[10:25] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:27] < vmlemon_> Hi
[10:28] < ms-> hi
[10:30] < Lawouach> heya
[10:40] < vmlemon_> Crikey, the 2nd of November already
[11:03] *** ms- nods
[11:10] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[11:30] *** Rigolo has joined #kamaelia
[11:30] < Rigolo> good afternoon
[11:49] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[11:54] < vmlemon_> Hi Rigolo and Da
[11:54] < vmlemon_> *Davo
[11:54] < vmlemon_> *Davbo
[11:54] < vmlemon_> (Can't type with my keyboard at an angle :|)
[11:57] < Davbo> :-)
[11:57] < Davbo> Hey vmlemon_, all.
[11:58] < vmlemon_> (Some idiot decided they'd move the keyboard, so that they could squander time on eBay, and never managed to put it back on the desk when I managed to force them off ;))
[12:02] < Rigolo> mmm I solved that problem by getting more computers and keyboards into the house :-)
[12:02] < vmlemon_> Heh
[12:03] < Rigolo> but now I feel like I am responsible for the complete profit of my electricity companay :-)
[12:03] < Rigolo> company also :-
[12:03] < Rigolo> 0
[12:03] < Rigolo> (damm keyboard ... can not type on it anymore)
[12:03] < vmlemon_> I did use a /etc/hosts and Apache2 hack to display a false HTTP Forbidden error a while ago
[12:03] < vmlemon_> although it didn't seem to work as planned
[12:04] < Rigolo> what happend then?
[12:04] < vmlemon_> Ended up needing to disabling it so that the said eBay addict could use the crappy thing, which kinda rendered it moot :|
[12:04] < vmlemon_> Gonna try GreaseMonkey and JavaScript snow
[12:05] < vmlemon_> that should p*ss them off ;)
[12:05] < Rigolo> I feel that a little investment in an extra computer is well worth it :-)
[12:05] < vmlemon_> Kind of annoyingly, the only connectivity we have is either GPRS/EDGE or UMTS, so sharing it with another machine wouldn't work too well
[12:05] < vmlemon_> (It'd be about 20 times slower than it already is)
[12:07] < Rigolo> mm where are you located then? .. and I hope you setup a router with a UMTS modem attached to it .. with squid etc etc behind it to cache as much as possible
[12:08] < vmlemon_> Aah, the coComment plug-in I installed on one of my Drupal sites actually works now
[12:08] < Rigolo> I did it for a computer shop that just opened up ..and the phone company kind of forgot to deliver the DSL
[12:08] < vmlemon_> I thought it didn't
[12:08] < vmlemon_> We're near Harrogate, although we can't afford BT line rental and ADSL at the moment :(
[12:08] < Davbo> what does squid do Rigolo?
[12:09] < vmlemon_> It's a caching proxy server
[12:09] < Davbo> ah
[12:09] < Rigolo> squid is a http cache ... never mind
[12:09] *** vmlemon_ finds WWWOFFLE to be good, although it seems flaky
[12:09] < Rigolo> vmlemon_: but it must be cheaper to get dsl then to use umts ...
[12:09] < vmlemon_> There was another one that I found, although the name escapes me
[12:09] < Rigolo> or are you on some unlimited dataplan?
[12:11] < vmlemon_> 3 give me 1GB across 30 days on a £10 prepaid allowance if I use UMTS, and Orange provide either £1/day or £5/week "unlimited usage" for flaky GPRS/EDGE
[12:11] < vmlemon_> (Also prepaid at the mo)
[12:11] < vmlemon_> 3's offering goes up to 10GB for £25 if memory serves correct
[12:12] *** Davbo wishes T-Mobiles 3G coverage wasn't so good near him
[12:12] < vmlemon_> Heh
[12:13] < Davbo> tempts me so much to get a G1 ;)
[12:13] < Rigolo> and what happens when you go over that limits?
[12:13] < vmlemon_> You can actually *get* T-Mobile 3G?
