[06:27] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[06:30] < vmlemon_> Hi
[08:14] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[09:25] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:27] *** ian_brasil has joined #kamaelia
[09:50] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[09:58] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[11:39] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:25] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[12:30] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:47] < vmlemon_> Hmm, anyone heard about Be-A-Magpie?
[12:49] < MS-> Nope
[12:49] < MS-> (for me anyway)
[12:50] < vmlemon_> It's some service aiming to sell advertising messages on Twitter...
[12:50] < vmlemon_> Sounds like a big scam
[12:55] < MS-> Probably is then
[12:55] < MS-> advertising on twitter is just evil
[12:56] < vmlemon_> "Turn your tweets into bling-bling"
[12:57] < elvum> how to lose friends and alienate people
[12:58] < vmlemon_> Heh
[12:59] < vmlemon_> *"convert your tweets into bling-bling"
[12:59] < vmlemon_> So the banner says
[13:00] < MS-> what banner is that?
[13:00] < vmlemon_> Still, they have a bakery example, and an ice-cream store example
[13:00] *** MS- suspects he'd want to claw his own eyes out
[13:00] < vmlemon_> Top of be-a-magpie.com
[13:02] < MS-> Reminds me of idiocracy
[13:03] < MS-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy
[13:04] < vmlemon_> Hah
[13:06] < MS-> There's a character who adds onto the end of every sentence "brought to you by charles < something> junior"
[13:06] < MS-> because he gets paid every time he says it
[13:06] < MS-> seems to be the same sort of thing
[13:10] < MS-> odd, if you put timoreilly & barakobama into the http://be-a-magpie.com/start "how much could you earn" box
[13:10] < MS-> then oreilly would earn ~$2000 a month more than obama
[13:11] < MS-> Doesn't scale into *just* related to numbers of immediate followers then
[13:11] < MS-> there must be other metrics
[13:16] < elvum> do you mean barackobama?
[13:20] < MS-> yes, I copied and pasted it in the browser and mistyped it here
[13:20] < MS-> I'm consistent, see
[13:20] < MS-> think i did anyway
[13:20] < MS-> do I care enought to check?
[13:21] < elvum> :-)
[13:54] < vmlemon_> Heh, someone added George W. Bush's site to the SearchWiki for "Miserable Failure"
[13:57] *** vmlemon_ wonders how MS- would rank
[13:58] < vmlemon_> (on BAM)
[14:20] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[15:48] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
[15:51] < vmlemon_> Hi
[15:51] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[15:51] Reply: does the macarena
[16:35] < Lawouach> evening boys
[16:58] < vmlemon_> Hi Lawouach
[17:14] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:16] < vmlemon_> Hi
[17:24] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[17:25] < vmlemon_> o.O http://friendfeed.com/e/96ddc829-86e1-45e2-af29-72e0f4ebe97b/World-Toilet-Day-WaterAid/
[17:25] < vmlemon_> Hi Davbo
[17:32] < Davbo> Hey all
[17:34] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[17:34] < MS-> evening
[17:34] < Davbo> Hey MS-, have a good weekend?
[17:35] < MS-> yeah
[17:35] < MS-> yourself?
[17:36] < MS-> gah
[17:36] *** MS- being dragged afk
[17:36] < MS-> baib
[17:36] < MS-> biab
[17:42] < Davbo> I had a good one thanks :)
[17:43] *** Davbo brewed 20L of beer!
[17:46] < Lawouach> what kind?
[17:48] < Davbo> extra special bitter,
[17:50] < Lawouach> nice!
[17:50] < Lawouach> save me some
[17:51] < Davbo> will do!
[17:51] < Davbo> it went really well, I was expected a disaster
[18:18] < MS-> back
[18:18] < MS-> Davbo: well done
[18:18] < MS-> another student tradition :)
[18:19] < MS-> Brewing beer is fun :)
[18:20] < MS-> just as I was about to ask what kit he used, assuming he used a kit
[18:23] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[18:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:29] < MS-> just as I was about to ask what kit he used, assuming he used a kit
[18:29] < MS-> Davbo: so, assuming you used a kit, what kit did you use? :-)
[18:29] < MS-> and did you use a barrel or make bottles ? :-)
[18:29] *** plaes has joined #kamaelia
[18:40] < Davbo> it was me and 2 chaps from the real ale society, one has been homebrewing for quite a while now
[18:40] < Davbo> so we used his stuff, which is all homemade
[18:40] < Davbo> ie. big barrel with two kettle elements drilled into it
[18:43] *** SamHasler has joined #kamaelia
[18:43] < Davbo> we're all collecting brown beer bottles though, which is a real pain
[18:44] < Davbo> Sorry I disconnected btw MS-: just installed KDE4.1
[18:54] *** davbop has joined #kamaelia
[19:12] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:19] < MS-> davbop: sounds fun :)
[19:23] < davbop> yup!
