[07:03] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[09:20] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[10:24] < Lawouach> http://blog.ianbicking.org/2008/12/14/a-few-corrections-to-on-packaging/
[15:11] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[16:42] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[17:27] < Lawouach> evening
[18:05] < Davbo> Hey Lawouach
[18:05] < Lawouach> hi there
[18:05] *** Davbo is writing a parser in Haskell
[18:06] < Davbo> ...good times :(
[18:06] < Davbo> how are you Lawouach?
[18:08] < Lawouach> doing good
[18:08] < Lawouach> actually doing really good these days
[18:08] < Lawouach> just putting Madagascar on TV
[18:09] < Lawouach> is your parser for your class?
[18:28] < Davbo> yep, got to do a parser and syntax analyser in Haskell
[18:29] *** Davbo wanted to use PLY
[18:41] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[18:56] < Davbo> glad to hear you're doing well, Lawouach :)
[18:56] < Lawouach> :)
[18:57] < Lawouach> I see MS is set to watch Doctor Who
[18:57] < Lawouach> It seems to be such a big show in the UK
[18:58] < aa_> doctor who is just Great British Television
[18:58] < aa_> it's an institution
[18:59] < aa_> (hi everyone)
[18:59] < Lawouach> I remember watching one
[19:00] < Lawouach> where there were statues which were like alive or something
[19:00] < Lawouach> and once they laid eye on you you could just disappear or something
[19:00] < Lawouach> I have no idea what it was all about :)
[19:02] < aa_> hah, that was a 2-part episode
[19:02] < aa_> a very good one, iirc
[19:03] < Lawouach> it was entertaining
[19:35] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:40] < Davbo> hah, my ex had nightmares for weeks after that episode, "blink" iirc
[19:41] < Davbo> MS-, was the creepy statue episode of Doctor Who called "Blink"?
[19:44] < MS-> yep
[19:45] < MS-> That was a pretty well thought out story IMO
[19:47] < aa_> see everyone loves The Doctor
[19:47] < MS-> aa_: Except Davbo - he's a heathen
[19:47] < MS-> :-)
[19:47] < aa_> he just uses it to keep his ex awake at night
[19:48] < Davbo> hahah
[19:48] *** MS- reads back log & sees some context 
[19:48] < MS-> :)
[19:48] < MS-> twas the first part of the sontaron one fwiw
[19:48] < MS-> :)
[19:48] < MS-> (the recent sontaron one that is rather than any of the others)
[19:49] *** Davbo feels like a TV snob whenever people talk about Doctor Who
[19:49] < aa_> oh wait, we have a single episode at crimbo right
[19:50] < aa_> or new year or something
[19:50] < MS-> Christmas
[19:51] < aa_> sweet
[19:51] < MS-> 9 days, 20 hours, 27 minutes & 45 seconds
[19:51] < aa_> ahaha
[19:51] < aa_> the christmas ones are never that good
[19:51] < MS-> (according to the website :) )
[19:51] < aa_> I hope we meet that woman again who is like his future companion or something
[19:51] < MS-> Oh I don't know I liked them. But then I'm easily pleased
[19:51] < MS-> Oh, he's definitely meeting someone who does his head in
[19:51] < MS-> That much we know ... :)
[19:51] < aa_> MS-: maybe you have some insider scoops!
[19:52] < aa_> seriously, are we supposed to have worked out who she is?
[19:52] < MS-> Me, insider scoops. hehehehe
[19:52] < aa_> just wander down the corridor and knock on some doors!
[19:52] < MS-> That'd be funny. I avoid spoilers, even if I could get hold of them :)
[19:53] < MS-> Cardiff is a bit of a walk
[19:53] < aa_> here, take the tardis
[19:53] < MS-> I'd be stuck watching the next 10 seasons if that happened :)
[19:53] < MS-> < /optimist>
[19:53] < aa_> :)
[19:53] < aa_> my wife is not british. I try to explain flying telephone boxes to her, she hates me.
[19:55] < MS-> The phone box is just a physical manifestation of the mathematical model of the edge of the time/space interface, or something according to the story logopolis
[19:55] < MS-> (which was on UK Drama recently)
[19:55] < MS-> < /excuse>
[19:55] < aa_> yeah, I try to tell her that, and she hates me even more
[19:57] < MS-> Apparently they wanted the tardis to be invisible originally - ie you'd never see the tardis, and so that's where the idea of the shape changing came from
[19:57] < MS-> KInda helps that when I was growing up there was a real Police Box outside Woolworths
[19:57] < aa_> and now, no poilce box...and no woolworths!
[19:58] < MS-> indeed :/
[20:03] < Davbo> there's a police box on my way to university
[20:03] < Davbo> don't think there are many about now though
[20:03] < Davbo> not the prettiest thing though is it: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1292/757211340_f0eddbcabb.jpg
[20:44] < Davbo> is PubSub a particular implementation or could you say Backplane is PubSub?
[20:47] < MS-> pubsub is a concept
[20:47] < MS-> atom pubsub is a particular concept/implementation
[20:47] < MS-> a backplane is also pub/sub
[20:47] < MS-> would be be my take
[20:47] < MS-> Mind you they call concepts patterns these days
[20:47] < MS-> So officially it's a thing that you can use to sell a book
[20:48] < MS-> *ahem*
[20:54] < Lawouach> lol
[20:54] < Lawouach> I'm using Backplanes in a specific context:
[20:54] < Lawouach> 1. When I have several interested consumers of a given box
[20:55] < Lawouach> 2. Those consumers aren't directly linked to each other
[20:55] < Lawouach> It's like a portal :)
[20:55] < Lawouach> Except the data you push ends up in several places at once :)
[20:56] < Lawouach> But from the sender point of views those receivers are opaque
[20:57] < Lawouach> One example of it is with XMPP, when you are connected the server sends you back the full jabber ID your session is connected with
[20:57] < Lawouach> Now most other XMPP components are interested in that value to communicate appropriately with the server
[20:57] < Lawouach> But I wouldn't hard link each of those components to a "jid" box
[20:58] < Lawouach> Instead I'm using a backplane to push the jid to anyone who's listening for it
[21:01] < Lawouach> anyway off to bed
[21:03] < MS-> sleep well :)
[21:03] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[21:05] < Davbo> thanks chaps