[04:54] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[05:30] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[05:30] < Lawouach_> morning
[07:40] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[08:00] *** Uraeus_ has joined #kamaelia
[08:24] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[08:24] < MS-> morning
[08:25] < Lawouach_> hi there
[08:25] < Lawouach_> lots of discussion on the list
[08:26] < Lawouach_> not saying much but reading them :)
[08:26] < Lawouach_> Jason is eager :)
[08:32] < MS-> indeed - very pleased to see that. I think he's willing to "own" porting to 2.6 / 3.0 - which is good, as long as we manage it right :)
[08:32] < MS-> lots of good q's getting asked as well
[08:33] < Lawouach_> otherwise it would be a good GsoC project for next year :)
[08:33] < Lawouach_> though we would need someone who's already very good at python
[08:36] < MS-> there is that
[08:36] < MS-> http://www.mathys-squire.com/legal-updates/symbian-vs-comptroller.asp - is rather depressing news
[08:36] < MS-> "Critically, it is now likely to be easier to obtain patent protection for software related inventions in the UK."
[08:49] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
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[10:18] < MS-> I've decided I'm going to merge this branch private_MPS_Games4Kids/ as part of the 0.6.0 release
[10:18] < MS-> my rationale is that it's fun :)
[10:19] < MS-> Only really merges something into Kamaelia.Apps. with a minor change to KeyEvent component - which gains the mythological "key up" ability
[10:27] *** ian_brasil has joined #kamaelia
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[13:31] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:37] < MS-> hi
[15:44] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
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[17:16] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[17:35] *** eikenberry has joined #kamaelia
[17:50] < eikenberry> 0.6.0 final... today?
[17:50] < vmlemon_> Hi eikenberry
[17:51] < eikenberry> hi
[17:58] < Davbo> Hi eikenberry, I'm not certain what MS- was planning but there have been a few checkins today
[17:59] < Davbo> most notable he merged the Games4Kids to trunk
[17:59] < eikenberry> I had read in the ml archives and again here in the topic that it was planned for release last weekend.
[18:02] < Davbo> you can get the latest RC here: http://edit.kamaelia.org/release/
[18:03] < Davbo> alternately you could co the trunk
[18:03] *** eikenberry nods. The latest was from June and if it was just about to be release I thought I could wait a bit. 
[18:04] < Davbo> svn checkout http://kamaelia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Code/Python/ kamaelia-read-only
[18:05] < Davbo> MS-: is the BDFL when it comes to decisions on release though ;-)
[18:05] < eikenberry> Thanks.
[18:07] *** vmlemon_ avoids suggesting asking the cat ;)
[18:07] *** Davbo will post a tarball of current trunk in a short while
[18:10] < Davbo> releases are a strange idea for Kamaelia really since it's a library of components, new releases = more components...
[18:13] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[18:13] < Davbo> Hey Lawouach
[18:13] < Lawouach> hi mate
[18:17] < Davbo> hows things?
[18:17] < MS-> evening
[18:17] < Davbo> evenin' MS
[18:18] < MS-> eikenberry: "0.6.0 final... today" Will be, yes. I'm just cleaning up the website actually, since I'd just like a tidy house on the new site before doing the release notes
[18:19] < MS-> http://www.kamaelia.org/Home is much nicer than it was for example
[18:19] < Davbo> thanks for clearing that up :-)
[18:19] < eikenberry> heh... had it open. Just reloaded it. It does look nicer. :)
[18:21] < eikenberry> Is it possible to set the < title>? Currently it is 'Index'. Had to edit my bookmark... that always annoys me.
[18:23] < MS-> Ah, the title follows the name of the file on disk, so http://www.kamaelia.org/Developers/Branches for example says Developers/Branches. I'll add a rewrite rule for /Home (which is really /index) .
[18:25] *** Davbo just noticed /trunk/Website/
[18:26] < Davbo> that's pretty cool
[18:27] < MS-> It's also out of date sadly. Though recent overhauls behind the changes from edit.kamaelia.org & kamaelia.sourceforge.net --> www.kamaelia.org will probably see it's reinstatement at some point
[18:28] < MS-> primarily because we're no longer beholden to sourceforge
[18:28] < Davbo> oh is it, i wondered how you'd set that up then
[18:31] < MS-> It was how things were done *before* the website was powered by a wiki engine
[18:32] *** Davbo nods
[18:33] < MS-> OK, release notes...
[18:34] < MS-> I'll have to do this as overview probably.
[18:35] < MS-> 0.5.0 was rev 2504
[18:35] < MS-> current rev is somewhat higher...
[18:35] < MS-> (It's why I want to switch over to a fixed 6 week release candidate cycle)
[18:35] < MS-> (even if stable releases don't match that)
[18:42] < MS-> diff is still going...
[18:45] < MS-> and going...
[18:45] < MS-> really really ought to NOT do such large deltas between releases...