[19:33] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:49] < vmlemon_> Haha, "yammer_team is now following you on Twitter!"
[19:49] *** vmlemon_ is bemused 
[20:00] < vmlemon_> Oh no, the Yammer Brigade are on to me for trying to bust their myth that they have users ;)
[20:01] *** vmlemon_ wonders if "twitter_team" is coincidentally on Yammer ;)
[20:02] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[20:02] Reply: does the macarena
[20:03] < vmlemon_> Ouch, 52 seconds latency
[20:13] < MS-> kamlogbot: dance
[20:13] Reply: does the macarena
[20:13] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[20:13] < MS-> kamlogbot: dance
[20:13] Reply: does the macarena
[20:14] < MS-> Davbo: dance
[20:14] < vmlemon_> Hah
[20:14] < MS-> worth a try :)
[20:14] *** MS- is now known as ms-afk
[20:15] *** ms-afk has parted #kamaelia
[20:16] < vmlemon_> Hah, "There are no visitors to display currently. I'm sure someone will come eventually..."
[20:19] *** Davbo does a jig
[20:47] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[20:48] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[20:49] < Davbo> Guys, what's the name of the file I add to when I want a command to run when X starts?
[20:51] < vmlemon_> There's /etc/X11/xdm/Xstartup and /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession here
[20:51] < vmlemon_> Although I don't know if they'll do what you want
[20:51] < Davbo> Just got KDE4 to run really quickly with some command and would like it to execute when i start up
[20:51] < Davbo> worth a shot vmlemon_ :-)
[20:52] < vmlemon_> The contents of /etc/X11/xinit/ might hold some clues too
[20:52] < vmlemon_> Although I've never really felt the need to have processes other than GDM or KDM run at X11 startup
[20:53] < Davbo> humm, what would you normally do vmlemon_
[20:53] < Davbo> that's probably what I want
[20:53] < vmlemon_> Hah, "The Kalyway license page. Its not quite clear what we're agreeing to, as this is pirated software. But hey, at least it looks official."
[20:53] < Davbo> it can run after KDM that wouldn't be a problem
[21:05] < Davbo> found it vmlemon_ :-)
[21:05] < vmlemon_> What was it?
[21:05] < Davbo> KDE's autostart thingy
[21:06] < vmlemon_> Aah
[21:06] < Davbo> I looked in YaST but it was under "Personal Settings" which is a different thing
[21:06] < Davbo> and i always forget about it
[21:07] < Davbo> super fast KDE4 now though, worth it :)
[21:07] < Davbo> after I updated to 4.1 it went really slow, but I just followed this http://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/KDE4-NVIDIA
[21:07] *** Davbo plays with kwin
[21:09] < vmlemon_> You finally took the plunge and switched full-time?
[21:09] *** vmlemon_ is still on KDE 3.5.8
[21:09] < Davbo> been using KDE4 full-time for about a month now
[21:10] < vmlemon_> Aah
[21:10] < vmlemon_> Any good?
[21:10] *** vmlemon_ has only tried the betas and 4.0
[21:10] < Davbo> I like it, the openSUSE team certainly made it usable
[21:11] < Davbo> as you've probably seen then, there were a lot of problems upstream
[21:12] *** Davbo enables kwin snow
[21:12] *** vmlemon_ installed his by hand
[21:12] < vmlemon_> (There weren't any KDE 4.0 RPMs for Fedora 8 at the time)
[21:13] < Davbo> what do you think to Fedora 8?