[12:13] < vmlemon_> We can't get it at all here
[12:13] < vmlemon_> Or Orange, O2 or Vodafone's 3G offerings
[12:13] < Davbo> Yeah the mast is really near by
[12:13] < vmlemon_> strangely
[12:13] < vmlemon_> Yay for half-built networks
[12:13] < vmlemon_> Rigolo: Good question
[12:13] *** Rigolo could get T-mobile 3G .. but they do not have the G1 in .nl yet :-)
[12:13] < Davbo> I can remember when people were protesting the mast, was fun times
[12:14] < vmlemon_> For Orange, nothing (it reverts to 1p/KB until the balance runs out, or I buy another GPRS "add-on" type thing)
[12:14] < Rigolo> but I have my data via the cable ... 12Mbit/1.5Mbit down/up at the moment .. going to 16Mbit/3Mbit soon
[12:14] < vmlemon_> For 3, they send you an SMS when you're getting to a certain amount of quota
[12:15] *** vmlemon_ wonders how much BT line rental is these days
[12:15] < Rigolo> vmlemon_: is that the only option? not some open wifi nearby?
[12:15] < vmlemon_> Last time I checked, the only Wi-Fi APs available belonged to neighbours, and they all had at least WEP or WPA on them
[12:16] < vmlemon_> :(
[12:16] < Davbo> WPA eh? Do you have an nvidia card? ;-)
[12:16] < vmlemon_> Hah
[12:16] < vmlemon_> ATI sadly ;)
[12:16] < Davbo> Hehe
[12:16] < vmlemon_> Although my desktop doesn't have a Wi-Fi card in it
[12:17] < vmlemon_> I did try to use a certain WEP password cracking tool, with no results at all
[12:17] < vmlemon_> even after letting it run for about a week nonstop
[12:18] < vmlemon_> (And getting several 100MB of libpcap-format packet logs)
[12:19] < vmlemon_> Looks like YouTube and last.fm streaming sort of work over UMTS
[12:19] < vmlemon_> (Although the fact that support in Amarok is broken for last.fm, means that it isn't very useful)
[12:22] < Rigolo> btw. broadband from BT is 16 pound/month
[12:23] < vmlemon_> Amazing, it actually worked, after resubmitting my test comment
[12:23] < vmlemon_> Not too convinced about running it though
[12:24] < vmlemon_> (If the experience is going to be that crappy, from my testing)
[12:27] < vmlemon_> Hmm, has anyone else renewed a domain name recently?
[12:33] < Davbo> Couple of months ago, yeah vmlemon_
[12:37] *** vmlemon_ wonders why WHOISing his returns "Renewal request being processed" for "Registration status"
[12:37] < vmlemon_> Unless Nominet are glacially slow
[12:39] *** Davbo shrugs, I control all my domains on my old dreamhost account
[12:40] < vmlemon_> Aah
[12:40] < vmlemon_> Not sure if renewing it through the registrar (Heart Internet here) makes a difference...
[12:42] < Davbo> doubt it, your host will just be connecting through Heart's API i guess
[12:42] < Davbo> to register on your behalf
[12:43] *** Davbo might be wrong
[12:43] < vmlemon_> I used their control panel
[12:43] < vmlemon_> although I happen to use 3rd party DNS servers
[12:43] < Davbo> heh, same here
[12:43] < vmlemon_> (Since I run my sites from a shared Xen partition that I contribute towards)
[12:43] < Davbo> Anyway, I'll be back later. :-)
[12:44] < vmlemon_> ns0.xname.org, ns1.dazjorz.com and ns1.xname.org
[12:44] < vmlemon_> so WHOIS says
[12:44] < vmlemon_> See you
[12:50] < vmlemon_> Ooh, http://trolltech.com/developer/technical-preview-qt-for-s60
[12:50] < vmlemon_> Who would have thought that would have happened?
[12:52] *** vmlemon_ wonders why the "commercial license" download is smaller than the GPL'd one
[12:55] *** elvum has joined #kamaelia
[13:59] *** vmlemon_ sees that the lipsum is still under "Source & SVN" on the Kamaelia homepage...
[16:10] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[17:23] < Davbo> hahaha!! they really shouldn't let me use python
[17:23] < Davbo> it's just too damn easy
[17:24] < Davbo> everyone else fiddling with tokens to handle this file and i just "import csv"
[17:33] < vmlemon_> Heh
[17:53] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:38] *** mhrd-home has joined #kamaelia
[18:38] < vmlemon_> Hi mhrd-home
[18:39] < mhrd-home> hi vmlemon_
[18:41] < mhrd-home> ms- : r5487 log notes ... can you point me at which examples demonstrate the discrepancy?
[18:43] < ms-> evening
[18:43] < ms-> Test claims:
[18:43] < ms-> FAIL: If a graphline's "control" inbox is not specified to be wired to a child component in the graphline, then any message (including shutdown messages) flows to the "control" inbox of all children without linkages going to their "control" inbox only.
