[06:30] *** mhrd has joined #kamaelia
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[08:16] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[08:24] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:00] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[09:01] < vmlemon_> Hi
[09:01] < MS-> hi
[09:05] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[09:05] Reply: does the macarena
[09:07] < vmlemon_> Hmm, is a preview of the new site available?
[09:08] < MS-> http://www.kamaelia.org/Home
[09:09] < vmlemon_> Thanks
[09:10] < MS-> Needs cleanup in a fair amount of places
[09:10] < MS-> But that's the general new theme
[09:10] < MS-> you're welcome :)
[09:10] < MS-> Any comments welcome as you'd expect :)
[09:11] *** vmlemon_ goes to look for a spare box on the LAN to view it on
[09:15] < vmlemon_> Very nice
[09:18] < vmlemon_> Hype! ;)
[09:24] < vmlemon_> Yay, "Pick Isambard or Eve, you can switch between them at anytime"
[09:26] < MS-> Thanks :)
[09:26] *** mhrd has joined #kamaelia
[09:30] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[09:33] *** mhrd has joined #kamaelia
[10:03] < vmlemon_> Hah "The kernel panicked while trying to panic"
[10:03] < ms--> Novel
[10:10] *** Lawouach1 has joined #kamaelia
[10:13] < Lawouach1> hmm
[10:13] < Lawouach1> hello
[10:13] < ms--> heya
[10:13] < Lawouach1> http://www.nagare.org/ < -- another web framework
[10:14] < ms--> Saw it referenced on the stackless list
[10:14] < ms--> Not looked at their site though :)
[10:15] < ms--> That is a shiny site
[10:16] < Lawouach1> indeed :)
[10:16] < ms--> very very shiny site actually
[10:16] < ms--> Looking at the demos :)
[10:17] < ms--> I think is where I think "yes, I was right to think that doing much more than wsgi support would be a dumb idea" :)
[10:17] < Lawouach1> they're French. I went to an interview with the company behind the framework back in February
[10:17] < ms--> since there's lots of people doing interesting things out there
[10:17] < ms--> cool
[10:18] < Lawouach1> But I didn't want to join the agency that had put me through so it didn't happen
[10:18] < aa_> I use this framework called glashammer
[10:18] < ms--> http://glashammer.welterde.de/ ?
[10:18] < aa_> yes
[10:18] < aa_> ms--: as usual, I am biased
[10:18] < ms--> most people are - it's a matter of figuring out the bias :)
[10:19] < aa_> ms--: well I wrote glashammer to fill my own needs
[10:19] < ms--> heh
[10:19] < aa_> so judge the level :)
[10:20] < Lawouach1> funny the communist look n'feel :)
[10:21] < ms--> In emergency, break glass ? (hammer for breaking glass ? )
[10:22] < aa_> oh that's nice
[10:22] < aa_> I was more thinking "To a glashammer, your applicaiton is another nail that will break it"
[10:25] < aa_> word for the wise, never put a - character in a mysql db name
[10:39] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:42] *** acrimo_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:43] *** acrimo_ is now known as acrimo
[11:39] < ms--> ooh, interesting: http://wiki.reia-lang.org/wiki/Reia_Programming_Language
[12:40] *** Chong has joined #kamaelia
[12:55] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[13:00] < Davbo> Lawouach_: You heard the new Streets album?
[13:13] < Lawouach1> nope
[13:13] < Lawouach1> how is it?
[13:19] < Davbo> it's a lot more chilled out and mature than the others
[13:20] < aa_> dry yer eyes mate..
[13:26] < Davbo> bought a ticket to see him live yesterday
[13:28] < aa_> wow, nice one
[13:28] < aa_> I do like the streets, although I am probably too old for all that nowadays :)
[13:29] < Lawouach1> I like the streets too
[13:29] < Lawouach1> will get the album and we'll see
[13:29] < Lawouach1> the one before that wasn't the best apart from a few good songs
[13:29] < Davbo> Yeah it'll be pretty crazy, it's at "Plug" in Sheffield which is a pretty small club...
[13:29] < Lawouach1> but I love the first two
[13:30] < Davbo> same here Lawouach1, this new one is better
[13:31] < Davbo> not as good as Original Pirate Material though
[13:38] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[13:49] < Davbo> Hey MS-
[13:49] < MS-> Hiya
[14:07] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[14:11] < vmlemon_> Hi
[14:44] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
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[14:58] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: ecky
[14:58] Reply: Ptang!
