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[09:00] < MS-> Sitting in a meeting/workshop on open source at the BBC. Not really sure of it's overall direction
[09:01] < MS-> Overall topic appears to be patents...
[09:02] < MS-> Appears to be a general knowledge sharing thing at present
[09:44] < Lawouach> MS-: I believe the GPL is offering a certain amount of protection a patent provides.
[09:46] < MS-> Well, yes. Open source release in general gives you the same sorts of protection - because it gives you the prior art argument
[09:46] < MS-> MPL has explicit patent grant, as does GPL v3
[09:48] < Lawouach> What I mean, aside from the patent clauses, the way GPL works means you protect a piece of engineering from other's benefiting without some sort of constraints (the viral aspect of the GPL being a strong constraint).
[09:48] *** MS- nod
[09:49] < Lawouach> I'd say one major difference is you can't GPL a process like a patent does.
[09:49] < Lawouach> Dirac for instance is an interesting example
[09:49] < Lawouach> It was patented, wasn't it?
[09:50] < MS-> Process patents were recently overturned by a supreme court decision in the US
[09:50] < MS-> doesn't affect existing patents though :-/
[09:50] < MS-> re: dirac, there were some applications put in
[09:50] < MS-> but I don't think they went through to actual patent
[09:51] < MS-> ie got to the "published by & lodged with the patent office stage"
[09:51] < MS-> which is enough to protect it
[09:51] < MS-> caveat: *if I recall correctly*
[09:52] < Lawouach> right
[09:57] < Lawouach> I guess one could argue that someone could implement Dirac and avoid the potential patent shenanigan but it'd be quite costly. The other choice being to reuse the current existing implementation which is GPL IIRC.
[09:57] < Lawouach> It seems in both cases the hassle is too great anyway
[09:58] < Lawouach> Providing some kind of virtual protection from an economical perspective :)
[09:58] < Lawouach> Mind you, that probably leads as well to people chosing an alternative codec in that case :)
[10:01] < MS-> There's also schroedinger
[10:01] < MS-> which has a more general base license iirc
[10:01] < MS-> i forget the exact one :)
[10:01] < Lawouach> okay
[10:02] < MS-> dirac has the same license scheme as kamaelia
[10:02] < Lawouach> http://diracvideo.org/wiki/FAQ#What_are_the_license_conditions.3F
[10:02] < Lawouach> yeah
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[11:11] < MS-> Lawouach: This is interesting: http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2008/12/15/computer-software-is-not-math/id=1040/
[11:14] < MS-> (Primarily the bit about the ruling I mean)
[11:16] < mhrd> heh
[11:32] < MS-> Well, that thing is over now
[11:33] < MS-> basically we were pitched at for 2 - 3 hours by these guys: http://www.openinventionnetwork.com/
[11:34] < MS-> currently dubious about what was put forward, largely because it was claimed it defends "the community"
[11:35] < MS-> But misses that "the community" is much larger than just companies. (indeed I'd argue companies are a minor aspect of the system)
[11:36] < MS-> Mentioning here mainly because kamaelia's open source and if the BBC is making policy on things, it's useful IMO to get external feedback.
[11:36] < MS-> Probably the most interesting thing from it I picked up were these three things:
[11:36] < MS-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_publication
[11:36] < MS-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Defensive_Publication
[11:36] < MS-> and
[11:37] < MS-> http://www.ip.com/prior-art-database/defensive-publishing.jsp
[12:51] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:56] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:56] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[12:56] Reply: does the macarena
[13:04] < MS-> kamlogbot: poke
[13:04] Reply: Not the eye! Not the eye!
[13:10] < vmlemon_> Ugh, http://friendfeed.com/e/3119428d-1bef-431c-a663-95a1fa9831bc/Swarovski-studded-Honda-Life-Style-Study-For-Rich/
[13:11] *** vmlemon_ wonders who'd buy one
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[16:21] < Lawouach> back
[16:21] < Lawouach> sorry I was away
[16:21] < Lawouach> MS-: I wll read those links
[16:23] < MS-> np
[16:23] < MS-> They're not major really
[16:23] < MS-> It was a largely content (and decision) free thing IMO
[16:25] < MS-> The thing about the reversal of process patents is relatively interesting though
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