[07:03] < Lawouach> morning
[10:01] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:01] < vmlemon_> Hi
[10:38] < Lawouach> hi
[10:58] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[12:11] < Lawouach> damn, this http://pyevolve.sourceforge.net/ coupled with this http://pyparasol.sourceforge.net/
[12:11] < Lawouach> that sounds like a lot of fun
[12:24] < Davbo> oh i was looking at pyevolve the other day, looks cool
[12:26] < Davbo> you got something in mind with those two Lawouach?
[12:26] < Lawouach> not really, or more precisely nothing I can yet design in my head
[12:27] < Lawouach> but it would involve testing of my XMPP/AtomPub code
[12:27] < Lawouach> where I would create fake populations based on various parameters
[12:27] < Lawouach> checking how they'd evolve
[12:27] < Davbo> sounds interesting
[12:28] < Davbo> looking at the travelling salesman code with pyevolve
[12:28] < Lawouach> :)
[12:28] < Lawouach> that reminds me of http://pypi.python.org/pypi/fusil/
[12:29] < Lawouach> the problem with testing is that we often test for the "good" case
[12:29] < Lawouach> when we should really test for the "bad" ones :)
[12:30] < Davbo> recently played with a couple of python lib's - http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/ and http://scrapy.org/
[12:30] < Davbo> just to make a massive google calendar out of http://www.shef.ac.uk/StuApp1/examsDP.do
[12:31] < Lawouach> scrapy looks handy
[12:31] < Davbo> was good fun, not done any scraping stuff before
[12:31] < Davbo> makes you hate poor html code :)
[12:31] < Lawouach> I usually simply use BeautifulSoup but scrapy could be a good alternative in some cases
[12:31] < Lawouach> yeah :)
[12:31] < Lawouach> viva XHTML ;)
[12:32] < Davbo> hehe
[12:33] < Davbo> took ages to post it to google calendar though
[12:33] < Davbo> thinking of setting something up for the uni next exam season so its easier for people to see their exams rather than the massive table
[12:34] < Lawouach> you know what
[12:34] < Lawouach> you could even extract the geolocalization of each venue and display the exams on a map
[12:35] < Davbo> yup, been thinking of that too
[12:35] < Lawouach> :)
[12:35] < Lawouach> come to think of it, how do you store the data once extracted?
[12:35] < Davbo> csv
[12:36] < Lawouach> mind sending me the file pleasE?
[12:36] < Lawouach> it's a good dataset for some stuff I work on :)
[12:36] < Lawouach> sorry to abuse your work ;)
[12:36] < Davbo> sure :)
[12:37] < Lawouach> ta
[12:37] < Davbo> http://davbo.org/scraped_items.csv
[12:38] < Lawouach> cheers mate
[12:38] *** Davbo is off to eat, back later :)
[12:38] < Davbo> no problem Lawouach
[12:39] < Lawouach> unrelated topic
[12:39] < Lawouach> I've been watching the Royle Family recently
[12:39] < Lawouach> mesmerizing
[12:39] < Lawouach> even though nothing actually goes on
[12:39] < Lawouach> it's so strange
[13:49] < Davbo> hehe
[13:50] < Davbo> i love the Royale Family, the last xmas special was awesome
[13:50] < Davbo> it hasn't been on TV for ages other than the xmas specials though
[14:03] < Davbo> Lawouach: this is literally all the code for scraping that page with scrapy http://davbo.org/trac/browser/Python/exams/spiders/exam_timetable.py
[14:04] < Davbo> basespider is really simple since you're not crawling, just scraping one page
[14:04] < Lawouach> i see
[14:04] < Lawouach> good stuff
[14:04] < Davbo> it's really cool, it works a bit odly though
[14:05] < Davbo> its like django, you run something to generate a bunch of code then go from that
[14:05] < Davbo> at least that's what it reminds me off
[14:05] < Davbo> s/off/of
[14:09] < Davbo> Hah "Vi input mode" in Kate
[14:14] < Davbo> oh Lawouach; if you want another nice big data set, i was thinking of doing something with this http://www.freethepostcode.org/currentlist
[14:18] < Lawouach> that'd be useful :)
[14:18] < Lawouach> mind you that's already a workable format
[14:19] < Davbo> royal mail charge thousands for the postcode database, hopefully freethepostcode will take off
[14:37] < vmlemon_> Heh
[14:37] < vmlemon_> Didn't they offer a "trial version" at one time?
[14:42] < Davbo> not sure
[14:42] < Davbo> i just *got* "Negation as failure" in Prolog
[14:43] < Davbo> and CUT's are total genius
[16:54] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[18:37] < vmlemon_> Hah, http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2008/08/11/no-scone-unturned-in-hunt-for-kids-tv-cookery-show-data/