[07:50] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
[08:04] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[10:03] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[10:03] < MS-> afternoon
[10:08] < MS-> Looks like sourceforge shell services are down
[10:08] < MS-> :-(
[10:18] < Chong-> that's bad. Will they disable it permanently or just temporarily?
[10:18] < MS-> That's unclear
[10:18] < MS-> I'm trying to figure that out
[10:21] < Chong-> Hope it is only temporary
[10:22] < Chong-> MS-: Just out of curiosity, what do you usually do with the shell services?
[10:22] < MS-> Update the website
[10:23] < Chong-> I see.
[10:25] < Chong-> MS-: How was pycon? I have seen your slides, they are pretty cool.
[10:25] < MS-> Cheers - the conference was good
[10:25] < MS-> Worth going to :)
[10:26] < MS-> I'm still rather tired form it though
[10:26] < Chong-> cool. Hope to go some time in the future :-)
[10:27] < MS-> The Pycon UK team is hosting europython next year
[10:27] < MS-> (same place/etc)
[10:27] < MS-> Which is end of June, start of July
[10:27] < Chong-> MS-: I can understand. Two talks are really energy consuming
[10:28] < MS-> Well, it's more the complete rewrite that was knackering
[10:28] < MS-> I completely rewrote them after discussions on friday, before the talk on sunday
[10:28] < MS-> which meant very little sleep
[10:28] < Chong-> That's interesting. If so, there will be more people there next year
[10:28] < MS-> It sounds like it was well worth doing though
[10:29] < Chong-> MS-: yeap. the slides are well orgnized, and also interesting too.
[10:29] < MS-> Much appreciated
[10:30] < Chong-> :-)
[10:35] < Chong-> MS-: one question, I have not found the code for the vesion control implementation of transactional memory.
[10:35] < Chong-> Could you give me a pointer?
[10:35] < MS-> ?
[10:35] < MS-> It's on /trunk
[10:36] < MS-> /trunk/Code/Python/Axon/Axon/STM.py
[10:36] < MS-> Also here http://edit.kamaelia.org/STM
[10:36] < Chong-> I see. Thanks. :-)
[10:36] < MS-> There's examples in the release as well
[10:37] < Chong-> cool :-)
[10:37] < MS-> https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk/Code/Python/Axon/Axon/STM.py
[10:37] < MS-> https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk/Code/Python/Axon/Examples/STM/
[10:37] < MS-> Thread based dining philosophers: https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk/Code/Python/Axon/Examples/STM/Philosophers.py
[10:37] < MS-> Axon based https://kamaelia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kamaelia/trunk/Code/Python/Axon/Examples/STM/Axon.Philosophers.py
[10:37] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[10:38] < Chong-> cool. The idea is very interesting, is much better than lock
[10:56] < vmlemon_> Yay, robots and cats
[10:56] < MS-> Chong-: Yep. Internally it uses locking - as you'd expect - but the user doesn't and doesn't have to worry about it
[10:57] < vmlemon_> Interesting presentations by the way, MS-
[10:58] < MS-> vmlemon_: Cheers :)
[10:58] < MS-> I think the effort put into using little robots really made a difference
[11:08] < vmlemon_> The robots star in both?
[11:09] < vmlemon_> (I've only seen one presentation)
[11:40] < MS-> Yep, robots in both
[12:11] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[12:11] *** j_baker has joined #kamaelia
[12:45] < Davbo> Afternoon all
[12:45] < j_baker> Hello
[12:46] < Davbo> Hows things j_baker?
[12:46] < j_baker> Not too bad.
[12:46] < Davbo> Good good
[12:46] < j_baker> School kinda sucks, but that's cuz of the classes I'm taking.
[12:47] < Davbo> Ah, what you taking?
[12:47] < j_baker> The main ones I'm not excited about are physics and linear algebra
[12:47] < j_baker> The only CS class I'm taking is Data Structures which is somewhat interesting.
[12:47] < Davbo> This your first year with Physics? or were you doing it last year also?
[12:48] < j_baker> This is my first year.
[12:48] < Davbo> I did it at A-Level, it was really interesting soon as we got some choice on what area we wanted to study
[12:49] < j_baker> You got to choose what area of physics to study? If only they gave us that ability. :(
[12:51] < j_baker> What classes are you taking?
[12:52] < Davbo> Going into my second year Computer Science, I've got no choices on what to do... so, all of these http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/intranet/teaching/modules/level2/
[12:55] < j_baker> You guys get to take cool classes your second year.
[12:55] < j_baker> Here's what my course table looks like: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/catalog/01_curriculum/ENGR_CompSc.gif
[12:56] < Davbo> Wow, not much CS until 3rd year
[12:57] < j_baker> Yup. :(
[12:57] < j_baker> At my school, CS is considered an engineering field.
[12:58] < Davbo> Ah, ours is in both Science and Engi faculties
[12:59] < Davbo> Ouch, you can't get away from Calculus in your course can you?
[13:00] < j_baker> Nope. I'm already finished with Calculus though. :)
[13:00] < Davbo> Ah good
[13:03] < j_baker> It's fortunate because that really helps with physics too (at least the class I'm taking).
[13:07] *** Davbo hopes he never has to do "integration by parts" again
[13:08] < j_baker> Indeed.
[13:11] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:33] < vmlemon_> Hi
[13:33] < j_baker> Hello
[13:45] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:47] < vmlemon_> kamlogbot: dance
[13:47] Reply: does the macarena
[14:27] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[14:53] < Lawouach> evening
[14:57] < Davbo> Hey Lawouach, I'm all sorted with WebFaction now :-)
[14:58] < Lawouach> cool
[14:58] < Lawouach> how?
[14:58] < Davbo> They changed me from PayPal to something else
[14:58] < Davbo> 2checkout? something like that
[14:59] < Lawouach> yeap
[14:59] < Lawouach> enjoy :)
[14:59] < Davbo> trac should be useful for Uni work i think
[14:59] < Lawouach> :)
[15:00] < vmlemon_> You get the supersize/2 for the price of one thing?
[15:00] < Davbo> Yeah
[15:00] < vmlemon_> Cool
[15:04] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
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[15:13] < Davbo> How do you debug an error which occurs one line after the end of your file? :-/
[15:14] < Davbo> it's a 10 line file and I get a traceback to line 11
[15:30] *** Davbo grumbles
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[16:29] *** Pythonaro is now known as GiacomoL
[16:37] *** GiacomoL has parted #kamaelia
[18:29] < vmlemon_> Hah, http://blog.mezzocode.com/Idiotsyncrasy-News/Microsoft-Windows-Visa-Released
[18:34] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia