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[05:31] < Lawouach_> hi everyone
[07:11] *** Chong- has joined #kamaelia
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[09:39] *** vmlemon__ is now known as vmlemon_
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[11:17] < Davbo> ping orphans
[11:17] < orphans> pong
[11:17] < orphans> hey Davbo
[11:18] < Davbo> Hey
[11:19] < Davbo> Just thinking we should tag our stuff with gsoc08 before we carry one
[11:19] < Davbo> s/on/one
[11:19] < orphans> yeah, I wasn't really sure what we were supposed to be doing for that
[11:19] < Davbo> looking at branches in there now some are marked with _mashed. I think we should just go with that
[11:20] < Davbo> so svn cp private_JT_JamDev private_JT_JamDev_GSOC08
[11:20] < orphans> so make a new branch (i.e. private_JT_Jam_gsoc08
[11:20] < Davbo> or something like that
[11:20] < orphans> :)
[11:20] < Davbo> yeah
[11:20] < orphans> and then svn cp from the branch
[11:22] < Davbo> I was just going to svn copy my branch as it is now
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[11:24] < orphans> oh, yeah, I suppose you don't need to do anything fancy really :)
[11:24] < orphans> ok, sounds like a plan
[11:24] *** orphans is going to have a week or so off after I've sorted this stuff out - holiday time :)
[11:25] < Davbo> Good good
[11:25] < Davbo> I'm gonna finish up reviewing Jason's stuff and then Prague next week :D
[11:25] < orphans> nice :)
[11:27] *** Davbo won £50 on Premium Bonds today too
[11:28] < vmlemon_> That's some sort of Lottery thing?
[11:29] < Davbo> Yeah sorta
[11:43] < Lawouach_> 'lo
[11:55] < Davbo> hey Lawouach_
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[13:13] < j_baker> Hey Davbo - Did you get the review of my code done?
[13:14] < Davbo> I've been looking through the Publish stuff today
[13:14] < Davbo> I was writing some stuff to your wiki about the wsgi and html stuff then firefox decided to crash
[13:14] < Davbo> haven't bothered to write it back up yet
[13:14] < Davbo> had a lot of stuff on unfortunately
[13:15] < j_baker> Yeah, I hate that. I noticed that the wiki doesn't seem to do too well if you put brackets on the page.
[13:16] < Davbo> that might have been it, I was pasting something in from your code then it died
[13:17] < j_baker> So at my new job, I have to use a windows computer, but they don't give me access to install firefox. :(
[13:18] < Davbo> http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable
[13:18] < Davbo> :D
[13:26] *** vmlemon_ has joined #kamaelia
[13:56] < orphans> Lawouach, meeting at 7pm UK tonight?
[14:04] < Lawouach_> yeap
[14:04] < orphans> cool cool :)
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[16:46] < orphans> Lawouach, ping?
[17:22] < Lawouach> pong
[17:22] < Lawouach> damn I missed it again
[17:23] < Lawouach> I apologize orphans
[17:23] < Lawouach> I even apologise.
[17:25] < orphans> np - was just bumming round on the net anyway :)
[17:25] < Lawouach> mind you I was filling the surveys :)
[17:25] < Lawouach> Yours ;)
[17:26] < orphans> ah, cheers - suppose I should do that at some point
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[17:27] < orphans> are you busy now, or do you want to have the meeting anyways?
[17:27] < Lawouach> no I'm cool now
[17:28] < Lawouach> so your project is finally over :)
[17:28] < orphans> yup, it's gone quickly :)
[17:28] < vmlemon_> Hmm, it plays music as it should, now?
[17:29] < orphans> vmlemon_, theoretically :)
[17:30] < vmlemon_> You could add one of these badges to your 'SoC project blog: http://matt.ucc.asn.au/memtest/works-omm.png ;)
[17:30] < vmlemon_> (Since it seems to work best for you, for some reason) ;)
[17:30] < orphans> heh, that's genius
[17:31] < Lawouach> vmlemon, :D
[17:31] < Lawouach> orphans,what have you done the past week then?
[17:31] < orphans> ok, so this last week has just been documenting and packaging really, with the odd bit of tidying up
[17:32] < orphans> I made a windows installer too which was quite fun - never done that before
[17:33] < orphans> oh, and I did the code review of Chong's code which took a day or so - was also interesting to see what he'd produced at the end of it all
[17:34] < Lawouach> I saw that yeah
[17:34] < Lawouach> I thank you all for doing that bTW
[17:36] < orphans> it's definitely useful - I thought it was interesting how j_baker saw the places where jam could be subdivided really quickly
[17:36] < orphans> which was something I sort of had in the back of my mind, but didn't really see as much of a problem until looking back at it
[17:37] < Lawouach> Yeah. I never made too much specific comments during the project along those lines because it wasn't as important as getting the whole project prototyped.
[17:38] < Lawouach> Spending too much times on details is never good at that stage.
[17:38] < orphans> yeah, absolutely, it wasn't the right time to look closely at that because it was simple and it worked
[17:39] < orphans> (simple as in simple to do rather than to read :))
[17:42] < Lawouach> I think there isn't much to say at this stage regarding the code. I guess you'll be taking some time off next week?
[17:42] < orphans> yeah, planning on having a week or so doing not much. I'm moving again soon too which'll be suitably horrendous :)
[17:43] < Lawouach> which year are you starting this year at Uni?
[17:44] < orphans> I'm doing a masters
[17:44] < Lawouach> uh uh
[17:44] *** orphans dodges work :)
[17:45] < orphans> just got confirmation of funding through too, which is awesome
[17:45] < Lawouach> :)
[17:45] < Lawouach> what course?
[17:46] < orphans> creative technologies
[17:46] < orphans> http://www.ioct.dmu.ac.uk/masters.html
[17:47] < orphans> managed to escape physics :)
[17:47] < Lawouach> Hmm you had talked about it already, hadn't you?
[17:47] < orphans> yeah, probably - seem to have been applying and sorting it out forever
[17:54] < orphans> Lawouach, is there anything else which I need to get done over this next week or so (other than the survey)
[17:56] < Lawouach> Not from my perspective
[17:56] < Lawouach> Let the project rest a bit if you want and you'll be more than welcome to continue :)
[17:56] < Lawouach> well if you want ;)
[17:57] < Lawouach> This goes for everyone, we hope that you guys will hang around. Whether or not you carry on with your respective projects.
[17:58] < orphans> cool cool :)
[17:58] < orphans> right, in that case I think I'm off to lie on a sofa watching daytime TV for a day or two :D
[17:59] < orphans> maybe even have a glass of wine
[18:00] < orphans> thanks a lot for the help all the way through Lawouach, I couldn't have asked for a better mentor :)
[18:00] < Lawouach> ah well you were a fine student ;)
[18:00] < orphans> heh, ta
[18:01] *** orphans goes to collapse on said sofa
[18:01] < orphans> night all
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