[18:43] < ms-> survey says:
[18:43] < ms-> https://kamaelia.googlecode.com/svn/branches/private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown/Kamaelia/Examples/UsingChassis/Graphline/DemoShutdown.py
[18:43] < ms-> Graphline(
[18:43] < ms-> TO_SHUTDOWN1 = Waiter(),
[18:43] < ms-> TO_SHUTDOWN2 = Waiter(),
[18:43] < ms-> TO_SHUTDOWN3 = Waiter(),
[18:43] < ms-> linkages = {}
[18:43] < ms-> ),
[18:43] < ms-> Wouldn't shutdown unless that test *should* pass
[18:44] < ms-> There's a few examples in here now btw:
[18:44] < ms-> https://kamaelia.googlecode.com/svn/branches/private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown/Kamaelia/Examples/UsingChassis/Graphline
[18:44] < mhrd-home> you're saying the test_Graphline.py fails on that item?
[18:44] < ms-> Yep
[18:44] < mhrd-home> hmm, all tests pass for me(!)
[18:44] < ms-> ie the /test/ fails, but what the test says it's testing works
[18:44] < ms-> hehe
[18:44] < ms-> yay, heisenbug
[18:44] < mhrd-home> \o\ /o/ \o\
[18:45] *** mhrd-home double checks he's 'sudo python setup.py install'ed recently
[18:45] < ms-> Just reinstalled and tested
[18:46] < ms-> same failure
[18:46] < ms-> Interesting test harness set though
[18:46] < mhrd-home> heh, just done same and its still passing :-)
[18:46] < ms-> I've made a note to come back to it
[18:46] < ms-> I hate software sometimes
[18:46] < ms-> :-)
[18:46] < mhrd-home> lol
[18:46] < ms-> (will be largely afk this evening btw)
[18:46] < mhrd-home> python version? I'm 2.5.2
[18:46] < mhrd-home> k, np
[18:47] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MH_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown_Tests/Python/Kamaelia/Chassis> svn update
[18:47] < ms-> At revision 5487.
[18:47] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MH_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown_Tests/Python/Kamaelia/Chassis> ./test_Graphline.py
[18:47] < ms-> ...F.........F.........
[18:47] < ms-> (two tests marked in code)
[18:47] < Davbo> hehehe, you know it's a good bug when you reach "what version of python you running?"
[18:47] < mhrd-home> yep - saw - thanks for marking
[18:47] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown/Kamaelia> svn update
[18:47] < ms-> At revision 5487.
[18:48] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown/Kamaelia> sudo python setup.py install --force
[18:48] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown/Axon> sudo python setup.py install --force
[18:48] < mhrd-home> ok, just force reinstalled Axon and Kamaelia, both from the branch, both at r5487. still passing :-)
[18:48] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MH_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown_Tests/Python/Kamaelia/Chassis> ./test_Graphline.py
[18:48] < ms-> ...F.........F.........
[18:48] < ms-> heh
[18:49] < ms-> ~/code.google/kamaelia/branches/private_MH_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown_Tests/Python/Kamaelia/Chassis> python -V
[18:49] < ms-> Python 2.5.1
[18:49] < ms-> """ hehehe, you know it's a good bug when you reach "what version of python you running?"""
[18:49] < ms-> That's one of the more annoying kinds IMO
[18:50] < Davbo> Yeah, /me was being sarcastic...it doesn't come accross on IRC
[18:50] < Davbo> sometimes i forget :-)
[18:50] < ms-> np
[18:50] < mhrd-home> ms- : do you know which assertion its failing at?
[18:50] < ms-> I'll pastebin
[18:50] < mhrd-home> ta
[18:51] < ms-> http://pastebin.com/m7d7ca8df
[18:51] < ms-> I *think* it's not activating components not listed in linkage
[18:51] < ms-> linkages
[18:51] < mhrd-home> k - will investigate
[18:51] < ms-> Which is incorrect behaviour
[18:52] < ms-> Could be a stale reference
[18:52] < mhrd-home> other possibilities are that the test isn't letting enough schedule cycles pass before checking assertions (have not yet found a satisfactory fix to avoid that kind of issue)
[18:52] *** ms- nods
[18:52] < vmlemon_> Anyone tried the BBC content-through-customised Totem thing, yet?
