[13:46] *** kamlogbot has joined #kamaelia
[13:49] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[13:49] Reply: does the macarena
[13:52] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[13:52] < MS-> Afternoon
[13:53] *** MS- changed the topic to 0.6.0 Is out! | 0.7.0 Release focus will be GSOC merge, trunk freeze 22nd November, planned release 28th-30th November | New site http://www.kamaelia.org/Home | Don't forget you can ask questions on the mailing list as well | Don't ask to ask, just ask | channel logs are here: http://edit.kamaelia.org/logs/ (start a line with [off] to not be logged)
[13:54] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:58] < vmlemon_> Nice to see that a new release is out
[14:03] < MS-> indeed :)
[14:03] < MS-> Next release will be a smaller delta and more iterative
[14:06] < vmlemon_> Any idea about the FileAppender component I threw over the wall, out of interest?
[14:07] < vmlemon_> (It needed some tweaking, if I remember correctly)
[14:15] < MS-> Yes, I need to merge that in :)
[14:15] < MS-> That'll go in this 0.7.0 release
[14:15] < MS-> IIRC any tweaks needed related to either shutdown or cpu usage (probably the former)
[14:16] < MS-> It also reminds me, I want to revisit and rationalise file handling in general
[14:17] < vmlemon_> Cool
[14:31] *** ian_brasil__ has joined #kamaelia
[14:39] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[14:45] < Davbo> Congrats on the release MS-
[14:45] < vmlemon_> Hi Davbo
[14:45] < Davbo> & everyone involved :-)
[14:46] < MS-> Davbo ta
[14:52] < Davbo> Got my GSoC shirt and certificate today too.
[14:53] < MS-> That's nice
[15:10] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:50] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:49] *** ian_brasil has joined #kamaelia
[19:08] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[21:23] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia