[06:52] *** MS- has joined #kamaelia
[06:52] < MS-> morning
[06:52] *** MS- has decided to completely rewrite his presentation
[11:05] *** [1]Lawouach has joined #kamaelia
[11:05] < [1]Lawouach> afternoon
[11:05] *** [1]Lawouach is now known as Lawouach_
[11:05] < MS-> heya
[11:05] < Lawouach_> how are things?
[11:06] < MS-> OK - I've realised that I need to rewrite my presentation, so that's what I'm doing, but the upside is I know precisely what sort of approach I'm taking :)
[11:06] < MS-> otherwise good though - yourself?
[11:07] < Lawouach_> :)
[11:07] < Lawouach_> I took the train down to the coast at my parents house for the weekend
[11:07] < Lawouach_> Should be rather quiet :)
[11:07] < MS-> Cool
[11:07] < Lawouach_> yeah
[11:07] < Lawouach_> some coding to do
[11:08] < MS-> Cool
[11:08] < MS-> Basically, yesterday someone asked "how do I debug concurrent systems then? and chatted with them
[11:09] < MS-> Turned out they were using locking and threads and had found a bug's core problem (and solved it) more by luck than by design
[11:09] < Lawouach_> :)
[11:09] < MS-> Which reminded me of the real problems other people tend to have with concurrency (stuff I've not had to worry about now for some time :) )
[11:10] < Lawouach_> BTW I will reply to your aha moment thread
[11:10] < MS-> Cool - much appreciated
[11:16] < Lawouach_> so when is your presentation taking place?
[11:16] < MS-> Tomorrow, just before lunch
[11:17] < Lawouach_> k
[11:17] < MS-> Basically, one of the hidden assumptions in my talks has been "so what *is* the problem with concurrency, and why is our approach more sensible (for many classes of problems) than using threads, locks, mutexes & semaphores (for example)
[11:18] < MS-> So I've put that in rather explicitly, and I'm using a pygame example - moving sprites round the screen - as a concrete counter example
[11:18] < MS-> (after having mentioned a whole slew of real systems built over the past year)
[11:19] < MS-> The idea being in this case to pull out the more explicit 1:1 nature of problem, representation & code
[11:19] < MS-> (at least in the beginner/intro talk)
[11:19] < MS-> Has to talk to both novices "you do it like this" and experienced devs "this is why we do it"
[11:20] < MS-> Going much quicker now that I have an angle :)
[11:21] < MS-> Also I'm doing two talks - one intro & one on services (the CAT) and STM
[11:21] < MS-> The former focusses on "shared data is bad m'kay"
[11:21] < MS-> The latter says "OK, sometimes you have to, this is how"
[11:21] *** Uraeus has joined #kamaelia
[11:26] < Lawouach_> sounds cool
[11:26] < Lawouach_> you'll put it online?
[11:26] < MS-> I will
[11:28] < Lawouach_> great
[11:31] < MS-> I've even got Knuth quotes :)
[11:31] < Lawouach_> :)
[11:31] < Lawouach_> classy
[11:32] < MS-> 3 - 1 saying "I don't use multicore or concurrency, none of my code finds it useful"
[11:32] < MS-> second says "Multicore stuff for my kind of work will never be useful - there's no silver bullet"
[11:32] < MS-> third one saying "I quite like pipelines - they work for me, threads don't"
[11:32] < MS-> Which is neat :)
[11:33] < Lawouach_> :)
[13:50] *** Davbo has joined #kamaelia
[13:50] < MS-> heya
[13:50] < MS-> Davbo: I realised a better way to do my presentation so have been working on a rewrite today
[13:51] < MS-> Hence not been at the conf during the day
[13:51] < MS-> will be along later (hopefully)
[13:51] < Davbo> ah cool
[13:51] < Davbo> i'm in the pyqt one right now :)
[13:51] < MS-> Sorry to be brief yesterday btw - bag stuff 250 bags takes effort :)
[13:51] < MS-> Cool
[13:52] < MS-> (comments in the logs regarding the rewrite if curious)
[13:53] < Davbo> oh no problem i had to rush back to the django talk too
[13:53] < MS-> :)
[13:54] < MS-> I'm hoping to make it to the dinner, but getting the presentations right/sorted takes precedence for me
[13:54] < Davbo> the reg ex mugs are awesome
[13:54] < MS-> :)
[13:58] < Davbo> talked with alot of people about kamaelia
[13:58] < MS-> Cool
[13:58] < MS-> What sort of response/impression/reaction did you get OOI?
[14:00] < Davbo> oh all positive
[14:00] < MS-> Cool
[14:06] < Davbo> i solved one of googles puzzles and won a t-shirt too :D
[14:06] < Davbo> i was hoping for a job offer if i solved it
[14:06] < MS-> heh - cool
[14:24] *** MS- currently drawing little robots
[14:26] < MS-> and swearing at open office
[14:26] < Davbo> sounds like fun
[14:27] < MS-> The former is :)
[14:29] < Davbo> pyqt over
[14:29] < Davbo> it looks pretty easy
[14:29] < MS-> Yep
[14:29] < MS-> Also looks pretty
[14:29] < Davbo> trying to sell his book now
[14:29] < MS-> heh
[14:30] < MS-> sad
[14:30] < MS-> Ooh, is the O'Reilly stall there?
[14:30] < MS-> (haven't been in at all today)
[14:30] < Davbo> yeh
[14:30] < MS-> cool
[14:30] < Davbo> i got python cookbook
[14:30] *** MS- nods
[14:31] < Davbo> just for a reference book
[14:33] < Davbo> okay cya later MS- perhaps
[14:33] < MS-> indeed :)
[15:31] < MS-> now have "this is a way to build a protocol handler" - using the same sort of structure as the greylister
[15:46] < aa_> hi guys
[15:46] < MS-> heya
[15:47] < aa_> still haven't bumped into either of you :P
[15:47] < aa_> but will be at the kamaelia talks tomorrow
[15:47] < MS-> aa_: Sorry I haven't met up yet - I've not been at the conference centre today - since i've been completely rewriting my talk
[15:47] < MS-> I had a spark of inspiration :)
[15:50] < MS-> Been a pain though :/
[15:50] < MS-> Missed lots of talks I really wanted to go to
[15:50] < MS-> But I think it'll be worth it
[15:54] < aa_> cool, can't wait
[15:54] < aa_> MS-: you'll be the third famous person I meet!
[15:54] < MS-> famous? :)
[15:55] < MS-> "A marvel in his own mind" ;)
[15:55] *** aa_ chuckles
[15:55] < aa_> right well, skiving the keynotes and the dinner and everything. So I better hack some code up
[15:55] < aa_> enjoy...
[15:56] < MS-> you too :)
[16:42] *** Lawouach_ has joined #kamaelia
[17:14] *** MS- gets munch
[17:14] < MS-> biab