[17:04] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[18:29] < aa_> MS-: around?
[18:29] < MS-> vaguely :)
[18:29] < MS-> will be afk in a little while for a little while and then back though
[18:29] < aa_> MS-: I wanted to reply off list about your "any suggestions" with kamaelia
[18:29] < MS-> Much appreciated
[18:30] < aa_> because I fall into that category of "person who probably should be using it"
[18:30] < aa_> "but isn't"
[18:30] < aa_> MS-: but then I can't face formalising a complete mailing list message, lest I get judged for sloppy puntuation etc :)
[18:30] < MS-> To be honest, it's not so much "I think you should all use this", but more "given what everyone says, it seems to me this would be useful, but I don't know how to explain it" :)
[18:31] < aa_> MS-: well, when do we ever need concurrency?
[18:31] < aa_> that's the thing
[18:31] < MS-> It can make life *alot* simpler :)
[18:31] < MS-> That's the rather amusing thing
[18:31] < aa_> right
[18:31] < aa_> actually pida is going in the direction that I think kamaelia would help
[18:31] < MS-> look at it this way, getting a cup of coffee from starbucks is a linear task, yes?
[18:32] < MS-> But have you seen how they make the coffee ?
[18:32] < aa_> it's highly concurrent and we have a gazillion things going on at the same time (all in threads) but feeding a single UI
[18:32] *** MS- nods
[18:32] < aa_> now gtk+ support should be my mission
[18:32] < aa_> (for kamaelia)
[18:32] < MS-> one person takes the order, writes it down, and passes the order onto the next person
[18:32] < MS-> That would be greatly appreciated
[18:33] < aa_> MS-: but it is highly impossible for me :)
[18:33] < aa_> MS-: like a gtk UI can't be like the pygame one
[18:33] < MS-> Dunno, can you write hello world in gtk ?
[18:33] < vmlemon_> and then at least 2 or 3 people make the coffee and put it into the cup, as well as collecting payment and giving change?
[18:33] < aa_> or the one that has Button() and things
[18:33] < MS-> I can't fwfw
[18:33] < MS-> vmlemon_: yep, precisely :)
[18:33] < aa_> MS-: plain normal hello world?
[18:34] < vmlemon_> (Whilst preparing orders for other people at the same time, somehow, too)...
[18:34] < aa_> MS-: oh and the website really sucks
[18:34] < MS-> Something like that, yes. Something with buttons and stuff in :)
[18:34] < MS-> aa_: heh
[18:34] < vmlemon_> aa_: The new one? ;)
[18:34] < MS-> k
[18:34] < aa_> haven't seen a new one
[18:34] < aa_> MS-: I *love* the hexagon logo thing with the cats though
[18:34] < MS-> the new one is here: http://www.kamaelia.org/Home - it's not finished yet,
[18:34] < MS-> oh.
[18:34] < vmlemon_> http://www.kamaelia.org/Home gives you a sneak preview
[18:35] < MS-> the hexagon has gone
[18:35] < MS-> new and improved cat though :)
[18:35] < aa_> oh :)
[18:35] < aa_> cool
[18:35] < MS-> I like the hexagons as well thouhg, they'll probably come back somewhere
[18:35] < MS-> (I like the interlocking metaphor it implies :) )
[18:35] < aa_> yes
[18:37] < aa_> MS-: and you really need to sphinxify your documentation (imo)
[18:37] < vmlemon_> More power to others who find the Bicker Manor thing ;)
[18:38] < vmlemon_> (That's left as an exercise for the reader ;) )
[18:38] *** vmlemon_ hides
[18:39] < MS-> sphinxify ? Make it harder to understand ?
[18:40] < vmlemon_> Add Sphinxes, probably ;)
[18:40] < aa_> MS-: well, ignore that one, the docs I am reading are actually pretty good
[18:40] < MS-> What component is first on four inboxes, then on two inboxes and finally on three inboxes ?
[18:40] < MS-> (sorry, bit silly )
[18:40] < MS-> heheh
[18:43] < MS-> aa_: whilst its not the same, Lawouach_'s PyQT integrates with Kamaelia cleanly in his jlib code: http://trac.defuze.org/wiki/jlib
[18:43] < MS-> This file shows a progression from a non-kamaelia chunk of code, to something kamaelia-ised:
[18:43] < MS-> http://code.google.com/p/kamaelia/source/browse/trunk/Sketches/MPS/WebCam.py
[18:44] < aa_> that's very interesting
[18:44] < aa_> where is the actual pyqt integration?
[18:48] < MS-> This is fairly old, but follows the same sorts of ideas as well:
[18:48] < MS-> http://edit.kamaelia.org/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi?rm=viewpost&nodeid=1113495151
[18:48] < MS-> IIRC it's at a high level
[18:48] < MS-> here: https://svn.defuze.org/oss/jlib/jlib/core/qaxon.py (I think)
[18:48] < MS-> https://svn.defuze.org/oss/jlib/jlib/core/pubsub.py is an example of usage
[18:48] < MS-> In jlibPubSubDiscoveryComponent, you'll note that effectively the messages to/from inboxes/outboxes essentially map to slots/signals in pyqt
[18:50] < MS-> http://code.google.com/p/kamaelia/source/browse/trunk/Code/Python/Kamaelia/Kamaelia/Apps/Compose/GUI shows how tkinter works
[18:51] < MS-> again in that callbacks generally fire off a message out an outbox, and messages from inboxes fire off an update of the gui in some way
[18:51] < MS-> The upshot really is the GUI code for tkinter (and by the looks of things for PyQT) generally ends up focussing solely on doing UI stuff
[18:51] < aa_> right
[18:52] < aa_> now do you attempt to map entire GUI API?
[18:52] < MS-> Just the bits you think makes sense
[18:52] < aa_> well, it all makes sense
[18:52] < MS-> I'd pick the simplest thing initially then :)
[18:53] < aa_> I guess "components" here would have trouble being single widgets they would have to be bigger thnings
[18:53] < MS-> Bit Torrent integration is a nice example here of intergrating something large
[18:53] < MS-> yep
[18:53] < MS-> pygame is good for doing widgets as single components, where as for a gui I'd expect it to be more whole panels or windows
[18:53] < MS-> (for a proper gui library)
[18:53] < aa_> right
[18:54] < MS-> Bit torrent is a nice example
[18:54] < aa_> we call them "delegates" in our language
[18:54] < aa_> like a single mvc bit
[18:54] < MS-> The gsoc student who worked on integrating that took the rather novel step of replacing the entire gui as inboxes/outboxes/messages. Made his actual gsoc project really really fast
[18:55] < aa_> hmm, interesting
[18:55] < MS-> since he just picked the bit where things were decoupled and threw away the gui
[18:56] < aa_> so, it would be quite simple say to start my ui in its own process and just let it run, that is allowed right?
[18:57] < vmlemon_> Out of interest, is the Bicker Manor thing built with Python/Kamaelia?
[18:57] < MS-> As you say it's like MVC. Except you're far more explicit about it
[18:57] < MS-> Yep
[18:57] < MS-> For example, this: https://kamaelia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Sketches/MPS/MVC/wxMVC-kamaelia.py is an attempt at doing MVC using wxWidgets.
[18:57] < MS-> I didn't take that further because wxWidgets apparently is very odd with it's threading (it does stuff behind your back that causes problems).
[18:58] < MS-> The backend transcode system is, and some other bits are.
[18:58] < vmlemon_> Cool
[18:58] < aa_> MS-: last url needs some auth
[19:00] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[19:05] *** vmlemon_ wonders if there's a way to use Kamaelia with AppleScript/OSA or Windows Scripting Host...
[19:12] < MS-> However it's primarily a web app, and web apps don't need that structure really
[19:12] < MS-> oh, of course - you want this
[19:12] < MS-> http://kamaelia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Sketches/MPS/MVC/wxMVC-kamaelia.py
[19:12] < MS-> ok, biab
[19:33] *** ms-- has joined #kamaelia
[19:34] < ms--> kamlogbot: dance
[19:34] Reply: does the macarena
[19:34] < vmlemon_> How handy, the company hosting the Xen server I have an account on doesn't provide any info on their connectivity, and their website is almost entirely in Dutch
[19:58] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[20:43] < ms--> night all
[20:43] *** ms-- has parted #kamaelia