[04:58] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[10:09] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:09] < Lawouach_> afternoon
[11:50] < vmlemon_> Hi
[12:17] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
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[13:25] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[13:25] < MS-> Afternoon
[13:25] < Davbo> Hey MS-
[13:32] < Davbo> You going to the mentor summit this year MS-?
[13:32] < MS-> Nope
[13:33] < MS-> Timing isn't doable
[13:33] < MS-> Aside from other issues
[13:33] < Davbo> What about you Lawouach_?
[13:44] < Davbo> it'd be a shame if neither of you can make it really
[13:50] < MS-> I've not been able to make it the previous 2 years either fwiw
[13:51] < MS-> (neither has matt either fwiw)
[13:51] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
[14:00] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[14:12] < Lawouach_> It doesn't look good for this year for many reasons
[14:13] < Lawouach_> I wish I could go but might be next year
[14:21] < Davbo> Shame :-(
[15:06] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[15:10] < Davbo> Woo! Dropbox out on linux (in beta)
[15:11] < Davbo> I've got some invites to it if anyone is interested, it's 2GB online backup. That integrates really well with the desktop, ie. put stuff in this folder and it automatically syncs online (even tracks revisions)
[15:11] < MS-> Dropbox ?
[15:12] < Davbo> https://www.getdropbox.com/tour#1
[15:12] < MS-> Why is it that people thing "http://www.getdropbox.com/" is a sensible website
[15:13] < MS-> Oh, it's just rsync then?
[15:13] < Davbo> Yeah, it's annoying
[15:13] < Davbo> Yeah MS-
[15:13] < MS-> Or is it more like svn
[15:13] < MS-> ?
[15:13] < Davbo> it's a nice freebie though
[15:13] < Davbo> it's like SVN
[15:13] < MS-> Can you rollback versions?
[15:13] < Davbo> Yeah
[15:14] < MS-> "Dropbox only transfers the piece of the file that changed"
[15:14] < MS-> So it's more like rsync + svn (perhaps)
[15:14] < Davbo> Somewhere inbetween yeah
[15:14] < Davbo> Sent you an invite so you can play about with it
[15:15] < MS-> ta
[15:15] < MS-> Looks like it's just a combination of the fileprocessor code I wrote along with either rsync or svn though
[15:15] < MS-> That's not a bad thing
[15:16] < Davbo> Yeah, it's really cool. Me and some friends have a shared folder, so if we want to transfer between 6 of us it's really easy
[15:16] < Davbo> back in a bit
[15:17] *** Davbo is now known as Dav-afk
[15:22] < MS-> Lawouach_: So you're definitely not going either?
[15:22] < MS-> If that's the case I'll update the wiki to free up our spaces
[15:22] < Lawouach> Well it's just too much hassle me think
[15:22] < Lawouach> I'd rather go next year for a longer period really
[15:23] < Lawouach> I think instead I'll go to the UK for a week in October
[15:23] < Lawouach> Need to visit some friends
[15:25] < Lawouach> I'll let you know when I'm going to the UK BTW, in case we can get to have a pint in London :)
[15:29] < MS-> Cool.
[15:30] < MS-> There's a chance that I'll be in London for this BTW:
[15:30] < MS-> http://www.linuxexpolive.co.uk/Home.html
[15:30] < MS-> Which is thur/fri/sat 23-25th
[15:30] < MS-> Oct
[15:30] < MS-> I've had an invite to come talk at that
[15:31] < MS-> talking == best excuse for moving round the country :)
[15:32] < Lawouach> :)
[15:32] < Lawouach> well that was the period I was looking at
[15:32] < Lawouach> But I have many people to see and one single week so I'll have to play it sound :)
[15:34] < Dav-afk> I've got a friend at Imperial college who i'm supposed to be visiting sometime also
[15:34] < Lawouach> life is crazy like that, isn't it?
[15:35] < Dav-afk> Will hopefully be able to meet up with you guys also :-)
[15:35] < Lawouach> :)
[15:35] < Lawouach> That'd be terrific an to be honest I'd rather see people whom I've worked with for a while than complete strangers in such a distant location.
[15:36] < Lawouach> Besides British beer just kicks ass to it's American cousin
[15:36] < MS-> heh
[15:37] < MS-> Nice to hear that synchronicity may be playing in our favour for once :)
[15:37] < MS-> If it doesn't it doesn't. If it does it does :)
[15:37] *** Dav-afk is now known as Davbo
[15:37] < Lawouach> yeah
[15:47] < Lawouach> Davbo: thanks for the invite. I'll look at it asap
[15:48] < Davbo> no problem, it's a cool little thing from some guys out of MIT iirc
[15:48] < Davbo> integrates perfectly with Nautilus
[16:11] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[16:14] < vmlemon_> Hi
[16:18] < MS-> hi
[16:18] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
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[18:59] *** MS- yawns
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