[00:12] *** ms-afk has parted #kamaelia
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[06:24] < Lawouach_> morning folks
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[21:45] < vmlemon_> Hi
[21:46] < mhrd-home> greetings
[21:51] *** vmlemon_____ has joined #kamaelia
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[21:53] < ms-> evening
[21:53] *** vmlemon___ is now known as vmlemon__
[21:54] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
[21:54] < vmlemon_> Hi ms-
[21:54] < mhrd-home> ms- : feeling better?
[21:54] < vmlemon_> is having fun trying to get the last.fm player working with OSS 4.0 at the moment, and fighting with his flaky connection :(
[21:55] < ms-> mhrd-home: quite a bit. Been resting lots
[21:56] < vmlemon_> (I'm not sure an app's supposed to give a "Floating point exception" error when trying to play audio)
[22:08] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[22:10] < vmlemon_> Heh, an ad for Google services hosted by Yahoo!, how quaint
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[22:32] < ms-> mhrd-home: ping
[22:33] < mhrd-home> hi
[22:35] < ms-> heya. I seem to have taken to writing presentations in the same length of time as it takes to write emails now
[22:35] < ms-> Gloria W replied to my blog posting here: http://yeoldeclue.com/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1223342651
[22:35] < ms-> "Walk through of how to build a simple protocol using Kamaelia"
[22:36] < ms-> So I replied with a slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/kamaelian/kamaelia-protocol-walkthrough-presentation
[22:36] < ms-> is that bad?
[22:36] < ms-> :)
[22:37] < vmlemon_> Seems appropriate
[22:37] *** mhrd-home reading slides
[22:38] < ms-> vmlemon_: I realised that slides in a slideshare actually have the same feel as a comic book
[22:38] < ms-> or could
[22:38] < vmlemon_> Aah
[22:38] < mhrd-home> yeah, seems a good way to do it
[22:38] < vmlemon_> (It's not always easy to put comments/thoughts into plain words, and more so with complex stuff)
[22:38] < ms-> vmlemon_: Indeed
[22:39] < ms-> writing that as prose would've taken a lot longer I think
[22:39] < mhrd-home> only thing: I see the number of slides quoted as "50" and get a little scared :-) However after a few slides I see that its qutie quick moving.
[22:39] < mhrd-home> However I was starting to wonder (10-20 slides in) when the author would get round to answering guest's question ;-)
[22:39] < ms-> I'm not sure if I did realy
[22:39] < ms-> But it was fun to write :)
[22:40] < mhrd-home> I think you did; but only as a side effect of explaining to guest how it worked :-)
[22:40] < ms-> I think slide 26 answers it though
[22:41] < mhrd-home> yep
[22:41] < ms-> mhrd-home: I'm toying with breaking the technote process btw
[22:42] < ms-> By putting my presentations in as "comics"
[22:42] < ms-> (for others, technotes == bbc internal documentation process that no-one likes)
[22:42] < mhrd-home> meh, go for it. I've had it up to ^here^ with some of the whingers lately :-)
[22:43] < ms-> (since it's painful and bearaucratic (or however that's spelt) )
[22:43] < ms-> mhrd-home: I've heard the mp3s of that meeting btw
[22:43] < ms-> I think that whinge per minute level may begin to decrease at some point :)
[22:44] *** ms- is an optimist
[22:44] < mhrd-home> agreed. notice how there was actually *polite applause* at the end(!)
[22:44] < ms-> I was really surprised tbh.
[22:45] *** vmlemon_ wonders what causes "connection actively refused" errors...
[22:46] < vmlemon_> Aah, TCP handshaking related, as I suspected
[22:46] *** mhrd-home really shoudl go to bed now :)
[22:48] < ms-> night then :)
[22:49] *** mhrd-home has parted #kamaelia
[22:49] < ms-> "comic" form of that slideshare : http://www.kamaelia.org/t/Walkthrough.ComicForm.pdf