[18:50] < vmlemon_> Hmm, will http://www.kamaelia.org/ eventually redirect to the page at http://www.kamaelia.org/Home?
[18:50] < vmlemon_> (If it doesn't already)
[18:50] < MS-> vmlemon_: it does already
[18:50] < vmlemon_> Aah
[18:50] < vmlemon_> I probably just haven't been paying enough attention ;)
[18:52] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[18:53] *** Davbo grumbles
[18:53] < Davbo> http://edit.kamaelia.org/logs/kamaelia2008-10-13_log.html shows none of my messages were reaching the channel
[18:55] < Davbo> (21:01:35) Davbo: Hehehe!! http://delicious.com/url/ab951b1c4fd138901f464a44303af80d the people (incl me) which copied and pasted the blurb on the front page as a note
[18:55] < Davbo> (21:02:21) Davbo: the cat certainly works though: ""Concurrency made useful, fun" has a cat pic on homepage, I have to play with this"
[18:55] < vmlemon_> "And it's got a cat" was one of the original project slogans, if I remember correctly
[18:56] < Davbo> MS-: I commited a contribution to the site, hopefully useful.
[18:58] < MS-> ?
[18:59] < MS-> what where/
[18:59] < MS-> ?
[18:59] < Davbo> Couldn't think where to host so stuck it in svn Website dir :P
[19:00] < MS-> in which case I'll take a look when I've gone through this diff....
[19:00] < Davbo> http://code.google.com/p/kamaelia/source/detail?r=5403
[19:02] < MS-> ta
[19:02] < MS-> ahhhhh
[19:02] < MS-> ta
[19:02] < MS-> :)
[19:03] < Davbo> np ;-)
[19:05] < MS-> The funny thing about the cat - right when we started, the one thing I said was that we'd need a logo which was an animal of some kind and so since I like cats, I picked that.
[19:05] < MS-> It's been a good idea all along :)
[19:06] < vmlemon_> Wasn't it based on a wood carving, or something like that?
[19:06] < vmlemon_> (Or so I recall you saying, ages ago)
[19:06] < MS-> vmlemon_: yep
[19:06] < MS-> sitting on the table over there < ----------
[19:06] < MS-> Had it around 16 years or so I guess
[19:06] < vmlemon_> Pointing to my window ;)
[19:09] < Davbo> nice to see the bookmarks on delicious though, for the new site that is
[19:19] < MS-> without any major attempt to tell anyone about it either, interestingly. I've mentioned it in a handful of places, but not actually launched it per se
[19:52] < MS-> About 1/4 way through this diff
[19:52] < MS-> which is pretty good going
[19:52] < eikenberry> There's a 'bug' on the miniaxon tutorial page.
[19:52] < MS-> eikenberry: Oh?
[19:52] < MS-> which page?
[19:53] < eikenberry> http://www.kamaelia.org/MiniAxon in the Consumer class toward the bottom.
[19:53] < eikenberry> if self.dataReady("inbox"):
[19:53] < eikenberry> data = self.recv("inbox")
[19:53] < eikenberry> print self.message, count
[19:53] < eikenberry> self.message should be data
[19:54] < eikenberry> The Producer class (just above on that page) has the message attribute.
[19:54] < MS-> ta - looking now
[19:54] < eikenberry> It is corrent in the full listing @ http://www.kamaelia.org/MiniAxonFull.html
[19:55] < MS-> ah see, just above Interlude 2
[19:55] *** eikenberry nods
[19:56] < MS-> there, that should be better
[19:56] < MS-> :)
[19:56] < eikenberry> Yep. Fixed.
[19:57] < MS-> :)
[19:57] < MS-> (I really don't like documentation bugs)
[20:31] < Davbo> Logging of IRC Channels is so amazingly useful
[20:31] *** Davbo just fixed a bug in a django app by reading through something in their logs
[20:40] *** MS- nods
[20:48] < MS-> about 2/5's of the way through now
[20:52] < Davbo> g'night all
[21:47] < MS-> 2/3 way through diff/release notes
[22:16] < MS-> yay, 4/5ths of the way through
[22:16] < eikenberry> Can you see that light at the end of the tunnel?
[22:21] < MS-> getting there :)
[22:22] < MS-> The nice thing about doing this is that whenever I do this sort of thing I always do a diff, and have that in one editor window and make notes in a second
[22:22] < MS-> Deleting the parts of the diff I've summarised
[22:22] < MS-> As a result you get to see the diff shrinking and feel like you're getting somewhere
[22:22] < MS-> :)
[22:24] *** eikenberry nods. I know just what you mean.
[23:10] < MS-> first pass at release notes done...
[23:16] < MS-> First pass is here: http://www.kamaelia.org/ReleaseNotes060
[23:17] < MS-> hm. That excludes the improvements and changes to Axon...
[23:35] < MS-> WIll have to come back to that tomorrow I guess
[23:35] *** MS- is beat and calls it a night
[23:36] *** MS- is now known as ms-afk