[21:13] < vmlemon_> It's OK, although my installation probably bares little resemblance to the "default" configuration ;)
[21:14] < Davbo> are you typically a Fedora guy? I only ask because I heard bad things about that release
[21:15] < vmlemon_> I used Kubuntu previously, but after having problems with it on one machine, I ended up switching to Fedora on that box (since I ran it on my desktop anyway), and I've used it since
[21:15] < vmlemon_> although I haven't had chance to upgrade to 9 or 10 yet
[21:17] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[21:17] < Davbo> damn, my script didn't work
[21:17] < Davbo> sorry about that vmlemon_
[21:17] < vmlemon_> Ouch
[21:18] < vmlemon_> As for it being a "bad release", it's been pretty much rock solid
[21:18] < Davbo> yeah I think I meant the one earlier this year
[21:18] < Davbo> was that not 8?
[21:18] < vmlemon_> (Excepting a BIOS-related issue with my system where it won't boot directly from HDD regardless, so I have to use the Boot Menu) :|
[21:18] < vmlemon_> Not sure
[21:18] < vmlemon_> Might have been 9
[21:19] *** vmlemon_ hasn't got to the bottom of why that's happening, but it's been that way for a while, and it's persisted between BIOS resets, clock battery changes and boot device order changes :(
[21:20] < Davbo> Ah it was 9
[21:20] < Davbo> 10 comes out tomorrow apparently lol
[21:21] < Davbo> that has been quiet
[21:21] < vmlemon_> Related to upstart, I think
[21:21] < vmlemon_> (The SysV-style init replacement system)
[21:22] < Davbo> "BIOS-related issue" == :-(
[21:23] < vmlemon_> It's a very old machine though (about 7 or 8 years old, if I remember correctly), and I've done a lot of internal hardware changes
[21:23] < vmlemon_> It appears that it's only manifested in the last few months though :|
[21:24] < vmlemon_> (Although I've seen cases where it refuses to boot at all for an unknown reason, and just produces a long beep from the internal speaker)
[21:24] < Davbo> Yeah, the only thing which is the same about my machine since we bought it ~8 years ago is the hostname
[21:25] < vmlemon_> Can be mitigated by opening it up and reseating everything, and replugging the PATA cables
[21:25] < vmlemon_> *Depends on moon phase and the mood of $DEITY
[21:25] < vmlemon_> ;)
[21:25] < Davbo> hehe
[21:26] < vmlemon_> The CPU is the same, 1 RAM module remains (a 256MB one), the motherboard and ATI graphics adaptor are the same, as is the primary HDD
[21:26] < vmlemon_> the IEEE 1394 card is still the same, although I tossed out the crappy WinModem ages ago
[21:26] < Davbo> My deity usually manifests itself in a cmos reset lol
[21:26] < vmlemon_> Hah
[21:27] *** vmlemon_ hates it when the clock battery runs out, and an fsck needs to be done on the next boot to reset the modification times of partitions to some time in 1970 :|
[21:28] < vmlemon_> (Says it was "$thousand days since the last fsck" or something like that)
[21:28] < Davbo> I've usually upgraded mobo before that happens ;)
[21:28] < vmlemon_> Must have changed batteries about 3 times in the life of it
[21:29] < Davbo> Yeah, they're a bugger to get out too
[21:29] < vmlemon_> and I'm pretty awkward when it comes to insisting on keeping the thing connected to a powered-on socket
[21:29] < vmlemon_> (I've noticed that the clock'll reset itself about 2 hours after unplugging it, or something like that)
[21:31] < vmlemon_> http://www.flickr.com/photos/vmlemon/3037975230/ if you're after a laugh
[21:32] < vmlemon_> I meant to take some photos of the internals too, at one time
[21:34] < vmlemon_> Ugh, it looks like my connectivity is worse than ever today
[21:36] < Davbo> hehe, nice vmlemon_ :-)
[21:37] < vmlemon_> (You see what I mean when I say "it's old") ;)
[21:43] < Davbo> Hehe: http://www.reddit.com/user/BabyJesus/
[21:47] < vmlemon_> Hah
[21:47] < vmlemon_> "Vote up if you think that the US Election Day should be a federal holiday. Voting is one of the most important freedoms that we have, and it deserves respect."
[21:47] < vmlemon_> "Jesus Christ returns to give Reddit economic advice"
[21:48] < vmlemon_> He certainly cries a lot ;)
[21:48] < vmlemon_> "Idiotic local school boards are at it again: "The law says we can't have Bibles in schools, but we can have evolution, of the atheists.""
[22:01] < Davbo> hehe
[22:03] *** Tmdgmd has joined #kamaelia
[22:03] *** Tmdgmd is now known as vmlemon_
[22:21] *** Davbo goes to play Left 4 Dead