[05:08] < plaes> what backend does kamaelia.org use? :)
[05:08] < plaes> it's down again for me..
[07:44] < MS-> It's working here...
[07:46] < MS-> DNS and machine are in different locations. The DNS location is lower bandwidth, but it has to be there for bizarre network reasons.
[07:46] < MS-> Bizarre that /may/ get sorted at some point.
[07:48] < plaes> yeah, but it shows me: " Today's fish is trout ala creme, please enjoy your meal. "
[07:50] < MS-> Ah... I see
[07:50] < MS-> http://kamaelia.org/ serves you trout
[07:50] < MS-> http://www.kamaelia.org/ gives you something more helpful
[07:50] < MS-> I'll put a redirect in place :)
[07:51] < MS-> (There's a few virtual hosts on that machine, and as far as apache is concerned the two are different)
[07:51] < MS-> Thanks for pointing that out :-)
[08:26] < MS-> back shortly
[08:26] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[09:02] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[12:17] *** davbo has joined #kamaelia
[12:18] < davbo> I'm so close to complaining about this module
[12:18] < davbo> he teaches us a totally useless design strategy which is a total waste of time, he puts his own book down as required reading..
[12:19] < davbo> then sets an assignment where we're all programming an interface (IN CGI JAVA?!) to his own closed source Java unit test framework
[12:19] < elvum> there should be rules against lecturers setting their own textbooks as required reading
[12:19] < davbo> talk about a totally obsolete skill, CGI Java...
[12:19] < elvum> the only time someone did that to me, I changed courses
[12:20] < davbo> I think there is, it's a total conflict of interest elvum
[12:21] < elvum> actually that's not true, a couple of other lecturers recommended their own books as one of several
[12:22] < davbo> I wouldn't mind as much if it weren't *required* reading
[12:23] < davbo> conflict of interest is an over-statement but it's certainly in that direction.
[12:39] *** wyleu has joined #kamaelia
[12:48] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:50] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:17] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[13:17] Reply: does the macarena
[15:38] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:15] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[17:54] *** vmlemon_ is almost at the magic number of 666 Twitter posts ;)
[19:54] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[19:57] < vmlemon_> Hi MS-
[19:59] < MS-> evening
[20:30] < vmlemon_> Aaw, http://bicker.kamaelia.org/
[20:31] *** vmlemon_ wonders what happened to Bicker Manor
[20:37] < aa_> well everyone, I am off to mecca tomorrow for a pilgrimage, so enjoy yourselves etc. :)
[20:38] < vmlemon_> Cool
[20:38] < vmlemon_> Have fun
[20:39] < vmlemon_> Hah, "Welcome to Plurk! We promise, you will love it :)"