[01:02] *** skylarS is now known as biouser
[01:52] < biouser> http://dpaste.com/97199/
[06:59] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:59] < Lawouach_> morning
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[13:45] *** MS- notes the bug report from last night
[13:45] < MS-> Probably ought to add in an error message regarding that (specifically one stating what the code requirement is)
[13:45] *** MS- ponders
[13:46] < MS-> could also give the opportunity to easy_install dependencies not found at run time
[13:46] < MS-> Mind you that would scare me witless as a sys admin (since it's a clear attack vector
[13:47] < MS-> Though you could take the ubuntu route of saying "to fix this, install this, by doing this"
[14:16] < Lawouach_> Can't you easy_install without installing required dependencies?
[14:16] < Lawouach_> as a command line parameter
[14:16] < Lawouach_> so that you keep control over what you must install
[14:17] < MS-> No idea to be honest
[14:17] < MS-> I do like the idea of finding a nice way of dealing with the dependencies we need to pull in
[14:18] < MS-> And this is a nice relatively simple contained example
[14:19] < Lawouach_> --no-deps
[14:42] < MS-> That could work
[14:43] < MS-> maybe
[14:43] < MS-> I'd still have a fit though (with a sys admin hat on)
[14:52] < Lawouach_> Mind you, you could remove the dependency list from the setup module altogether
[14:52] < Lawouach_> And simply document them
[14:56] < MS-> At present we don't encode any dependencies at all and just document them.
[14:57] < MS-> I'm more thinking about how to make errors more meaningful
[14:57] < MS-> eg typing this in ubuntu
[14:57] < MS-> michaels@r44116:~$ figlet hello
[14:57] < MS-> on a system without it installed gives this:
[14:57] < MS-> The program 'figlet' can be found in the following packages:
[14:57] < MS-> * figlet
[14:57] < MS-> * toilet
[14:57] < MS-> Try: sudo apt-get install < selected package>
[14:57] < MS-> -bash: figlet: command not found
[14:58] < MS-> Which is really quite novel
[14:59] *** elvum waves
[14:59] *** elvum has parted #kamaelia
[14:59] < Lawouach_> What are you suggesting?
[14:59] < Lawouach_> I don't quite follow you here
[15:03] < MS-> Oh I was starting off from just having more meaningful errors really
[15:03] < MS-> from Kamaelia.Support.Optimised.Video.PixFormatConvert import rgbi_to_yuv420p # RGB_interleaved to YUV420_planar ImportError: No module named Optimised.Video.PixFormatConvert
[15:03] < MS-> is rather unclear really
[15:03] < MS-> But I know that's because a different kamaelia support module (which uses pyrex) hasn't been installed
[15:03] < MS-> because it's not part of the core distro
[15:04] < MS-> Also, the file
[15:04] < MS-> from Kamaelia.Video.PixFormatConversion import ToRGB_interleaved
[15:04] < MS-> which is earlier in the traceback will be aware of this
[15:16] < Lawouach_> Right
[15:16] < Lawouach_> all you can really do is list all the direct dependencies to Kamaelia
[15:17] < Lawouach_> you cannot really list n+1 degree dependency
[15:18] < MS-> Indeed.
[15:18] < MS-> That's as far as I was thinking of going really
[15:56] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[16:54] < Lawouach> back
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