[07:35] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[07:50] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[12:12] *** MS- notes with surprise that posh - http://poshmodule.sourceforge.net/ - still compiles cleanly and still works
[12:14] < aa_> MS-: but you are on what, redhat 6.1 ?
[12:19] < MS-> open suse 10.3
[12:19] < MS-> ~> python -V
[12:19] < MS-> Python 2.5.1
[12:20] < MS-> ~> gcc -v 2>&1|tail -1
[12:20] < MS-> gcc version 4.2.1 (SUSE Linux)
[12:21] < MS-> Really quite surprising. Wondering what the limitations are :)
[12:22] *** MS- has to fix easy_install-ability first though
[12:22] < MS-> Didn't know about the broken links on the site either
[12:25] < MS-> crikey, the chandler project finally hit version 1.0
[12:25] < MS-> over a month ago
[12:26] < MS-> 40MB(!)
[12:33] < aa_> haha, chandler!
[12:33] < aa_> let the perils of development-by-committee be plain to all
[13:16] < MS-> To its credit, it does run
[13:18] < MS-> Seems like a wierd version of outlook
[13:19] < MS-> complete with calendaring
[13:24] < aa_> does it really need a patched python?
[13:27] < MS-> I dunno. It's very strange that it's packaged that way
[13:36] < aa_> probably for the windows people, but still
[13:36] < aa_> MS-: I thought of another issue with "why experienced programmers can't use kamaelia and newbies can"
[13:37] < aa_> when I look at kamaelia, and read the docs, its all very simple... then my brain goes "I wonder how that works?" and then "nah, that just can't be possible how the *heck* did they do that?" and that fast leads to "DO NOT COMPUTE"
[14:29] < MS-> Yep, I figured that could be the case
[14:29] < MS-> The miniaxon tutorial deals with that somewhat though
[14:30] < MS-> Since it shows "this is how you build your own one"
[14:30] < MS-> But I do think there's a certain element of disbelief that kicks in
[17:29] *** MS- has parted #kamaelia
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