[07:32] *** mhrd-afk has parted #kamaelia
[07:49] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[07:49] < MS-> morning all
[07:51] < MS-> eikenberry: I found 3 books on prolog which surprised me as well as one text that looks good. Ironically none of the 4 books I found were the Tom Conlon one that Chong referred to, but I'll be collecting that one today
[07:52] < MS-> The book I referred to as "one of them *IS* the prolog book I remembered that is both readable, clear and shows useful usecases."
[07:52] < MS-> is "Beginning micro-PROLOG" (that capitalisation) by Richard Ennals
[07:53] < MS-> ISBN 0-85312-517-1 & 0-85312-555-4 , also 0-431-99001-8 and 0-431-99000-X
[07:53] < MS-> It doesn't use traditional syntax (uses microPROLOG syntax) but that in itself actually greatly assists understanding
[07:54] < MS-> eg rather than represent facts as
[07:54] < MS-> means(chat, cat)
[07:54] < MS-> you represent says as
[07:54] < MS-> chat means cat
[07:55] < MS-> and rather than a query of
[07:55] < MS-> father(john,X)
[07:55] < MS-> you phrase it as a standard question of
[07:55] < MS-> < query verb> < variable> < predicate> < value>
[07:55] < MS-> eg
[07:55] < MS-> which X father john
[07:55] < MS-> leading to better predicates:
[07:55] < MS-> father-of(john, X) becomes
[07:55] < MS-> which X father-of john
[07:56] < MS-> which could have an associated fact
[07:56] < MS-> peter father-of john
[07:56] < MS-> It's not a huge difference, but makes a huge difference to understanding
[07:57] < MS-> A bit like I can stand in front of a bunch of developers and say "who understands software transactional memory and why it's useful to them and is confident of using it?" and get very few hands go up
[07:58] < MS-> If I then go "it's essentially version control for variables which tracks the current version", you see a wave of understanding going through people. The concept is unchanged, but presentation has changed
[07:58] < MS-> That's why I wanted to find that book
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[16:31] < vmlemon_> Hi
[16:32] < Davbo> Hey all.
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[19:21] < MS-> evening
[19:21] < vmlemon_> Hi MS-
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