[18:52] < ms-> vmlemon_: I use the "wrong" distro
[18:53] *** Davbo also uses the "wrong" distro
[18:53] < ms-> i'm unsupported by my own org
[18:53] < ms-> *sob*
[18:53] < vmlemon_> Heh
[18:53] < ms-> *whinge*
[18:53] < Davbo> I did want to check it out too
[18:53] < ms-> :)
[18:53] < ms-> Davbo: Try a live cd in a virtual box
[18:53] < Davbo> can probably get it working tbh
[18:53] < mhrd-home> vmlemon_ : sems to work well ... though they don't have some of the particular programmes I was hoping would be there. great to seeit though
[18:53] < vmlemon_> You could just recompile it for your choice of superior distribution ;0
[18:53] < vmlemon_> ;)
[18:55] < ms-> mhrd-home: Indeed it is great to see
[18:55] < ms-> You seen the reactions on the bbc internet blog?
[18:55] < ms-> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/10/research_on_bbc_content_for_gn.html
[18:56] < ms-> no pleasing some people
[18:56] < mhrd-home> will i want to stab my eyes out?
[18:56] < mhrd-home> that'll be a "yes" then :-)
[18:56] < ms-> yes, definitely
[18:56] < Davbo> I got as far as "GNU/Linux" then closed it
[18:57] < mhrd-home> """20:19 ms- I *think* it's not activating components not listed in linkage .... which is incorrect behaviour"""
[18:57] < mhrd-home> I swear, ages ago, it was decided that was desirable behaviour?
[18:59] < mhrd-home> ...however I think, right now, I'd agree that it doesn't *feel* right
[19:06] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:10] < mhrd-home> """20:19 ms- I *think* it's not activating components not listed in linkage""" ... doesn't look like that is the problem (added tests to verify, r5488)
[19:12] < mhrd-home> ms- : (whever, not necessarily today) can you confirm there are no local mods hiding in your checkout of private_MPS_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown and private_MH_ImprovedGraphlineShutdown_Tests ? (I will do same)
[19:16] < mhrd-home> ha - ok, I'm getting the errors too now! looks like its my fault :-)
[19:17] < mhrd-home> ah - I commented out the yield on line 323 of Graphline.py but didn't check it in ... apologies
[19:18] < mhrd-home> ok, checked in fix (r5489)
[19:19] < mhrd-home> ms- : thanks for spotting
[19:21] *** mhrd-home switches to doing some data analysis
[19:41] < ms-> test passes here now too
[19:43] < mhrd-home> cool
[19:44] < ms-> cheers :-)
[19:44] < mhrd-home> np
[19:44] < ms-> In which case, I'll merge it - if we get regressions, we can review
[19:44] < ms-> We're more likely to hit problems if it's merged after all
[19:44] < mhrd-home> I'm happy with that
[19:44] < ms-> cool
[19:46] < mhrd-home> btw: I know there was a lengthy discussion before I reviewed then modified lots. They've been strangely silent since :-)
[19:46] < ms-> :)
[19:48] < Davbo> Python is awesome.
[19:48] < ms-> If I had to pick a potential long term replacement for python, it'd be reia
[19:48] < ms-> http://wiki.reia-lang.org/wiki/Reia_Programming_Language
[19:49] < Davbo> making your own compare function and then providing it to the sort function..
[19:49] < Davbo> genius.
[19:49] < mhrd-home> Davbo: seen that pattern in other languages, though I suspect it involves less typing and declarations in python :-)
[19:50] < ms-> mhrd-home: I was just wondering what language didn't do that...
[19:50] < ms-> ... and then started remembering a few :)
[19:50] < ms-> Shows the sorts of languages I've been using for a while :)
[19:50] < ms-> Mind you, perl has one operator that no other language has which is fun
[19:51] < ms-> The "spaceship" operator
[19:51] < ms-> < =>
[19:51] < Davbo> it just makes the whole thing so transparent and obvious
[19:51] < Davbo> especially since i'm comparing a list of lists in quite a particular way
[19:52] < ms-> Finally, found the examples page I was looking for : http://wiki.reia-lang.org/wiki/Quickstart
[19:53] < mhrd-home> anyone remember how to escape a string for use as a GET variable value in php?
[19:53] < ms-> I'm pleased to say not. PHP is the new COBOL
[19:54] < ms-> sorry, that's not helpful
[19:54] < Davbo> can't remember i'm afraid mhrd-home
[19:55] < Davbo> the new COBOL? hehe
[19:56] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[19:56] < mhrd-home> np
[19:56] < mhrd-home> jus thought I'd ask whilst googling for the solution :-)
[19:56] < mhrd-home> aha urlencode()
[19:57] < ms-> looks like you found it before me
[20:09] < vmlemon_> Heh, that's really puzzling, 3 considers 229.80MB (or thereabouts) of a 1GB usage allowance to be a "low balance"...
[20:09] *** vmlemon_ would say that 10-50MB was "low"
[20:12] < ms-> mhrd-home: Is your test suite ready to merge as well?
[20:12] < ms-> it does pass after all
[20:12] < mhrd-home> yes
[20:12] < ms-> cool
[20:12] < ms-> will do that whilst I'm here
[20:12] < mhrd-home> cool, ta
[20:13] < mhrd-home> it has, imho, broad coverage of most of the claimed functionality. but as you say, most important thing is that it passes :-)
[20:13] < ms-> indeed
[20:13] < ms-> It's a good merge point
[20:19] < ms-> mhrd-home: That test suite for graphline is interesting. I may look at how we can use that to generalise it.
[20:20] < mhrd-home> I experimented a bit - fleshed out some stuff that had been done in teh pipeline test suite.
[20:20] < mhrd-home> made life easier in places, but still a bit hacky in places too :)
[20:20] *** ms- nods
[20:21] < ms-> Well, that's always the way when you're figuring out what works :)
[20:37] *** Davbo wonders what will be better for K-nearest neighbor. Taxicab/Manhattan metric of Euclidean
[20:37] < Davbo> s/of/or
[20:38] < Davbo> googled it and it looks like a few other people have wondered it too :-/
[21:12] *** ms- has merged three branches this evening
[21:15] *** mhrd-home gives ms- a pat on the head for being so productive :-)
[21:16] < ms-> heh
[21:16] < ms-> merging is easy of course - easier than writing the code in the first place :)
[21:18] < vmlemon_> Cool, thanks for getting a Less Hacky version of the FileAppender merged in
[21:18] < ms-> vmlemon_: Thanks for prompting it going in :)
[21:18] < ms-> Will be useful :)
[21:20] < vmlemon_> Does it still exhibit the weird glitch where data will be written in the wrong order, if a Console reader and writer are chained together with it?
[21:20] < vmlemon_> Out of interest
[21:20] < vmlemon_> (Along with a TCP server, if I remember correctly)
[21:21] < vmlemon_> Although it's been a while since I last touched the MSN server project I was working on that utilised those components in that way
[21:23] < ms-> I'm not sure what you experienced there - I think I'd need to see a test case to test that
[21:23] < vmlemon_> (Just reminded me that I needed to check some old scripts that I wrote into a Google Code repository I set up a while back for something)
[21:50] < vmlemon_> Haven't ran it in ages, but the code I've just put at http://code.google.com/p/i9os/source/browse/trunk/Subprojects/Kudasai/core.py produces the said problem, if I remember correctly
[22:09] *** vmlemon___ has joined #kamaelia
[22:11] *** vmlemon___ is now known as vmlemon_
[22:27] < ms-> vmlemon_: Name was based on me asking around for names of shrubberies, and being told about "Camellia". Liking it and mis-spelling it (delberately)
[22:27] < vmlemon_> Aah
[22:27] < vmlemon_> That's the one
[22:27] < ms-> I didn't hear about Camellia Sinesis until some time later
[22:27] < ms-> I'd like to retcon that and say it was based on tea, since tea at Kingswood is very important
[22:27] < ms-> but it wasn't, sadly
[22:28] < vmlemon_> Heh
[22:28] < ms-> But it is a nice co-incidence :)
[22:28] < mhrd-home> yay, tea!
[22:28] < ms-> mhrd-home: precisely :)
[22:29] < vmlemon_> Tea-powered snakes! ;)
[22:33] *** mhrd-home -> bedtime
[22:33] *** mhrd-home has parted #kamaelia
[22:33] < vmlemon_> Good idea here too, got a really nasty headache, and that pesky toothache's came back :(
[23:28] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: log
[23:29] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: info
[23:29] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: logfile
[23:29] Reply: /srv/www/sites/edit.kamaelia.org/docs/logs/kamaelia2008-11-02_log.html