really)
[11:57] < Davbo> fair enough
[11:59] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[13:18] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[13:55] < MS-> Lawouach: Really impressed about hearing that IronPython can run Kamaelia now btw
[13:56] < MS-> That's really cool. Means that IronPython has reached another level of maturity :)
[15:45] < Lawouach> yeap
[15:45] < Lawouach> and it really ran smoothly
[15:45] < Lawouach> I didn't expect it to work
[18:15] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:16] < vmlemon_> Hi
[19:52] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[19:52] Reply: does the macarena
[20:02] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[20:22] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: ecky
[20:22] Reply: Ptang!
[22:23] *** Patrick` has joined #kamaelia
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