[06:25] *** acrimo has joined #kamaelia
[18:19] *** kamlogbot has joined #kamaelia
[18:19] < MS-> kamlogbot: where have you been?!
[18:19] < MS-> :)
[18:23] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:24] < vmlemon_> Hi
[19:24] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[21:28] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[21:29] < Davbo> Hey all
[21:29] < Davbo> MS-: you about?
[21:29] < Davbo> wanted your opinion on something
[21:31] < Davbo> Just got an email about this: www.computingconference.org my Uni has 3 bursaries for places think I'll try and get on board
[21:45] *** MS- looks
[21:47] < Davbo> also: 100 Million BC is hilarious :P
[21:49] *** Davbo was thinking along the lines of a few days in Cambridge on a bursary 
[21:51] < MS-> Personally I think if you're vaguely interested you should go for it
[21:51] < MS-> If you find you hate it, it'll be useful. And if you find you like it, that's useful too
[21:51] < MS-> :)
[21:52] < MS-> Besides, Cambridge is a nice place.
[21:52] < MS-> (disclaimer: I grew up in Cambridge :) - didn't go to Uni there - and wouldn't've done as a result - who goes to uni in their home town ? :) )
[21:54] < Davbo> Think i might sleep on it
[21:54] < MS-> what's the downside of going?
[21:55] < MS-> That's what springs to mind :)
[21:56] < Davbo> Mostly just some home stuff which will be happening through November (should be sorted before this conf. though), also a dislike for a lot of academic types, and "Cambridge types".
[21:57] < MS-> fair enough
[21:57] < Davbo> People which go to Oxbridge always seem to get a bit annoying
[21:58] < MS-> Well, the annoying people have to go *somewhere*
[21:58] < MS-> Not fair on the rest of us if they don't all go to the same place ;-) :)
[21:59] < MS-> Seriously though, cambridge is pretty much divided into town and gown, and many of the students will be gone then anyway
[21:59] < Davbo> Hah :-) As you say thought, it's a nice place
[21:59] < Davbo> s/thought/though
[22:01] < Davbo> Met a few cool academics at PyCon though, doing some cool stuff
[22:01] < MS-> FWIW, the contacts lists isn't just camrbdige people (recognise some of the names)
[22:02] < MS-> Also, it's about research in CS.
[22:02] < MS-> Kamaelia is fundamentally a CS research project
[22:02] < MS-> There's just very different focusses possible
[22:03] < Davbo> I guess, humm
[22:03] < MS-> Yeah, I know
[22:03] < Davbo> Think I'll go for it, would be a wasted opportunity if I don't.
[22:03] < MS-> Lots of academics also focus on making things sound harder than they are
[22:03] < MS-> since that encourages funding
[22:03] < Davbo> If I have to pull out due to stuff happening at home it's hardly the end of the world :-)
[22:03] < MS-> indeed
[22:05] < Davbo> At the PyCon dinner I was sat next to a Cambridge CS researcher, she wasn't what I expected. So perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised
[22:05] < MS-> It takes all sorts really
[22:07] < MS-> OOhh, it's at Homerton
[22:07] < MS-> Homerton is nice
[22:08] < MS-> My mum worked there once (in admin)
[22:08] < Davbo> "Homerton College has 365 en-suite bedrooms, each with their own telephone, and tea and coffee making facilities and broadband internet access." - better than our halls lol
[22:08] < MS-> Pity it's not St John's. St Jon's has really nice food
[22:09] < MS-> But I think that's true of all the colleges really :)
[22:09] < MS-> You know, if it was at St John's I'd say just go for the food :-)
[22:10] < MS-> (did silver service back in the day, and doing silver service at St John's was great- since you always got to eat the food the guests were getting)
[22:10] < MS-> (and that was awesome food :) )
[22:10] < Davbo> Went to St. Johns at Oxford for a school trip once and one of my friends threw up all over the dining room. Not pleasant....but in retrospect...hilarious
[22:11] < MS-> :)
[22:12] < Davbo> Since that trip I've always rooted for Cambridge in the boat race
[22:12] < MS-> heh
[22:17] < Davbo> Sent an email just saying I'm interested in attending :-)
[22:20] < MS-> cool
[22:22] < Davbo> Some people in #pida discussing a MATLAB to C++ compiler
[22:23] *** Davbo wonders how you'd even go about that
[22:23] < aa_> Davbo: they like pain
[22:24] < aa_> pida attracts a special kind of programming masochist
[22:24] < Davbo> Hahah
[22:28] < MS-> compile matlab to python, then use shedskin to compile the python to C++
[22:30] < Davbo> I wonder how many issues you'd encounter doing that
[22:30] < MS-> a fair few probably
[22:30] < Davbo> I'll try it when i'm in more of a "special kind of programming masochist" mood
[22:35] < Davbo> Got a Prolog lecture at 10am, so I'm off to bed.
[22:36] < MS-> night
[22:36] < Davbo> or as they like to call it: Symbolic Reasoning
[22:40] *** Davbo is really going this time
[22:40] < Davbo> Thanks for your advice MS- :-)
[22:40] < Davbo> night all