[00:02] < MS-> This looks fascinating/useful. I'm probably going to give it a try. http://blog.staffannoteberg.com/2008/02/22/pomodoro-technique-in-5-minutes/
[00:02] < MS-> Not now though, going to bed :)
[00:02] *** MS- is now known as ms-afk
[06:17] *** eris0xff has joined #kamaelia
[06:18] < eris0xff> hey all
[07:33] < ms-afk> eris0xff: morning
[07:34] *** ms-afk will shift location and be back later 
[07:34] < ms-afk> :-)
[07:34] *** ms-afk has parted #kamaelia
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[09:44] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[12:03] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[12:13] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[13:31] *** wyleu has joined #kamaelia
[13:39] *** Davbo is playing with flickr and winding up Lawouach ;-)
[13:41] < MS-> Awww
[14:53] < MS-> right, I'm going offline. I'll probably not be back today, and may or may not log in tomorrow.
[14:54] < MS-> see you on friday :)
[14:54] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[18:04] *** kamlogbot has joined #kamaelia
[18:07] < Davbo> kamlogbot: dance
[18:07] Reply: does the macarena
[18:07] < Davbo> Yay! How did we survive without you
[18:17] < Davbo> My uni has a "Free Software Society", which seems to pretty much be "OOO!!! LOOK COMPIZ" *install Ubuntu on everyones computer*
[18:18] < aa_> haha
[18:18] < vmlemon_> Hah
[18:18] < Davbo> it's hilariously tragic really..
[18:18] < vmlemon_> The Compiz Compound? ;)
[18:19] < aa_> thing is, I honestly believe linux isn't ready for these people yet
[18:19] < Davbo> same here aa_
[18:19] < aa_> and I have been around since redhat 6.2
[18:19] < aa_> but I also sell commercial software, and I know how easy it has to be
[18:19] < Davbo> I watched them install Ubuntu on this 50~ year old woman, she's gonna have totally no idea how to use her machine
[18:20] < Davbo> Actually Ubuntu was too slow so they installed "Damn Small Linux" then stuck GNOME on...
[18:20] < aa_> an ex called me up recently and asked me how to install that thing "linux" I was always going on about.
[18:21] < aa_> I told her to get a Mac
[18:21] < Davbo> IMO people which get introduced to Linux through someone usually ends badly
[18:21] < aa_> for everyone
[18:22] < aa_> it ends up as a permanent support burden
[18:22] < Davbo> I installed SuSE when I was about 11, I can't remember how I found it
[18:22] < aa_> I did some guys at UNI
[18:22] < aa_> ahah
[18:23] < aa_> eventually though, I took a windows cd round to all of them and reinstalled windows
[18:23] < vmlemon_> I've heard someone say "Why on Earth would anyone use Linux?" and "Isn't that rubbish?" about it (whilst they presumably know nothing about Linux) in the past...
[18:23] Reply: Hm?
[18:23] < aa_> they think "being virus free", "being elite" ""hacking"" comes easy
[18:23] < aa_> hmm, I am ranting, sorry
[18:23] < Davbo> I do agree though aa_
[18:24] < aa_> and just for the record, I turn compiz off. Why the heck waste that enthalpy of the universe like that. We can't get it back.
[18:24] *** vmlemon_ has never really found a use for Compiz
[18:24] < Davbo> Linux *is* ready for netbooks though, but just in the same way it's been on phones and allsorts in the past anyway...so that's not even news
[18:25] < aa_> Davbo: that is true, but even then people have managed to put out some half-arsed stuff
[18:25] < vmlemon_> (or excessive whizzy spinning cubes and other temporary amusements)
[18:25] < Lawouach> vmlemon_: +1 about compiz
[18:26] < vmlemon_> It's novel for about 5 minutes, and then it just gets annoying
[18:29] < Davbo> it's funny because when I went to this society they asked if I needed anything installing on my laptop (EEE) then when I said nah I'm good asked me why I was there
[18:30] < Davbo> I felt like saying "I was expecting something more than just installing Ubuntu on each others machines"
[18:30] < Davbo> but was slightly more diplomatic
[18:31] < Lawouach> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Making-Up-Mind-Creates-Mental/dp/1405160225 < -- might pick than one up someday
[18:31] < Lawouach> adding to my good reads list
[18:32] < Davbo> at least I can browse the Ubuntu forums and get a nice feeling of surperiority though.
[18:41] *** Davbo is currently reading 2 boring books on goodreads
[18:42] < Davbo> 2 books with Algorithms in the title..
[18:42] < Davbo> that's a sure fire way to make your book a runaway success "algorithms" in the title..
[18:44] *** vmlemon_ commented on/Liked some of Davbo's posts
[18:53] *** davbop has joined #kamaelia
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[21:28] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia