[06:07] *** plaes has parted #kamaelia
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[09:59] < Lawouach> hi guys
[10:25] < Lawouach> damn I'm using Graphline so much that I don't remember how to manually link components :)
[11:02] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[11:03] < vmlemon_> Hi
[11:51] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[11:51] < Lawouach_> hey chaps
[14:46] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[15:05] < Davbo> where has MS been lately..
[15:07] < vmlemon_> Good question
[15:10] < Davbo> I was expecting him to show up when i asked it
[15:11] < Davbo> like some kind of super hero.
[15:11] < Lawouach_> Hah. Listening to some classic Guns N'Roses tunes
[15:11] < Davbo> old GnR music videos are the best
[15:12] < Lawouach_> yeah
[15:12] < Davbo> november rain i think is the one with the wedding, it's hilarious...the bride looks like a stripper
[15:12] < Lawouach_> I've been watching many this afternoon
[15:13] < Lawouach_> She was a model from back then... they mostly looked like that I think
[15:14] < Davbo> i don't mean her, iirc (and i probably do :P) the dress doesn't cover much up
[15:14] *** Davbo fires up youtube
[15:16] < Davbo> hahaha, when did this come out?
[15:16] < Davbo> late 80's early 90's?
[15:17] < Davbo> not only an obscene guitar solo but also the song is like 10 minutes long
[15:18] < Davbo> you don't get that these days.
[15:22] *** Davbo sits in his corner listening to Sufjan Stevens
[15:25] < Lawouach_> good man
[15:25] < Lawouach_> That being said, I can't help it, I'm a GN'R fan and will always be
[15:25] < Lawouach_> Mind you, I haven't bought Chinese Democracy yet
[15:28] < vmlemon_> Hah, (17:00:11) probono: although i tend to avoid berlin visits
[15:28] < vmlemon_> (17:00:35) probono: it's so out of where i normally go
[15:28] < vmlemon_> (17:00:37) probono: somehow disconnected from "mainland south germany" :-)
[15:28] < vmlemon_> (17:00:49) probono: it's an island in the foreign waters
[15:28] < vmlemon_> (17:01:26) probono: they should have choosen a capital that is actually in the center of the country, not in a part where you normally never go... ;-)
[15:31] *** Davbo is confused by that quote
[15:35] < Davbo> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=&daddr=-40.349679,-9.880598&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=-40.349377,-9.880496&sspn=0.003614,0.008261&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.067103,-12.310846&spn=0.003784,0.008261&t=h&z=18
[15:35] < Davbo> zoom out from that
[15:40] *** Davbo is convinced that's the island from LOST
[16:08] < vmlemon_> Hmm, http://events.ccc.de/congress/2008/Fahrplan/events/2873.en.html
[16:16] < Lawouach> vmlemon_: will read it
[16:20] < vmlemon_> Cool
[16:20] < vmlemon_> It mentioned XMPP, so I thought it might be vaguely interesting to you
[16:23] < Lawouach> :p
[16:24] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[16:24] < vmlemon_> Hi eikenberry
[16:24] *** eikenberry waves
[16:52] < vmlemon_> WTF? http://www.macworld.com/article/137757/2008/12/previewlawsuit.html, damned patent trolls
[17:13] < eikenberry> Good test for a post-Bilski patent ruling. Seems like a clear loser to me base on what I've read about it.
[17:14] < vmlemon_> They sound like the next Eolas
[17:15] < vmlemon_> Maybe they should merge with SCO ;)
[17:15] < eikenberry> heh
[17:16] < vmlemon_> I can see them really releasing an "innovative" product
[17:16] < eikenberry> shouldn't matter anymore... Bilski ruling disallows all process based patents (ie. all non machine patents). This one should be toast.
[17:17] < vmlemon_> Interesting
[17:17] < eikenberry> refereces
[17:17] < eikenberry> http://www.groklaw.net/search.php?query=Bilski&keyType=phrase&datestart=&dateend=&topic=patents&type=all&author=0&mode=search
[17:17] < vmlemon_> Thanks
[17:17] < vmlemon_> Looking now
[17:17] < eikenberry> also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilski
[17:18] *** vmlemon_ wonders what the state of software patents in the UK is, these days...
[18:09] < Lawouach> why do people use rar?
[18:09] < Lawouach> it's so freakin slow!
[18:09] < vmlemon_> Hmm, other than the compression ratios being decent in -m5 mode?
[18:10] < Lawouach> it's still massively slow and bandwith/storage ain't so bad these days
[18:10] < Lawouach> :p
[18:11] < Lawouach> I'm wondering if 7z isn't actually as good while being faster
[18:12] < vmlemon_> 7Zip isn't that great
[18:13] < vmlemon_> It doesn't even support symlinks, POSIX file attributes or "special files", for what it's worth
[18:13] < vmlemon_> And I've never seen it give a good ration
[18:13] < vmlemon_> *ratio
[18:16] < vmlemon_> I still wonder why people use gzip and bzip2, other than compression and decompression support for them being ubiquitous on most UNIX-esque platforms
[18:31] < Lawouach> watching How to lose friends and alienate people
[19:20] < Lawouach> damn I can't seem to propagate shutdownMessage down through graph components
[19:31] < Lawouach> right done
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[22:12] < eikenberry> vmlemon. What would you suggest rather than bzip2? Looks like about the best of the bunch... at least based on wikipedia's list.
[22:12] < eikenberry> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_archivers
[22:13] < vmlemon_> Good question
[22:13] < vmlemon_> Unless it's just to do with how it's used in general
[22:13] < vmlemon_> (i.e. to compress a tar archive)
[22:15] < eikenberry> My only problem with it is that it's gnu tar option is '-j' which I always forget.
[22:30] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia