[07:04] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[07:04] < MS-> morning
[07:27] *** MS- is in the BoF point
[07:27] *** MS- has a whole hour!
[07:27] < MS-> (before presentation tme)
[07:46] < aa_> MS-: as soon as I get my arse out of bed, I will be in the BoF place all day
[07:48] < MS-> My presentation starts in about 50 minutes :)
[07:48] < MS-> and I'm all ready to go
[07:49] < MS-> But happy to chat later too - I'll aim to be around the BoF point (or the O'Reilly stall trying to resist buying books :) )
[15:00] < Lawouach> heya
[16:35] *** Lawouach has joined #kamaelia